Define success

You know what's weird? Some of the most successful ppl can be the most selfish. I've also seen really rich guys who get into a rhythm & can stop making money, it becomes an addiction to them. At the cost of family & friends.

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You know what's weird? Some of the most successful ppl can be the most selfish. I've also seen really rich guys who get into a rhythm & can stop making money, it becomes an addiction to them. At the cost of family & friends.

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It's a known fact that, pound for pound, less well to do people give more money and time to charity.
I used to think that it was being able to spend without worrying.

But some of the richest people that I've ever met are the most unhappy. I'm not passing judgment on them, but I feel like the richest people I've met are so bored with being able to buy everything that they just spend on drugs to get a kick out of anything.

I'm paraphrasing largely, but a study was done and it found that after 75k, the "difference" in happiness was negligible. I'm not rich, but I personally found life more fulfilling when I was struggling.

A lot of people aren't very exciting to begin with. They lack motivation and any sort of creativity. For people like this money or no money = a ****** life.

Others however live life to the fullest whether rich or poor. This is a small minority however. For this group of people money does make things a whole lot more enjoyable and opens the doors to many things they can do.

For all those that say money doesn't buy happiness send it to me, and i'll show you how to enjoy it :)
There's truth to this. Success can be as simple as having your friends fail.
Supported by studies.

Definitely true! How many of us use the people we grew up with as benchmarks when looking at our own lives? "Well at least I didn't end like so-and-so who's still a major pothead and lives in mom's basement..."
Basements are getting a real bad rap around here. Doesn't anybody live in the pool house anymore?
Success for me.....reaching the age of 60 (8 more days :0) and selling a bike to buy another that will be more fun to wheelie than the previous one.(my sig will change next week)
Despite having lived a rich and almost full life (see signature) I was still struggling with the definition of success. Recently I narrowed it down to a favourite after an inordinately long coffee/jawing session. Not to be flippant but my definition of success is the ability to waste time without stressing about it. What's yours?:cool:

Living life happy :)
I'm a very simple guy with simple needs so if I can line up at Tim Hortons and be served in less than a min and the damn coffee lid stays open (their coffee lids are crap) then that to me is Success
Definitely true! How many of us use the people we grew up with as benchmarks when looking at our own lives? "Well at least I didn't end like so-and-so who's still a major pothead and lives in mom's basement..."

Living well is the best revenge, as they say. Pretty easy to do nowadays what with high divorce rate, clinically retarded offspring and crushing debt. High end vehicles on lease and fancy shoes are only going to mask so much anguish. All one needs to do is live sensibly and don't be a weirdo, that alone will give you mid pack status. The rest is gravy.
^This +100

I go to church where most of the people attending drive nice cars and wear nice clothes. I can almost guarantee that most of these people are living in the red. I really don't think success has anything to do with being pretentious. Having no debt and having enough money to survive at least a year without a job but still working in a decent job - that's living well.
^This +100

I go to church where most of the people attending drive nice cars and wear nice clothes. I can almost guarantee that most of these people are living in the red. I really don't think success has anything to do with being pretentious. Having no debt and having enough money to survive at least a year without a job but still working in a decent job - that's living well.

I went to a party where everybody only talked about having nice things & driving nice cars. The majority of them cannot afford it or probably have to get help from their parents

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everybody measures success differently. And whether we admit to it or not we use our friends and family as a benchmark. Do I need a better car than my brother? no, do i want a better car, yep
Do I like going to my in-laws with a tan that pisses them off in February? yep

Is running into the guy/girl that was so cool in high school but now works a lack luster job so he can cover his support payments to two ex's and hearing he lives out in rural bumsquat because thats the property he can afford , somewhat mildly rewarding and you can giggle a bit on the inside? yes it is. Not if they were cool and ok the hang with, but if they were part of the untouchables, yes it is.

Your success is getting a line under 1min at Tims, mine is walking into my kitchen and pushing the button on my Saeco automatic and not lining up ever. Theres nothing wrong with either and both are a version of individual success.
everybody measures success differently.

And it changes over time as well. Things that I thought would be benchmarks of success at 20 now seem stupid. And I'm sure 30 years from now, the things that I think are important now will seem trivial as body and mind start to deteriorate. I imagine then getting up in the morning without any aches and pains will seem like a pretty big success.
It's natural to measure yourself against others. Anytime I see a guy in a wheelchair I seem to get an extra bounce in my step. Doesn't seem quite right imho.
I was sitting in a waiting room yesterday, and this was hanging on the wall.

Success Is Not The Key To Happiness. Happiness Is The Key To Success. If you love what you are doing, You will be Successfull

theres alot of confusion as to who said it first.
Success Is Not The Key To Happiness. Happiness Is The Key To Success. If you love what you are doing, You will be Successfull

theres alot of confusion as to who said it first.

Does it matter? Is it a competition? Good quote tho, will use it on nemesis on other forums.

And it changes over time as well. Things that I thought would be benchmarks of success at 20 now seem stupid. And I'm sure 30 years from now, the things that I think are important now will seem trivial as body and mind start to deteriorate. I imagine then getting up in the morning without any aches and pains will seem like a pretty big success.

Like not knowing what you have until it's gone, one doesn't know how naive they were until much wiser. Nothing sadder than watching old men one up each other. Ugg. Let there be no confusion who said that.
Hey OP!

success is a state of being, not a condition arrived at
i am a success. i have failed and at other times i have triumphed.

the persistent pursuit of personal perfecting is a state of success.

... and Emerson was a goof IMHO having read Walden Pond

Hey OP!

success is a state of being, not a condition arrived at
i am a success. i have failed and at other times i have triumphed.

the persistent pursuit of personal perfecting is a state of success.

... and Emerson was a goof IMHO having read Walden Pond


Hey bobby! :wave: :thumbup:
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