COVID and the housing market

nobbie48 is funny

According to Stats Canada....
-- the average salary for people between 25 - 34 years old is $47,000
- after-tax your take home is $37,948.00
- which per month is $3,162.00

Let's take Guelph as an example

Rent is ~$1800 - $2000
Internet is ~$50
Tenant insurance is ~$40
Groceries is ~$150 - 200 now unless you want to get fat and obese from junk food
Car payment ??
Car insurance ??
Savings ??

How the heck do you expect people our age to have kids?

Get the country educated.

I don't mean the B.S. M.S and PhD types. Bull S***, More S*** and Piled higher and Deeper s***

I mean reality education. I wish I was wrong but we let the fairy tales from the politicians take root and it's too late to fix it.

Reality education: That hot chick needs an age enhanced photo to show you what she's going to look like when she's 50. The same for that hot car that's going to cost you $100,000 over the next ten years. Your pride and joy will be neither.

Our governments have screwed us into egotism, rightsism and getajobism.

Why are immigrants more likely to start companies than native Canadians?

What happened to the dignity of labour?

Some specifics:
A friend making about $25,000 a year, a school bus driver paid off a 10,000 Visa tab in four years. He borrowed on it to buy a used truck. He shared a three bedroom apartment with two other guys @ $600 a month. He only used the truck when it was necessary, riding is bicycle the rest of the time.

Rent is ~$1800 - $2000......... His was $600
Internet is ~$50.............. They shared
Tenant insurance is ~$40.........have cheap or free furniture and you don't need insurance
Groceries is ~$150 - 200 now unless you want to get fat and obese from junk food
Junk food is expensive and unhealthy. Buy fresh and shop specials. Eat like an immigrant. Rice is nice and meat's a treat.
Car payment ??.......... Covered above if you really need one
Car insurance ??.........If you need it keep your record clean. Playing with the throttle is expensive.
Savings ??

When we bought or present home I took on a $40K mortgage at 13% when I was making about $17,000 a year and my wife was staying home with our daughter.

My wife grocery shopped using coupons, price matching and comparisons. She never bought prepared stuff. We rarely went out for dinners.We paid off the mortgage in eight years.

Then I started my own business and I decided how much I made. It wasn't lucrative but we're OK.

The wrong type of socialism isn't going to destroy Canada because of spending. It's going to destroy Canada because it stops us from thinking. To me, murdering someone who says we have free medicare is justifiable homicide. Think about it.

Socialism should cure problems not band-aid them. Think of how many civil servants we could fire if they actually did their jobs.

Owning a house is a big problem because of narrow minded short vision thinking by the government. At the escalating prices of today one can save for a down payment and work towards an acceptable percentage but the mortgage principle will keep rising. You see a $750,000 place and by the time you have 10% down the place is a million. You save another year and the place is $1.1 million.

We need governments that think outside the box.

What if developers had to make a number of rent-to-own homes?

The price is fixed for ten years, possibly an inflation index, and then the occupant has to buy or accept market value rent.

How about every candidate publishing in writing, when they register, how they are specifically going to fix specific problems? The proposals can be scrutinized and we can get away with the vague weather report answers.

Question #1 for the candidate: How are you going to get people into productive lives and able to fend for themselves?

Sub questions:
Are houses too expensive?
Are wages to low or are workers too uneducated?
How are you going to fix those situations?
If you can't answer the questions you are unqualified for the job so why are you applying?

If you don't know what a wrench is you shouldn't be applying for a job as a mechanic.

Is the answer a reality check?

Is owning a house in a major city as realistic as owning a team of horses in the city?

Attitudes: Pre Lotteries, When I saw something nice and mentioned it to my mother she would say I had to get an education and save my money. Now kids are told they have to win a lottery. Lotteries are a tax on stupidity.
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It’s awesome until your body breaks down by 40 OR you get injured.

The money isn’t in the’s having people working for you!

There’s no way you can paint enough houses solo to make stupid money. Have a crew and be good (cut throat) in business with good networking and it’s easy to get 50-100k jobs.
I know a guy in the cleaning business. He'll roll up his sleeves when he has to but he makes his money on the $2.00 an hour profit from each of his 500 employees.
I know a guy in the cleaning business. He'll roll up his sleeves when he has to but he makes his money on the $2.00 an hour profit from each of his 500 employees.
I keep telling my wife that she can make 5-10x more by expanding her cleaning business. She doesn’t want the headache.

so she’s happy doing the 1 house / day / week and is happy with the money made from that.
I keep telling my wife that she can make 5-10x more by expanding her cleaning business. She doesn’t want the headache.

so she’s happy doing the 1 house / day / week and is happy with the money made from that.
The guy only does industrial stuff and owns millions of dollars in equipment. Going big isn't for everyone.
The guy only does industrial stuff and owns millions of dollars in equipment. Going big isn't for everyone.
Definitely. And she doesn’t want the headache.

I still regret not getting in the trades (HVAC) but I’m too old, and have too many responsibilities to start at zero now.’s not that bad the way it is.

although I’d love to be able to do some consulting / remote work on the side. Just not sure how to get started on that.
Our declining native birth rate is problematic. We need immigration to provide for our senior years, a Ponzi scheme. We need imported labour to pick our crops because our unemployed refuse the jobs.

Are people postponing having children just because of house prices or have they tacked on the 4X4 pickup with leather for him and Porsche for her, destination wedding on a tropical beach, five figure engagement rings, designer clothes, multiple stress vacations, spas, big electronic packages. Many have been brainwashed into thinking these are necessities. So many have been brainwashed into the cult that the market for practicality has largely disappeared.
Do you really believe that the recent influx of immigrants to the GTA the last 10-15 years or so provide for seniors?

The second paragraph is mostly boomer nonsense. Very few people are like that. The young people who live that lifestyle dont need to worry about buying a house, mommy and daddy have money.

Its difficult to save 100-200K for a downpayment. What people take home after tax, cellphone, rent, cheap vehicle payment, insurance, gas, food isnt really all that much.

This isnt the 80s or 90s when you could save 20% down within a year.
People dont want to have children in basements..

Canada continues to rank first among the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries in the proportion of college and university graduates.

Canada still has these issues though ..

-- Wages are stagnant
-- Immigrants come here and unfortunately drive down wages
-- There's like almost nothing for junior engineers here

This might just be the end times of the current capitalist system?
Fun read:
The work shows how the current system is, in essence, an epic Ponzi scheme.

People dont want to have children in basements..

I would actually be fine having a child in a rental situation but my experience renting here has been CHAOS. As this forum knows, I had reno-evictions, one of these landlords made a youtube video about us to make sure I couldn't get a good reference for future rentals, bedbugs, cockroaches, rats, etc etc :]

This video is still on Youtube and we contacted Youtube but somehow showing my partner's Facebook picture + our full name was not enough to remove the video :]

I got triggered so I made him renovate everything, got City bylaw involved, he got issues tons of fines, wasted his time with the LTB and a family member still lives there with rent control
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Socialism should cure problems not band-aid them. Think of how many civil servants we could fire if they actually did their jobs.

Wages are stagnant

These are really complex problems.

The work I do is similar to that of a business owner. Anything I output will be of near infinite scalability if the task is definable and scoped correctly. For example, I could put most data entry folk out of a job and have done so at old workplaces. Why get a error prone human to enter data when I can write a OCR application to scrape the documents and auto enter?

In the previous working world, before computers, the above wasn't possible. You had to hire a person to do repeated tasks. Why would a business want to pay a data entry person/secretary 1/3rd of the salary of a junior developer when they can hire a single developer and they output infinitely more?

Now to make things worse, civil servants, especially the less technically savvy, are making the above easy and even encourage it without realizing. At previous work places, the non-technical folk were slow as **** at learning. It was faster to automate than train. They would also withhold knowledge out of fear or job security, which doesn't help as it creates animosity. I've heard these complaints from non-devs who are technically savvy.

So what happens when the only high paying jobs are those that require very strong critical thinking, expose constant ambiguity, and provide very little training? This is literally every $100k+ job. How are the underperformers gonna compete?

The above also contributes to the income gap.

Basic income might be a solution....but I pay too much ******* tax already lol
We need to come up with a revised system like the paper proposes
Letting capital, labor, and energy intensity growth continue as they have for the past 107 years, the inability of the production function to follow any path that is not exponential or crash, and the sensitivity to small changes, leads to two conclusions:

1. if capital and labor and energy services continue on paths as they have, the production function is invalid for a sustainable future;

2. stable outcomes in the future with this production function will become increasingly less likely. It is as if the knife-edge on the saddle path is getting thinner until there is no edge, and we have to fall off.

We need to come up with a revised system like the paper proposes

I know so many EE degree holders going into software development...

Yet there are not enough competent software developers, go figure lol I know engineer and dev work is similar mindsets.

EDIT: Also I'm surprised the stuff you quoted isn't common sense.....gotta wonder what the **** the politicians are doing.
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I would actually be fine having a child in a rental situation but my experience renting here has been CHAOS. As this forum knows, I had reno-evictions, one of these landlords made a youtube video about us to make sure I couldn't get a good reference for future rentals, bedbugs, cockroaches, rats, etc etc :]

This video is still on Youtube and we contacted Youtube but somehow showing my partner's Facebook picture + our full name was not enough to remove the video :]

I got triggered so I made him renovate everything, got City bylaw involved, he got issues tons of fines, wasted his time with the LTB and a family member still lives there with rent control

Missed this....

I bought for that reason. My landlord was a sack of ****. Rent control came in. We pushed back when he tried to jack our rates up. His "son and daughter" want to move in next day. They come visit a week later. Obvious scare tactic is obvious scare tactic.

Fiancée and I felt like our home was invaded and decided to buy shortly after. Gave the landlord a month's heads up. Dude panicked. I hope he bled some money.
Missed this....

I bought for that reason. My landlord was a sack of ****. Rent control came in. We pushed back when he tried to jack our rates up. His "son and daughter" want to move in next day. They come visit a week later. Obvious scare tactic is obvious scare tactic.

Fiancée and I felt like our home was invaded and decided to buy shortly after. Gave the landlord a month's heads up. Dude panicked. I hope he bled some money.

This dude is a professional slum landlord house flipper mastermind. I give him credit

His fans love him ..

Frak. That blows @george__ .

when I was a landlord for a while I did everything to keep my tenants happy (within reason of course). As long as what they were doing didn’t negatively impact the rest of the tenants I was cool with it.

didn’t raise rents is what screwed me over the most. Probably lost out on 100-200k more on the sales price because I didn’t feel it was fair to them. Live and learn.

But I’m sure there are just as many bad landlords as there are bad tenants. Of course the Reddit hive mind is all against landlords.

And while I’m not taking sides in anything between landlords and tenants each is doing their best to protect their interests. If I ever get back into it I hope I have the same luck. 10 years, 6 units, zero bad experiences with tenants. Frustrating sure...but nothing bad that’s even worth thinking about.

residential investment accounting for a whopping 54 per cent of GDP growth in Canada in Q1 and 10.3 per cent of total GDP. This surpasses the 9.3 per cent garnered from business investment on non-residential structures, machinery and equipment, and intellectual property.

What the ***

What the ***
And this is why if housing poops the bed....we are ALL well and royally effed.

So you get your house, if you keep your job, but the entire economy goes down with housing.

As others have said, the govt is addicted to the cash generated, there’s no chance they want it to stop. Or will actively sabotage that cash cow.
And this is why if housing poops the bed....we are ALL well and royally effed.

So you get your house, if you keep your job, but the entire economy goes down with housing.

As others have said, the govt is addicted to the cash generated, there’s no chance they want it to stop. Or will actively sabotage that cash cow.

I didn't know it was that bad


Canada still has these issues though ..

-- Wages are stagnant
-- Immigrants come here and unfortunately drive down wages
-- There's like almost nothing for junior engineers here

This might just be the end times of the current capitalist system?
Fun read:

I would actually be fine having a child in a rental situation but my experience renting here has been CHAOS. As this forum knows, I had reno-evictions, one of these landlords made a youtube video about us to make sure I couldn't get a good reference for future rentals, bedbugs, cockroaches, rats, etc etc :]

This video is still on Youtube and we contacted Youtube but somehow showing my partner's Facebook picture + our full name was not enough to remove the video :]

I got triggered so I made him renovate everything, got City bylaw involved, he got issues tons of fines, wasted his time with the LTB and a family member still lives there with rent control

Quick correction…immigrants don’t drive down wages. Tight fisted twats at the top refuse to pay the going rate. There’s a huge difference. Put the blame where it really lies.
Do you really believe that the recent influx of immigrants to the GTA the last 10-15 years or so provide for seniors?

The second paragraph is mostly boomer nonsense. Very few people are like that. The young people who live that lifestyle dont need to worry about buying a house, mommy and daddy have money.

Its difficult to save 100-200K for a downpayment. What people take home after tax, cellphone, rent, cheap vehicle payment, insurance, gas, food isnt really all that much.

This isnt the 80s or 90s when you could save 20% down within a year.
People dont want to have children in basements..
Immigrants need housing, food, clothing etc. All generate taxes. They all aren't LTC workers. Retirees in their own homes probably contribute more to the Florida economy.

Paragraph 2: The Loblaws near us is as crowded as the Food basics down the street where the same product is 20% cheaper. Why would I assume they shop wisely for other goods? I also asked if it was a reason because I see a lot of it.

The house price situation is out of control. We can b**** about it on a motorcycle forum or force the politicians to do something to stop the madness but no politician has the guts to step on toes so we get screwed. We are facing the sins of the past and they are all coming to roost at the same time. BLM, feminism, native rights and restoration, equality, cultures, international affairs are creating a perfect storm while most people just want to make it through the day and haven't got the brain space to do any more.

I noticed that while you made some valid criticisms of my post you didn't come up with any suggestions to improve the situation for the housing starved Canadians.

I was at a restaurant and overheard a lady complain to the waiter that her lasagna was dry but if she could get a little more sauce she could make it work.

I love that attitude. Note the problem and then make a corrective suggestion. Why do so many people think their responsibility ends with the making of a complaint?
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