There isn't an amount of money you could pay me to stand in front of anyone and say that with a straight face...
I know it isn't what you want to hear, but this is an argument that I would consider to actually hurt your case if it was brought up rather than help it.
As Rob has already suggested, all facial tissues are kleenex. all moving stairs are escalators, all bottles that keep your food/drinks warm is a Thermos.
In the end though, its your choice, maybe the JP would appreciate the laugh, but everything I have read in this thread is completely garbage. Who cares if its not a blackberry, who cares if you have the handsfree ****. If they ask you straight up whether you were using a handheld device at the time, unless you can say no ( which from the looks of this thread you can't without lying ) you are dead in the water and just wasting your time.
I know it isn't what you want to hear, but this is an argument that I would consider to actually hurt your case if it was brought up rather than help it.
As Rob has already suggested, all facial tissues are kleenex. all moving stairs are escalators, all bottles that keep your food/drinks warm is a Thermos.
In the end though, its your choice, maybe the JP would appreciate the laugh, but everything I have read in this thread is completely garbage. Who cares if its not a blackberry, who cares if you have the handsfree ****. If they ask you straight up whether you were using a handheld device at the time, unless you can say no ( which from the looks of this thread you can't without lying ) you are dead in the water and just wasting your time.