Do you buy used or new? Why?

On baby bikes there is not much difference in new and used. I saved 8K on my Kawy lol.

To trade my 2 year old bike with full warranty, they offered me less than the cost of what I paid for my entire next bike! Thus, I sold it privately.

My first love:

Minime ! :D

Not too shabby for an 80$ motorcycle including the helmet and a 18$ knobby tire upgrade eh!
lol & the pant legs really were too long when I first started riding it.
Late 1960's yep, you have the right era.

... many tears were shed learning how to keep it running.
Always bought used, once bought a neglected BMW R1200C- Cruiser from the boonies, then polished her up, rode her for a year sold for a $1000 profit.

I would love to buy a new bike but can't bring myself to paying soooo much + HST, Admin fee, Freight etc. when there are so many nice ones out there a year or more older for 1/3 the price. Here I buy a used and pay soooo much less taxes as well.
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