"Divorcing wife. Thanks iPhone 4s and Find My Friends"


The Pendulum has ever/will ever favour the male half of the species?

I can't count the number of friends financially ruined by a money grubbing lazy assed s%$t who went on to pilfer more $ from the next trusting guy bedazzled by looks and "sack skills". GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!

My wife used to enforce divorce orders. an office full of women with grudges who celebrated every time they managed to take some guys property for failing to pay spousal he could no longer afford after a downturn in their wages.

Deadbeat Dads are one thing, and deserve what they get but, who goes after succubus gold-digging Moms, especially the ones who view babies simply as legal leverage?!!! Gah! This subject drives me nuts!!!!!

You and me both. It's disgusting. How about the "mother" who won't take any responsibility for the breakdown of a marriage, and takes it out on the kids. The father is already giving everything he possibly can and is in financial ruin because of it. She has taken it all. But now she wants more in the form of something called "hostile aggressive parenting". Google it and you will be disgusted that someone could do this to their child.....all because they can't deal with their own emotions.
... "hostile aggressive parenting" ...

Wow ... it has a name ... so given the stats I just read, how is it that the courts are still so heavily weighted to favour the female parent and we (media?) still think of "Mom" as nurturing (sure wasn't the case in my "normal" 2 parent childhood)?

My "friend" has considered divorce as a final solution but feels he cannot proceed for

- fear of losing/limiting access to his children
- HAP (now that I have a name for it)
- negatively impacting the lifestyle of the children

He would be more than willing to sacrifice anything personally to remove the constant negative influence of the embittered spouse from the children he loves but fears the court system because he's seen that the only beneficiaries are the lawyers and wife (and then only if he backs down on most issues, thereby limiting the lawyer's cut).

Justice? Where? None that I can see, pretty much a given, unless the wife has a criminal record and history as an abuser (not in this case), the male parent WILL LOSE!!!! Simply wrong :(
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