Dec 28, 2018--- A fine day to ride...Get out there you filthy animals :)


Well-known member
I was waiting for this day since last week, and it delivered.

Rode in to work from Scarborough to Downtown, and what a ride. The high was 9c and rain had stopped a few hours earlier, the traffic on the 401 and DVP was minimum due the holidays. I rode at minimum 120 on the 401 and DVD all the way to the Bloor exit.

I could say today was the best commute in for me this year, as a few things were added to the mix:

1. Amazing temp for Dec (yes Global warming sucks, but I'll take positive side effects like this with a smile)
2. Light traffic due to the Holidays--and no construction on the DVP or 401
3. The joy that comes from jumping on the beast after an absence of a few days or weeks. In summer I do find light traffic on the Friday's before the long week-end but not as good still due to construction at some points, and then riding everyday in summer your missing that exact thrill that comes after that prolonged absence.

So if you have your animal in the garage,,,,Go for that ride today!

All the best for new years guys.... Hope 2019 is better than 2018 for you and your family.
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