I just called Desjardins today and they said they won't insure an RC51 cause its an SS. What gives??
I just called Desjardins today and they said they won't insure an RC51 cause its an SS. What gives??
a 250 as an SS?! Man that's rich. :lmao:
Just got off the phone with Allstate and they won't insure a sportbike (RC51) unless I have home insurance with them as well.
Well F*ck. I don't have a bloody home to insure.
Ideas anyone? I have 3 tickets on my record, but 1 is due to come off at the end of June. I believe State Farm will insure me once I'm down to 2 tickets but I'm itching so hard with the weather getting this nice. I want insurance now!
From what I understand from talking to SF, they have not heard anything as of yet. However, they do speculate that because they do have some of the best rates for SS riders that they will continue to insure them. Only us cruiser guys get burned with SF. If they do get rid of SS coverage, then I hope to see a rate decrease, along with winning an argument with my wife, and the Leafs wiining the cup.So are there any updates on whether this will affect our bikes rates? Spefically to SS owners?