Disobey Sign Ticket

There's a lot of discussion here about reducing it to a by-law infraction. That generally does not happen, the bylaw fine is significantly lower, no show on driver's record and there are no insurance consequences. The crown is aware of this, and it's not a great tool to get compliancy. The prosecutor wants HTA convictions, not ByLaw convictions; it's not parking ticket court.

Usually by-law is only offered in rare circumstances if the officer's evidence is not that strong, or the prosecutor is sympathetic to your excuse for disobeying the sign.

Having said that, it doesn't hurt to ask for an amendment to a by-law infraction. You will have to contact city hall and ask them for the specific by-law that backs the sign you disobeyed. You'll have to bring a printed copy to the prosecutor and roll the dice.

I personally have had mixed experience asking for by-law amendment, at Toronto's Old City Hall during my first attendance there was a prosecutor willing to amend it but he told me I had to bring in an online printed copy of the By-Law to the trial prosecutor; we sent it to trial where the new prosecutor & officer said No... it ended up getting stayed for 11b.

I asked a Newmarket prosecutor to amend a +26km/h speeding to a by-law infraction for the sign. The prosecutor told me it's not fair for the other people who're plea-bargaining to +10km/h; we went to trial and won.

Keep in mind that prohibited by-law turns still carry 2 demerit points : http://www.ontario.ca/laws/regulation/940339

The city sometimes does not report this to the MTO, so many people don't get demerit points on their license. The by-law infraction won't count against your driving record.

edit: It appears in Hamilton they do offer by-laws, regardless just don't put all your eggs into that one basket. Be prepared to have your bylaw offer rejected.
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Went in for my early resolution meeting today, it was reduced to municipal by-law infraction, no points, $65!!

They offered it, I didn't have to ask. I had brought in the printed by-law and ask her to confirm that what she was offering was the same by-law, she confirmed, I accepted.
Thanks to everyone that offered advice and answered questions!
Went in for my early resolution meeting today, it was reduced to municipal by-law infraction, no points, $65!!

They offered it, I didn't have to ask. I had brought in the printed by-law and ask her to confirm that what she was offering was the same by-law, she confirmed, I accepted.
Thanks to everyone that offered advice and answered questions!

Good outcome * cheers *
Went in for my early resolution meeting today, it was reduced to municipal by-law infraction, no points, $65!!

They offered it, I didn't have to ask. I had brought in the printed by-law and ask her to confirm that what she was offering was the same by-law, she confirmed, I accepted.
Thanks to everyone that offered advice and answered questions!

Kudos to you for the outcome.
A lot of those AM or PM restrictions are to keep a neighbourhood street from becoming a major artery. I got stopped twice over the years. One cop asked why and when I told him I had a service call, showing him the service sheet. The other time wasn't as lucky.
No bylaw covers stop signs and fail to stop. Those are provincial offences, and as such, fall under the HTA.

Perhaps your asking if there is a bylaw which covers the signs. The proper charge under the HTA is disobey stop sign -Fail to stop. There is also a MUCH lesser used charge of Disobey stop sign - Stop wrong place. That is generally used for jack wagons that go well beyond the painted white line into the pedestrian crosswalk, and force the pedestrians to go around the vehicle. OR if someone requires "a slight adjustment to their attitude"...lol

very old thread recovery here...what by-law in Hamilton covers stop signs and fail to stop tickets?
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