DID or JT chain?


Well-known member
This year I've used RK, DID and JT. DID lasted 1 race before stretching. RK lasted 2 races and JT X1R chain has survived 3 races and still going..
I'd go with an RK chain or JT

Thank you ; Mikey Moto, Blue Streak Racing, JT Sprockets, HiFlo Filters, Cycle Pro, Dyno-Jet. For your help and support.
How did you go through 3 chains this season?

I use DID chains and rarely have to adjust my tension after the initial stretch happens. I'd say I made 2 maybe 3 adjustments this season not including the first two on the new chain.

I would suggest buying these parts locally as well and personally would use the DID or RK but I wouldn't expect to have an issue with the JT.
How did you go through 3 chains this season?

I use DID chains and rarely have to adjust my tension after the initial stretch happens. I'd say I made 2 maybe 3 adjustments this season not including the first two on the new chain.

I would suggest buying these parts locally as well and personally would use the DID or RK but I wouldn't expect to have an issue with the JT.

Bad DID chain,( according to supplier their were quite a few bad ones this year) adjuster broke RK chain. JT Chain so far has held up well.
I used to use DID religiously. But their quality has seemed to been down graded.
2015 was the first year I switched to JT. Their rider support is fantastic and the overall quality is actually really good..

Thank you ; Mikey Moto, Blue Streak Racing, JT Sprockets, HiFlo Filters, Champion Cycle, Dyno-Jet. For your help and support.
I put new DID chains on both my bikes in 2014. So far about 20,000k on the one on the street bike (530) and it's only needed to be adjusted 4-5 times. The one on the track bike (520) has about 14 trackdays on it and it's barely stretched at all.

I've had similar performance using good RK chains. Haven't tried JT chains (but their steel sprockets will last as long as a chain).
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Did for chain

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I ordered a DID chain and 2 sprockets from Pete's Superbike for cheaper than Ebay

So I installed my new chain and sprockets.

This is a comparison between OEM with 50,000+km on them and new... I don't see any difference. Same for the front ones.

So I installed my new chain and sprockets.

This is a comparison between OEM with 50,000+km on them and new... I don't see any difference. Same for the front ones.

Your pics isn't too clear. Can't see the one in the bottom.

But I agree with you there aren't any visible wear compared to the original
DID for about 14 years now, never had a problem, chains stretch when new at break in, after that they last pretty long if you maintain and adjust it properly. I see a lot of problems people have are related to break in, they have a chain installed at a shop or themselfs and dont realize it will require re adjustement very shortly after being installed. Not doing that causes them to run the chain way too loose after the initial stretch. And that can ruin a new sprocket and chain real fast

Keep in mind Im just a regular guy that pays for my stuff, there is no JT or DID sponsor listed in my signature.........
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So I installed my new chain and sprockets.

This is a comparison between OEM with 50,000+km on them and new... I don't see any difference. Same for the front ones.


Your picture is at the wrong angle to show wear, you have taken the pic to highlight the wrong side of the teeth. sprocket wear normally happens only on one side of the teeth in the direction the chain pulls it.

When it gets really bad it will look like the teeth are hooked, but it doesnt have to be so visibly worn for it to be worn out. Put your new chain on your old sprocket and see how much play you have, then put the new chain on the new sprocket, it should be much tighter fit
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Your picture is at the wrong angle to show wear, you have taken the pic to highlight the wrong side of the teeth. sprocket wear normally happens only on one side of the teeth in the direction the chain pulls it.

When it gets really bad it will look like the teeth are hooked, but it doesnt have to be so visibly worn for it to be worn out. Put your new chain on your old sprocket and see how much play you have, then put the new chain on the new sprocket, it should be much tighter fit

Running my fingers between the teeth while they were together I couldn't feel any difference.

Here's another angle

PS... I went with the DID chain

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Why do EK chains never come up? I used one and it chained alright
I only use EK chains.
I used to think DID was great....until I used a top of the line EK ZZZ chain in 2009....It's all I use now on every bike I own.
No stretch......ever. Yeah it's expensive, but it's awesome.
And on streetbikes, I only buy steel sprockets. The miniscule performance advantage gained with alloy ones aren't worth the added wear or noise.
Splash, the reason your new one and old one look the same is because the old one wasn't worn-it was steel and will last many years.
520 & 525 gold DID chains I used on all my motorcycles.I forgot I have gold RK chain on one motorcycle,and of course I use Motul chain lube.
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