Our President, Lynn C. Thompson has spent a lifetime collecting walking sticks and wooden weapons, and has amassed quite a collection of these beautiful hand
I just bought this and carry it with me on my bicycle for my early morning commutes. I travel through a couple green areas here in Brampton and have seen coyotes a few times. The scariest was around Ching park. I was riding up and saw two of them on my left up ahead. One of them sauntered across the road, while the other one stayed on my side. I was expecting them to take off when I started ringing my bell, but instead they both stopped and stared at me as I rode past them ringing my bell and telling them not to do something stupid. I felt ok because I had the spray in my hand just in case, but the way they just stood there and stared at me definitely gave me the heeby jeebies.
While hiking in Cape Breton last year, we saw a guy that had coyote spray taped on his hiking stick. I thought it was bear spray, because that's what I was afraid of in the wild. But he told me it was for coyotes and he told us about that girl that was killed. A few days later we were hiking that trail where she was killed and it was kind of eerie after reading about what happened.
$20 in Nassagaweya township , you had to bring in both ears , think it ended 30+ yrs ago.
But they still pay compensation for livestock killed by wolves/coyotes/coydogs . My grandfather was the Milton agent to go to the farm and confirm if it was a kill by wolfs or a pack of wild dogs (which was also a problem) however there was no compensation for dog killed livestock. My Mom inheirited the job from my Gramps and would visit farms all over Halton to look at dead sheep LOL. She retired when she hit 80 , no idea if this kookiness is still a thing.
We have them around here. My yard backs onto a small tributary of the Rouge, we have coyote den in the riverbank at the back of the yard. The town puts up "Wild in the City" warning signs to ward off photo seekers.
At dusk I sometimes watch them pick off grazing rabbits in my yard -- coyotes eat them like popcorn. When it gets dark, they sing/howl with my dog.
The one in the pic below visits us frequently, often catches afternoon rays in my yard. She will let you get within 15' when she's resting. I agree with @crankcall, coyotes are risk averse and are not interested in a fight. They don't mess with my geriatric Siberian, and my 9lb cat (he's a savage). chases them away.
Our President, Lynn C. Thompson has spent a lifetime collecting walking sticks and wooden weapons, and has amassed quite a collection of these beautiful hand
That's a great weapon (not a walking stick). But as with knives, guns, extendable batons, bats, etc...if the user isn't trained in it, and doesn't get a good first shot in...very likely it'll be used against them to much worse consequences than originally planned / expected.
In Poland where my wife's family is from it's not coyotes that are the problem, it's the wild boards that have spread like wildfire in the area. Her uncle often gets chased on his bicycle by them as it's his only mode of transport for a large portion of the year. It's great. He's lost 15-20lbs each summer.
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