Did Rotella T6 get thinner?


Well-known member
Not sure if i'm using proper terminology but after I parked my bike, I checked my oil level and the oil seemed thinner/lighter than usual. The oil seems more "watery" than usual. I've been using it for 3 years, and this is the first time I've noticed this.

Anyone else experience this? Am i losing my mind?
Maybe a moot point...but if the oil was really hot it'll be more fluid. When it cools it will get thicker.
Maybe a moot point...but if the oil was really hot it'll be more fluid. When it cools it will get thicker.

Well..this i know :D

I just checked my dad's bike, and his oil seems much less luid.
I did both bikes at the same time,with the same oil. Maybe my jug of oil was weird.

Doesn't hurt to change it again, I guess (got 1oookm on this oil only). Just thought I was losing my mind, but it really is more fluid. crazy ****.
I just put T6 into my car....it wasn't any more watery than the amsoil I used to put in there. Maybe you got a crappy jug? Or maybe someone peed in your jug haha.
It doesn't smell like gasoline or pee.
I never really smelled olive oil, so I'm not sure. lol. I'll check tonight.

I think it was just a crappy jug...or maybe someone at CT peed in it like Flash said.
Maybe a moot point...but if the oil was really hot it'll be more fluid. When it cools it will get thicker.

And there is the most misleading confusing thing about engine oil of all time. The fact is the numbers, lets say 10W40, means

10 viscosity at 0 degrees C
40 viscosity at 100 degrees C
and W means winter

so this means that the oil flows better at 0 degrees than at 100 degrees where the viscosity is thicker. But everyone knows that if we throw a bottle of oil in the fridge and cool it to 4 degrees it will flow oh so slowly compared to the oil coming out of the engine where it comes out faster than piss and has like no viscosity.

My rule of thumb is, if I drain the oil when hot, and 1) looks especially thin, 2) if I put some on my fingers and rub my fingers together it feels like not much of a barrier than that oil is crap. I won't use it, go to something thicker. Oil analysis results I have done on my bikes over the years back up this simple little test.
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