Cross Border Shopping

I always get waved through when its under 100, I did pay once but I spent 1200. ( all less than 24 hrs)
Another vote for being completely honest. I cross over regularly and never have had any issues. I have no issues with paying the Tax if required.

My advice to anyone shopping over there is to assume your gonna get taxed at the border and mentally add that into your prices when shopping. If you get dinged your ready for it, if not it's an added bonus.
Always declare everything. A friend of mine was caught lying once (for a fairly small amount too) and now every time he crosses the border, they tear his car apart :S

BTW, does anyone know any bike gear shops within a reasonable distance of the falls on the US side? Google hasn't been all that helpful.
Thank you
Always declare everything. A friend of mine was caught lying once (for a fairly small amount too) and now every time he crosses the border, they tear his car apart :S

BTW, does anyone know any bike gear shops within a reasonable distance of the falls on the US side? Google hasn't been all that helpful.
Thank you

Bob Weaver Motorsports has some gear. Nice clean friendly dealership, and it only about 15 minutes from Niagara Falls.

Outside of that, I don't know of any.
I ordered my gear online, and then had it shipped to CbiUSA.
What I am saying is 100% truthful. Coming back from the US, 4/5 times they never checked my passport. They asked me where I was and then waved me through. I even held out my passport and they never bothered to even take it in their hands.

My assumption is that they have a database based on your plates. One of my cousins didn't believe since she was always checked. I took her with me one trip and coming back. I held out all the passports. They guard asked me where I was and how long then waved me through. She was in shock when they didn’t even look at my passport.

You have to know that everything you do (speeding tickets, employment and other **** is stored in a central database). The minute the camera picks up your plates, your entire history is displayed on that computer screen (Thanks to Homeland security).

I cause no trouble and work for a big company. They see that on my record and don’t even bother with me.

Always declare everything. A friend of mine was caught lying once (for a fairly small amount too) and now every time he crosses the border, they tear his car apart :S

BTW, does anyone know any bike gear shops within a reasonable distance of the falls on the US side? Google hasn't been all that helpful.
Thank you
What dose this mean?

[h=3]If I buy a sweater from a U.S. outlet but it was made in China does it qualify for the NAFTA exemption?[/h] No. Clothes must be made in Canada, the U.S. or Mexico to qualify for the NAFTA exemption. If you exceed your personal limit, you will have to pay duty of 18 per cent in addition to provincial and federal sales taxes.

However, Canada does have free trade agreements with Costa Rica, Chile and Israel. Products manufacturered there may qualify.

So personal limit for a day trip is $100? = no tax
If the clothes are made in Mexico then there is no tax? - regardless of amount? or dose it consider the amount?

I think I'd spend around $200, clothes are made in Mexico, so would I pay tax on that or is it exempt (plan to declare) not a big deal either way but just want to understand this better so I can make some calculations...
I have gone over more than 20 times. I had to pay one time because i was an idiot and when he asked me if i had any alcohol in the car i hesitated and then gave him the receipt without him asking. Normally i go for the day and bring back over $3-500 for 2 people and they don't usually care. I have also been waved through without them seeing my passports.
We cross-border shop quite a bit and will stay over for two nights. That way we treat it as a mini-vacation and can legally bring back $800.00 between the two of us. After June 1st, the total will be doubled; I think we will need to make a trip later in the summer.

The trick is to plan a two-day trip for pleasure that will give you an excuse to go and stay the two days so that you can bring back the max limit. Early last June a few of us rode down to Lake George NY and then took a day ride into Vermont. We paid just $65 a night for the hotel, split between two guys per room, so our costs were very reasonable. If you are looking for a reason to spend a few days in the US, let me tell you the roads around Lake George are fantastic. However, you might want to avoid Americade week because the hotels are completely booked.

ALWAYS declare everything you bring back. If you are caught lying they have the authority to confiscate everything you have, up to and including the vehicle which is being used to bring in the goods. In addition, you will be red flagged and that could come back to bite you next time you cross the border in either direction.
for the people that rent a p.o. box & all that you find that it sort of makes them watch you more?

I'm sort of weary about telling border agents that I'm just crossing to pick up a package lol
for the people that rent a p.o. box & all that you find that it sort of makes them watch you more?

I'm sort of weary about telling border agents that I'm just crossing to pick up a package lol


I tell them right out what I'm doing.

One time they ask how long have you been gone, I replied 20 minutes, when the asked why I explained I went over to pick up a set of tires delivered to my US PO box and I had $200 to declare. He waved me through :D, I'm currently at 50/50 for tires, 2 set's waved through, 2 set's I had to pay the tax.

Same for the US guys, when asked why I had it sent there instead of my home I just mention the free US shipping and the cost savings vs Canadian Shipping costs.
I'm currently at 50/50 for tires, 2 set's waved through, 2 set's I had to pay the tax.

Last time I checked the CRA web-site I believe motorcycle tires were duty-free. However, Canada Customs will still charge the HST on the purchase if you are away for less than 48 hours. It depends on how busy they are in the office and if it is worth their time to collect the $26.00 on the $200.00 purchase.
Thanks woobie! That's exactly what I was looking to hear.

edit: just found something called "kinek" & if you guys need to cross from the windsor border, you can grab packages for like 3 bucks

Also, if anyone wants to split shipping off an order from know. I'm going to pick up a package, so I don't mind picking up more if it'll fit in my duffle bag
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