油井緋色;1730340 said:Huh? I never said that, I'm simply saying it's a good idea to shove one into your helmet or car. Nothing about legalities.
And no to the salad thing, ppl dying from obesity = more job openings!
Oh really. you respond in a thread about MANDATORY cameras- specifically as shown below, and now you are like "oh didn't say anything about legalities, its just a good idea..."
What a joke
Do a little bit of thinking for once and maybe you might realize the sure full retard-ness of thinking that you are protecting yourself from the state, by having the state make a law that means you have to record what you are doing at all times.
you are comparing side view mirrors and seatbelts to mandatory surveilliance?
I don't see any harm in this. Give me a scenario where this could screw you over if you were innocent. I'm sure somebody out there is more pessimistic than I am.
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