Good. I could use some relief on my mortgage...hopefully I keep my job.BOC has more concerns than mortgage rates, the solution of using interest rate hikes to cool inflation has side major economic side effects.
I think they may have slowed the economy too much. Manufacturers are not investing in productivity, unemployment is rising and GDP/capita is falling. BOC will need to shift priorities from fighting inflation to fighting recession.
I expect big cuts over the next 12 mos.
What do you foresee as the 'suffering'? All my buddies in construction are saying it's super slow and the only work going on is the work that's been slated from 1-2 years ago and they can't stop construction of the buildings now.The US is making some large cuts and since our economy is a bit connected to them we like it or not , we may have some suffering coming .
I suspect private lenders are feeling the pain faster than banks as people that need an unconventional source of finance will be sooner to default.
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All their residential work effectively stopped.
Could this be a good time to fire up my company now that my work around the house is coming to an end? I haven't focused much on it since I needed to finish up my things...but now I will have more time in the fall and winter, but I suspect many contractors will be flooding in to make up for lost wages that they got used to during COVID.