Do you have a snake at home?

Do I have snakes? Yes. Are they pets? No.


Went out to BBQ last night. Noticed one had shed it's skin on the top of the frame of my patio door during the day. Living on the edge of the woods is always interesting.

Interesting. I've never seen wild snakes appear such close proximity to living quarters.
What kind of accidents can happen during feeding? I hate long sleeve shirts, I usually wear T-shirts.

I feed my ball python frozen rats - defrost them in the sink, warm them up in water, towel off and feed to snake, dangling by tail from a pair of pliers.
Only incident I had (one time) was not noticing her ready to strike body language as I was lifting the roof off the terrarium. Started to lower in the rat, guess it was a bit quicker than normal. She struck where she figured the rat was going to be. Unfortunately, she missed, and grabbed the side of my thumb. Realized her mistake immediately, and let go, slithering away into her "rock" home as fast as she could. Had some tiny, bleeding teeth marks in a horseshoe shape, but that's it. Their teeth are very small, but sharp - intended to grab ahold whilst they wrap their body around for constriction.
I feed my ball python frozen rats - defrost them in the sink, warm them up in water, towel off and feed to snake, dangling by tail from a pair of pliers.

I do the same. Never had any problems.
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