De Biker Boyz Blocko 9




you couldn't go wrong for $2.
I Got A Folder Of Over 55 Pics, Is There Anything i Can Upload The Pics To And Then Share The URL For The Folder So Every One Can See All The Images , Or Do I Have To Post Them One By One On Here ...
I Got A Folder Of Over 55 Pics, Is There Anything i Can Upload The Pics To And Then Share The URL For The Folder So Every One Can See All The Images , Or Do I Have To Post Them One By One On Here ...

Were we the ones the got lost.... lmao

Anyways, I don't know what the hell happened with the unmarked Tahoe OPP that stormed in and blocking us getting out from Timmies, and someone spoke with them. What was that about?

Was this supposed to be a ride to get there together or scatter?
I guess I was in the wrong group which where we got lost and detoured around.

Just saying it was not organized, although most of us got there okay except a female rider. gws.
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there were maybe 50 bikes at keele and 401 , i wasnt even thinking going on group ride , i thought it would be just a meeting point and ppl would take off in smaller groups slowly . there wasnt a leader and everybody took off at the same time , it turned into a chaos ride more than group ride , split into 2 group (express and collector) i was on express one and bikes were all over the place ... getting in and out of group passing cars whenever they want and car drivers were freaking out too , slowing down way too much and trying to get out of the way . i decided to stick on the far back from the chaos and saw how female rider went down ... i dont think i will ever stick around again when i see something like that unorganized ....
there were maybe 50 bikes at keele and 401 , i wasnt even thinking going on group ride , i thought it would be just a meeting point and ppl would take off in smaller groups slowly . there wasnt a leader and everybody took off at the same time , it turned into a chaos ride more than group ride , split into 2 group (express and collector) i was on express one and bikes were all over the place ... getting in and out of group passing cars whenever they want and car drivers were freaking out too , slowing down way too much and trying to get out of the way . i decided to stick on the far back from the chaos and saw how female rider went down ... i dont think i will ever stick around again when i see something like that unorganized ....

Why does none of this surprise me?
I have a few, just gotta post them, maybe tonight
the depature was hecktic.. have to say the group that went south on 427 that was a fun ride an whoever was riding the cruiser you ride that ***** hard...woulda been nice if everyone from 401 & keele showed up together had a nice size group. GWS to the downed rider as well
the depature was hecktic.. have to say the group that went south on 427 that was a fun ride an whoever was riding the cruiser you ride that ***** hard...woulda been nice if everyone from 401 & keele showed up together had a nice size group. GWS to the downed rider as well

Hey guys! My girl was the one that fell on the 427, she should be ok. Fractured wrists, broken finger and lots of road rash!! She's in casts right now and going in for CT scan! Sorry we couldn't make it, she was really looking forward to it. Maybe next time!
Hey guys! My girl was the one that fell on the 427, she should be ok. Fractured wrists, broken finger and lots of road rash!! She's in casts right now and going in for CT scan! Sorry we couldn't make it, she was really looking forward to it. Maybe next time!

Good to hear that she's going to be ok.
GSXGRL – Glad to hear your friend is doing well. I think a lot of us in the Keele group can take something away from yesterday and learn from it. I wish her a speedy recovery.
I’d say the Blocko was a success. Haven’t heard anything negative. Need more shade next time. Looking forward to next year.
the depature was hecktic.. have to say the group that went south on 427 that was a fun ride an whoever was riding the cruiser you ride that ***** hard...woulda been nice if everyone from 401 & keele showed up together had a nice size group. GWS to the downed rider as well

Was a hectic departure but I don't care lol I had so much fun meeting everyone at Timmies/Yorkdale/Timmies again at Keele, tons of bikes yeah so it would have been pretty complicated to have had that organized, especially without police escorts, our escorts didn't work out too well cause of that cop haha. Buh yeah bro dude with the white Honda shadow, you killed it bro!! This guy was right there the whole time that was some crazy ish.
I had a great time at the Blocko I hope everyone did too & thanks for meeting up before that I loved the turn out ! :) . I have put pictures on Facebook, when I get to a computer I will change the privacy settings and post up my Facebook link. Anyone that came outfit the meet can add me to Facebook as well and comment/like the pics!

I really hope the girl on the ninja 250 is doing well, my boys and I as well as my girlfriend are praying for a speedy recovery!

I don't know how to make a new photo album anymore on Facebook with the new stupid stuff lol but the pics are in my mobile uploads whoever came out for the meet and the Blocko send me an add !
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