Data recovery...


Well-known member
Older laptop crapped the bed... Won't boot up and I suspect it's not worth fixing.
Can I take it somewhere to have the HD pulled and just copied onto USB stick?
There are just some files I'd like to get off it... Nothing too critical, just would like to get them.
Who does this sort if thing?
Really depends on if the HD was the reason that the machine failed. Often, it is, and if that's the case, there may not be anything recoverable.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but this is why backups are very important. ;)
Pretty easy to do yourself mate.......pull the back cover off via instructions from youtube or the likes, then go to canada computers and buy a little hdd enclosure for 20 bux and then plug it in.......boom youre done.
As has been said above. If hard drive works, doing it yourself is pretty easy. If hard drive has died, real data recovery is a couple thousand + or -.
if the HD is still operational, just plug it inside another computer as an alternate drive.....or a connection cable set or as stated an enclosure.

IF the HD is on the way out, there might be just enough life left to get the data.
Get a Phillips Screwdriver - Open from back - gently remove HD - Buy SATA/PCI to USB from Ebay and There you go.


Same thing just don’t buy anything find a friend who has similar laptop and willing to let you perform the magic and there you go.

Cost: Free.

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All good pointers... there's nothing critical. Anything that is, was/is backed up...
Just a few very recent files I'd like to get, but not the end of the world if I can't.
Certainly not interested in spending money on the problem... 'Going shopping for a new machine too i guess Lol
You get what you pay for .....enjoy your virii.
We can take your drive out and put in a case but as noted it's not hard as long as not too old an interface.
Recovery is big dollars. I see windoze finally got around to allow boot from external drives.....bit late to the party.?
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Thanks for that... I give it a try.

You can go to iFixit to figure out how to tear it down. They have most major brands and models.

If you can change the oil on your bike you can do this

You could try using the power adapter from another laptop, just to try.

Sent from the moon!
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Is the virus on PC thing still an issue? As long as you’re sensible (don’t click wildly around unknown websites and don’t open attachments to weird emails) I’m not sure it’s still a thing?
Is the virus on PC thing still an issue? As long as you’re sensible (don’t click wildly around unknown websites and don’t open attachments to weird emails) I’m not sure it’s still a thing?

It is absolutely still a thing, these days it is more making sure your PC is on top of security patches, which is will be by default unless you mess with it
It is absolutely still a thing, these days it is more making sure your PC is on top of security patches, which is will be by default unless you mess with it

Fair enough. I have a work laptop and it’s not an issue with what it’s used for daily.
How so, it's ture for most purchases other then computers.

Aside from personal opinions on what platform to use. You buy a low end PC with limited resources don't expect it to preform very well.
Fair enough. I have a work laptop and it’s not an issue with what it’s used for daily.
Most likely the company's IT department has set it up in a way which protects you, from behind the scenes. As long as your security patches are up to date, most trouble these days comes from social attacks, emails presenting themselves as fake information and having you click on link or document.
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