COVID and the housing market | Page 25 |

COVID and the housing market

I’m trying to find my way into consulting in my business area (tunnelling). I know my **** fairly well, but need some more experience to make it reality. Everything I’ve done is pointing in that direction, but I’m stuck at the current stage.
Shooting for both PMP and PENG this year as unfortunately you’re not taken seriously without them, unless you’re 70 and have lived in tunnels all your life.
The company I work for is currently doing the tunnel under the highway near Brampton. Super cool project.

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I’m trying to find my way into consulting in my business area (tunnelling). I know my **** fairly well, but need some more experience to make it reality. Everything I’ve done is pointing in that direction, but I’m stuck at the current stage.
Shooting for both PMP and PENG this year as unfortunately you’re not taken seriously without them, unless you’re 70 and have lived in tunnels all your life.
If you need help with PMP just ask. Wife passed her exam in December.
Late to the party. But all these posts about no vacations is exactly why I’m pushing back on the wife about ownership. She wants to look at property in the city, dumps for 1 mil, etc. Now we have no kids and no plans to start any, so we don’t need the 3 bedroom+. However my main motivation for not entertaining these properties is to continue to buy what I want when i want it and go where I want when I want to.

Being house poor is not a goal I want to achieve. Outside the city at 500-650k is much more palatable.
Late to the party. But all these posts about no vacations is exactly why I’m pushing back on the wife about ownership. She wants to look at property in the city, dumps for 1 mil, etc. Now we have no kids and no plans to start any, so we don’t need the 3 bedroom+. However my main motivation for not entertaining these properties is to continue to buy what I want when i want it and go where I want when I want to.

Being house poor is not a goal I want to achieve. Outside the city at 500-650k is much more palatable.

smart man, no kids, disposable income, if she starts riding your golden.
smart man, no kids, disposable income, if she starts riding your golden.
She’s had a ninja 300 for a few years already.
Late to the party. But all these posts about no vacations is exactly why I’m pushing back on the wife about ownership. She wants to look at property in the city, dumps for 1 mil, etc. Now we have no kids and no plans to start any, so we don’t need the 3 bedroom+. However my main motivation for not entertaining these properties is to continue to buy what I want when i want it and go where I want when I want to.

Being house poor is not a goal I want to achieve. Outside the city at 500-650k is much more palatable.
There is the investment side and the personality side to owning. I am very annoyed when renting. You see so much crap that you could fix or do to make it nicer/better to live in but I don't want to invest that much time and money in somebody elses house (especially one that they can kick me out of at any time). I like doing projects around the house, I hate waiting around for the idiot repair person the landlord hired to show up and fix something. Some people are happy doing nothing around the house as it frees up their time for other things and appreciate having one number to call to fix all their issues (eventually). Sometimes you can find an amenable landlord that picks up the costs while you donate the time but that is the exception not the rule ime.

At our last house, the 250 sq ft deck was ~$10,000 in material. It was amazing. I loved it. It made the house a much nicer place to live. No landlord in their right mind would cover that bill. Solid maple glass front cabinets in the bar, again, no landlord will cover that cost.

On this house, long-term plan is to build a bookcase with a rolling ladder in the office. Do I need it? Hell no. Will it be cost-effective? Hell no. Will it be awesome? Hell yes.
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Will do thanks! 40% complete of a prep course as of yesterday from UDEMY which I’m finding very helpful. Best $25 I spent.
really like Udemy, pretty comprehensive courses and they frequently have sales on their courses
There is the investment side and the personality side to owning. I am very annoyed when renting. You see so much crap that you could fix or do to make it nicer/better to live in but I don't want to invest that much time and money in somebody elses house (especially one that they can kick me out of at any time). I like doing projects around the house, I hate waiting around for the idiot repair person the landlord hired to show up and fix something. Some people are happy doing nothing around the house as it frees up their time for other things and appreciate having one number to call to fix all their issues (eventually). Sometimes you can find an amenable landlord that picks up the costs while you donate the time but that is the exception not the rule ime.

At our last house, the 250 sq ft deck was ~$10,000 in material. It was amazing. I loved it. It made the house a much nicer place to live. No landlord in their right mind would cover that bill. Solid maple glass front cabinets in the bar, again, no landlord will cover that cost.

On this house, long-term plan is to build a bookcase with a rolling ladder in the office. Do I need it? Hell no. Will it be cost-effective? Hell no. Will it be awesome? Hell yes.
We’re both very low maintenance when it comes to creature comforts. We couldn’t care less about a deck or the paint on the walls.
What's more useful internationally?

post graduate certificate project management then go for PMP later
PMP now
Late to the party. But all these posts about no vacations is exactly why I’m pushing back on the wife about ownership. She wants to look at property in the city, dumps for 1 mil, etc. Now we have no kids and no plans to start any, so we don’t need the 3 bedroom+. However my main motivation for not entertaining these properties is to continue to buy what I want when i want it and go where I want when I want to.

Being house poor is not a goal I want to achieve.


There are many paths to prosperity and happiness.

I think up till the very recent past, most people have only been aware of a very traditional template for life: go to school, get a job, get married, buy a house, pump out some kids, retire at 65... You just kind of followed the template because everyone else was doing it, and to deviate from the prescribed path would probably mean financial ruin and/or social ostracization.

But now, more than ever, there are more people either tweaking the blueprint or outright rejecting it. And - as it turns out - without adverse financial consequences either.

Maybe choose a child-free life and gain a sizeable disposable income?
Maybe rent instead of buy and gain geographic mobility and the freedom to channel your income into different investments other than just being forced to service a mortgage of an illiquid asset.
Maybe put a pause on work in the middle of your life while you have health, energy and motivation, instead of waiting for a far, uncertain future where working knees aren't a guarantee.

The traditional template seems to work for the vast majority of the population, but we're all cut from different pieces of cloth.

Some people might take a few steps down the road that everyone else is taking and suddenly realize, "This is not for me".

Some people might get all the way to the end before making that realization. Which is sad.

And others are actually thriving because they're zigging while everyone else is zagging.

On one hand I envy those that took the route less conventional. It takes some dedication to not be dedicated. I took the mostly conventional path, I didn't finish high school ( because I was too busy LOL) , married the right gal, (and kept her) , had kids bought houses, and cottages and have not missed out on anything I think, we've been to 32 different countries on 4 continents.
I have two kids, neither will/are following my path, and I suspect they will be fine.

Lots of different trails will lead to the same end, some more interesting, some riskier and some downright tedious.

But I will say I worry/ feel for those that want it all now, like mommy and daddy have it, and will pay out the arse for that lifestyle for a LONG time.
On one hand I envy those that took the route less conventional. It takes some dedication to not be dedicated. I took the mostly conventional path, I didn't finish high school ( because I was too busy LOL) , married the right gal, (and kept her) , had kids bought houses, and cottages and have not missed out on anything I think, we've been to 32 different countries on 4 continents.
I have two kids, neither will/are following my path, and I suspect they will be fine.

Lots of different trails will lead to the same end, some more interesting, some riskier and some downright tedious.

But I will say I worry/ feel for those that want it all now, like mommy and daddy have it, and will pay out the arse for that lifestyle for a LONG time.

How the heck did you have enough time to do all this lol
On one hand I envy those that took the route less conventional. It takes some dedication to not be dedicated. I took the mostly conventional path, I didn't finish high school ( because I was too busy LOL) , married the right gal, (and kept her) , had kids bought houses, and cottages and have not missed out on anything I think, we've been to 32 different countries on 4 continents.
I have two kids, neither will/are following my path, and I suspect they will be fine.

Lots of different trails will lead to the same end, some more interesting, some riskier and some downright tedious.

But I will say I worry/ feel for those that want it all now, like mommy and daddy have it, and will pay out the arse for that lifestyle for a LONG time.
The keeping the right partner is a key part of any path. Most people are surviving with two incomes. Break up and now everybody expects to live similar to the standard they have been accustomed to with double the expenses and no more income. Fastest path back to square one. You would be far ahead to be single over the long haul than splitting from the wrong partner.
Plenty of people out there (and I know a ton) that think they deserve all that and more. Worry about the future ... in the future. Live in the now.

my cousin in Poland were always shocked when I tell them I’m putting money away for retirement. ‘Why? You might never get there.’

there’s a happy medium somewhere in between the 2 extremes.
How the heck did you have enough time to do all this lol

I was extremely lucky, I was pretty involved in diving and yacht racing, turns out I was mechanically inclined and a decent cook. know what every long distance (and short course) race boat wants? the guy that can sail, fix stuff and make dinner for 12. Being essentially able to take what ever vacation I could justify from work , and having a very understanding wife, I could spend many days away and international events took me everywhere.
And when it involved some non race down days my wife loves boats and the ocean so we travel a lot.

Which also explains when she decided on a vacation house it was in the desert in AZ, Hmmm , I should have seen that coming LOL
Late to the party. But all these posts about no vacations is exactly why I’m pushing back on the wife about ownership. She wants to look at property in the city, dumps for 1 mil, etc. Now we have no kids and no plans to start any, so we don’t need the 3 bedroom+. However my main motivation for not entertaining these properties is to continue to buy what I want when i want it and go where I want when I want to.

Being house poor is not a goal I want to achieve. Outside the city at 500-650k is much more palatable.

Cool reading this. I know the previous generation was all about face (aka. Western optics) and living it big.

Seems like a some of us, like you and I, want to simply do whatever we want and don't really care about "being important." I just wanna push physical and mental limits for the rest of my life while playing video games. I don't give a **** about having a big place or becoming rich.

I could've gotten away with renting for longer but the landlord was being a little *****, so we bought. But yeah, $650k in the city will get you a 2 bedroom condo...pretty sure 3 bedroom or house is 1 million+
Cool reading this. I know the previous generation was all about face (aka. Western optics) and living it big.

Seems like a some of us, like you and I, want to simply do whatever we want and don't really care about "being important." I just wanna push physical and mental limits for the rest of my life while playing video games. I don't give a **** about having a big place or becoming rich.

I could've gotten away with renting for longer but the landlord was being a little *****, so we bought. But yeah, $650k in the city will get you a 2 bedroom condo...pretty sure 3 bedroom or house is 1 million+
Condo is probably off the table. I’d rather get more space and commute.
Plus if I’m buying then I want to reap the value as much as possible.

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