Thing is there is more to this than just cheating... Of course like what happened with Clinton the press focuses on the cheating and not the other issues. For this one, just peeling back the surface of the onion:
-The FBI found classified stuff on her laptop (that she should not have) and he is the CIA director. Both (him and her) claim the stuff had nothing to do with him.
-They take cheating serious at his level in his type of job because it could be used for blackmail to get classified information.
-She claimed in a speaking engagement that the CIA had Libyan nationals held in the Libyan Embassy prior to the attacks and this was the catalyst for the attacks! How did she know this, is it true?
-The FBI had this all figured out months ago but no one said anything until just after the election (cover up on who's orders?). Of course the Libyan embassy thing was a hot election topic and there seems to be some tie in here.
-He resigned just before he was supposed to testify about what happened in Libya, now he does not have to (unless subpoenaed). More cover-up.
There is more, this is just the surface.
And I should add, I could care less about his cheating if it was not for all the above and of course more.