Disrepectful Trackday Riders- Don't Bother Coming Anymore! | Page 4 | GTAMotorcycle.com

Disrepectful Trackday Riders- Don't Bother Coming Anymore!

You think that's bad? Somebody wheelied in the pits at Shannonville yesterday, lost the bike, wiped out a mint RD 350 and AFAIK also hit a van or truck. I didn't see it with my own eyes but those that did were pretty excited about it. :/

Lol, I was at shannonville 2 years ago and some guy was doing burn out i guess to brake in a new set of tires and lost control, bike went flying and cracked his frame where the frame slider connects. I think it was a kawi
ok thats it, this is why i must have a track bike if i want to go to the track. I cant believe organizers allow these idiots.

Why must you have a track bike? Because it's too hard to change out the coolant? I'm confused.

The best crashes are the arseholes that crash in the pits doing stupid stuff. NO track for you!
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Why must you have a track bike? Because it's too hard to change out the coolant? I'm confused.

The best crashes are the arseholes that crash in the pits doing stupid stuff. NO track for you!

I first thought that's what he was trying to say, but I think he means for the reason that someone does go down and spills coolant in front of him causing him to go down....he doesn't ruin his shinny street bike.
So I guess I have to look out for idiot riders at the track as well as on the street.. Lol.
I first thought that's what he was trying to say, but I think he means for the reason that someone does go down and spills coolant in front of him causing him to go down....he doesn't ruin his shinny street bike.

I converted my street bike to track, for that reason if a crash I wont ruin my street plastic. and I run water wetter and distilled water in my street bike during the summer just incase i do want to go to the track.
This clown sounds like he deserves an award. People like that have no right being on the track with others. Full fairings means no coolant spill? Is he really that retarded?
This clown sounds like he deserves an award. People like that have no right being on the track with others. Full fairings means no coolant spill? Is he really that retarded?

If you saw him, the sole reason marshals had to go back out on the track at TMP 4 weekends ago, that rhetorical question would not even be required. :rolleyes:

Something tells me it was coolant in the bike still that day, too....
By the sounds of it he wanted to go out and do parade laps in the rain
Yep. Poor marshals got soaked. A few more followed until an r1 crashed coming into the front straight.
One day, I will write a book. It will be huge.
For every problem, there are 10 other awesome people.

Oh come on, give us some standouts
Yep. Poor marshals got soaked. A few more followed until an r1 crashed coming into the front straight.

So no one should ride if it rains? I don't get it. I choose not to ride when it rains because I don't have proper tires. I'm planning on mounting a set of rain tires on my spare wheels, would the marshals or track organizers have a problem if I'm the only one that wants to go out and play in the rain?
So no one should ride if it rains? I don't get it. I choose not to ride when it rains because I don't have proper tires. I'm planning on mounting a set of rain tires on my spare wheels, would the marshals or track organizers have a problem if I'm the only one that wants to go out and play in the rain?

They shouldn't as you paid to be there and days happen rain or shine
So no one should ride if it rains? I don't get it. I choose not to ride when it rains because I don't have proper tires. I'm planning on mounting a set of rain tires on my spare wheels, would the marshals or track organizers have a problem if I'm the only one that wants to go out and play in the rain?

Going out and ripping on rains i(I've done this at a track day) is different than going out and riding around in third gear on street tires just for something to do IMO

In before people say but waaaaaaait everyone paid their money....yeah i get that, but what's the point
Going out and ripping on rains i(I've done this at a track day) is different than going out and riding around in third gear on street tires just for something to do
To a certain extent, I agree. But I can't see myself "ripping it" until I feel comfortable and that can take me a while. Riding in the rain and dragging knees is a bit of a mind ****, really. Should make for a good time.

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