COVID19 and Motorcycle shopping | Page 2 |

COVID19 and Motorcycle shopping

That is why they want you to wear a that you don't give it to them. If you think masks are 99% bull crap.....then you should run the show for the dealerships you go into. I get the hypocritical part. But wearing a mask for 15 minutes isn't a big deal is it?
No it's not.
But Idk their internal precautions, so take steps to protect me as well.

Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk
PPE protocol is exhausting if performed properly... I don't see anyone using PPE properly.
It's all just window dressing so people "feel" safer.
Ironically my workplace requires masks and the only place it's not mandatory is the locker area, washrooms and lunchroom.
I lost my mind at this.
In the work floor it is easier to social distance.
The dummies I work with think there's a magical barrier once you enter the lunchroom that covid cannot penetrate.
Then the amount of people that toss their mask before they leave, passing a ton of people.

Damn. I hate people

So yeah, I think even the corps are doing it for show. Or else they would make masks mandatory from entrance until exit.

**They also take our temp as we enter the building.

I have no problem using the ppe.
I wear it if I have to go out.
To me, this will be the new norm.

And to the point of closing businesses and disinfecting....that only happens if it's a confirmed cases.
I guaran-damn-tee you that some companies send their "suspected" covid + cases home, and don't bother asking for a covid test result.

Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk
well we actually have cleaners that patrol hourly to disinfect point of contact areas. at about 5pm someone starts walking around misting something everywhere. they replaced many door handles with something you can hook your wrist/forearm around to open the door instead.

funny enough just yesterday we all received training for a 'deep clean emergency'. if someone has or is suspected to have COVID, that department shuts down and everyone is sent to another area of the building and their room(s) are cleaned hard for an hour, then another hour has to pass before others are allowed to work in there again.

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