Cruising during State of Emergency?

PP Did I say such an order existed? Did I say the police "pulled the person over" and questioned him?

No I simply, provided the info from the media report. The person WAS involved in an accident, and as such the officer questioned why he was on the road. Has not EVERY public health official stated publicly EVERY TIME they are in the media. You should STAY home, AND practice social distancing? It IS highly possible the media report didn't provide all the details, Perhaps the person had another non relative in the vehicle and as such WAS violating the social distancing bylaw that MOST municipalities have enacted.

Point is you still HAVE to be careful if not for yourself, then for the sake of every one else. Even if not because of some law, but because it is the DECENT human thing to do. We could be like Florida, during spring break and concerned about the millions of dollars that would be lost, had kids not been allowed on the beach. NOW, they are paying a very high price for the foolishness of that.

As someone in the media said, with more insight then we normally get from "typical air head news reader." Is the potential cost of a family member life really worth having a beer with your buddy, or as some are belly aching about, not being able to go to their cottage, so as to not overwhelm the local infrastructure, (small grocery stores, hospitals, etc)

But as always we will have those self entitled, twits who think their "enjoyment" trumps all.
I wonder if one was to crash a good distance from home, if insurance will want to pay out. When you are clearly not on your way to work or a grocery store.
Huh? There's no law that you' be breaking, so why wouldn't they?
Insurance would cover any collision, (unless it is something which is excluded under your policy, IE impaired driving at the time of the collision).

There currently is NO legislation or health order, which states you can't drive. Rather it IS a suggestion form virtually EVERY leader, (Civic, Provincial, and Federal, as well as those three levels of public health), that we should ALL STAY HOME.

Now if you have recently returned from a trip, outside of Canada, then you ARE under a Quarantine Order, for a period of 14 days. If you are caught on say day 1, you could argue, (if you had all your luggage in the vehicle), that you were on your way home FROM THE AIRPORT. But, if your on say day 5, you CAN, and SHOULD be charged under the Quarantine Act. Doesn't matter if your driving, walking, riding your bike, just as long as your off your property.

There has been some discussion of having RCMP officers visit your home. CBSA has full digital records, that ANY officer can access.

As for crossing the border, your auto insurer, unless there is a rider, haven't bothered to look, that states coverage will be denied, if you travel against a government advisory. But certainly you WOULD be denied coverage under ANY travel insurance you may have, (say you bought one of the year long policies that cover you for multiple trips in one calendar year), and you crossed into the USA. If you get sick and end up in a hospital, YOU WILL be on the hook for the bill.

Not that the USA border guards are going to let you cross for say a rip along Tail of the You REQUIRE a valid reason to cross the border, (IE you live in Canada but work in the USA, going shopping is considered NON essential travel).

But, if we want all these restrictions lifted sooner, (they are talking, into Aug currently), rather than later, (Fall or perhaps even NEXT YEAR), then we ALL have to do our part and as Samuel L Jackson so eloquently put it STAY THE F*** HOME
But, if we want all these restrictions lifted sooner, (they are talking, into Aug currently), rather than later, (Fall or perhaps even NEXT YEAR), then we ALL have to do our part and as Samuel L Jackson so eloquently put it STAY THE F*** HOME
Or just keep ignoring the "Stay At Home" guidelines and go for your little "i have rights rides".But be sure to tune in now and then and look at the fatalities count.You can't see it when your gazing at the beautiful sunset,but it's there.
Before this is over,i will lose some friends because of our differences of opinion in this matter.But i'm fine with that.If one life is saved because someone stayed home.......
Insurance would cover any collision, (unless it is something which is excluded under your policy, IE impaired driving at the time of the collision).

There currently is NO legislation or health order, which states you can't drive. Rather it IS a suggestion form virtually EVERY leader, (Civic, Provincial, and Federal, as well as those three levels of public health), that we should ALL STAY HOME.

Now if you have recently returned from a trip, outside of Canada, then you ARE under a Quarantine Order, for a period of 14 days. If you are caught on say day 1, you could argue, (if you had all your luggage in the vehicle), that you were on your way home FROM THE AIRPORT. But, if your on say day 5, you CAN, and SHOULD be charged under the Quarantine Act. Doesn't matter if your driving, walking, riding your bike, just as long as your off your property.

There has been some discussion of having RCMP officers visit your home. CBSA has full digital records, that ANY officer can access.

As for crossing the border, your auto insurer, unless there is a rider, haven't bothered to look, that states coverage will be denied, if you travel against a government advisory. But certainly you WOULD be denied coverage under ANY travel insurance you may have, (say you bought one of the year long policies that cover you for multiple trips in one calendar year), and you crossed into the USA. If you get sick and end up in a hospital, YOU WILL be on the hook for the bill.

Not that the USA border guards are going to let you cross for say a rip along Tail of the You REQUIRE a valid reason to cross the border, (IE you live in Canada but work in the USA, going shopping is considered NON essential travel).

But, if we want all these restrictions lifted sooner, (they are talking, into Aug currently), rather than later, (Fall or perhaps even NEXT YEAR), then we ALL have to do our part and as Samuel L Jackson so eloquently put it STAY THE F*** HOME

Our universal medicare is reciprocal in general but doesn't cover a lot of fringe services like ambulance. If you had to be airlifted outside of Ontario you would get a big bill.
Or just keep ignoring the "Stay At Home" guidelines and go for your little "i have rights rides".But be sure to tune in now and then and look at the fatalities count.You can't see it when your gazing at the beautiful sunset,but it's there.
Before this is over,i will lose some friends because of our differences of opinion in this matter.But i'm fine with that.If one life is saved because someone stayed home.......

I agree with you but recognize that some riders can't control their wants. I fear for them if there is a outright ban and they go through the DTs
Dredging up an old thread here, but thought I'd post an update.

We've been on 2 cruises now in the last year.

First was October 2021 (1 year ago) and things were still in the restart phase. Masks strictly enforced everywhere indoors except when eating, 100% vaccinated cruisers only, and the ship was at about 50% capacity. No reports in the cruises FB group of any post-cruise covid cases.

Second cruise was last week.


Suffice to say, "Covid is over" in the eyes of the cruise lines lol. Zero masks on pretty much anyone except some of the crew and a handful of passengers. Vaccination no longer required. Ship was at 100% capacity. There was a few straggling "social distance!" signs left up aboard but that was no bueno - crammed elevators, etc etc.

Post cruise the cruise specific FB group has been laden in the last week of people posting that they have Covid.

Surprise surprise LOL.

Anyhow, we're all good here, none of the 4 of us in our group (3 shots onboard, late summer booster) got sick at all. It's almost like vaccinations work or something.
Flew across the country a few days ago. Plane wasn’t full but that’s because it was a weird time. Todays flight looks full from the check in map for seats.

A handful of masks, and WestJet appears to have forgotten to change their mask mandate as it states the Feds require it during the announcement.
Yes I have been to Cuba 5 times since Oct 2021, Just got back 2 weeks ago, going again end of Jan. Lats trip plane was full and virtually no masks. I wore mine only because I am immune compromised. But in Cuba mask stayed in room until bus ride back to the airport. Not a single issue any of the trips the resorts are still only about 50% filled. But my friends say after I left the resorts started to fill up, with Canadians. I imagine in Jan the resorts will be much fuller. In the early days, most of Varadero was shuttered, the markets were all closed, they were having less cases in all of Cuba, than we were having in Ont, despite populations being close, Ont 14 million Cuba 11 million. Of course resort staff are all vaccinated, My closest friend is prepping for her 6th shot soon but she has had covid 5 times already. I am fortunate, never had it, I had my 4th shot, (the updated one), about 2 weeks prior to going in Oct, also had my flu shot. But as I said I wear my mask most places including stores still.

But yes I realize this thread ISN'T about ship cruising it started as thread asking about pleasure riding in the early days of the pandemic.
@hedo2002 I don't understand why your friend is getting her 6th shot if she's had Covid 5 times...this is a real, honest, scientific question...not trying to be a smart *&%...
Because natural immunity effectiveness wanes over time, just like the shots.

The shot can still prevent you from the worst (long term) side effects of having covid.
Well she is comfortable with it, and given she lives in a COMMUNIST country, and working at a resort is exposed to thousands of strangers weekly, I'd tend to err on the side of caution, too...

I don't know if the shots I have gotten have help protect me, just glad to have never gotten it. I know your asking the question and being polite, out of curiosity. As I said I don't know if the shots work or don't, I just prefer to listen to doctors, (not the gov't), who have spent years, if not decades studying these
I don't know if the shots I have gotten have help protect me, just glad to have never gotten it

I think that question answers itself.

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