Covid travel restrictions

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Same as I said with psgdgsjdh above. Govt has failed on a scale we havent seen before. Travellers are a vector. A vector that has no benefit at all for the population and the most likely vector to quickly introduce variants. Just because govt isnt attacking all vectors doesnt mean they should ignore the one that catches your chosen activity.
See you lose all credibility when do the name sh*t. The rest is just drivel .
testing and quarantine deal with new variants just the same as the original strain

again, the Gov is assuming people will do wrong and arbitrarily confine them

this will likely be overturned as a Charter violation
ill bet you a burger and beer on that. (y)
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See you lose all credibility when do the name sh*t. The rest is just drivel .
Not accurately typing your name is not a slight. It is jus a random bunch of letters starting with p to me. You'll note that I rarely fully quote anyone's name. I just write enough that people can figure out who I am talking about.
See you lose all credibility when do the name sh*t. The rest is just drivel .
lol no one is going to remember harley shorthand
So are we now at the point where doing you're bit for the common good is too much to ask?
As soon as this started last March the whiners were right there with screw this I'm going for a ride cause it's all about me. Balking at a quarintine sounds very similar.
So are we now at the point where doing you're bit for the common good is too much to ask?
As soon as this started last March the whiners were right there with screw this I'm going for a ride cause it's all about me. Balking at a quarintine sounds very similar.
actions of the few ruin it for everyone else, tale as old as time.
actions of the few ruin it for everyone else, tale as old as time.
In our current situation, it is more like the actions of the majority ruin it. Just each person picks the part of the rules they dont think they should follow.
doing it for the common good is taking the tests
submitting an accepted quarantine plan with AriveCan
and sticking to it for the 14 days

here's an idea
let's start selling grocery shopping permits
because you know lots of people are going out everyday

make them $20 each
that should make people behave the guidelines
Not accurately typing your name is not a slight. It is jus a random bunch of letters starting with p to me. You'll note that I rarely fully quote anyone's name. I just write enough that people can figure out who I am talking about.
It shows disrespect to the people you are trying to communicate with .
doing it for the common good is taking the tests
submitting an accepted quarantine plan with AriveCan
and sticking to it for the 14 days

here's an idea
let's start selling grocery shopping permits
because you know lots of people are going out everyday

make them $20 each
that should make people behave the guidelines
Gorcery permit not a bad idea. Like I said, we should be attacking every vector, not ignoring almost every vector.

As for your stay at home plan, that has been proven not to work. It cannot work. People are selfish sob's. They need to be physically quarantined. That could be hotel or ankle monitor in their house but we dont have enough ankle monitors.
Toy stores closed but not the toy section at sprawlmart....

I'm sold Evoex - You are a god. Mighty big praise coming from an aetheist.
the exemptions are happening already, before the reg is even if effect

people traveling for essential medical services are exempt
from any testing requirements and the hotel quarantine

the testing exemption is not a smart one !!
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