Here's what I would do:
1) Restrict Foreign buyers
- strengthen the definition to be only those that are permanent residents of Canada.
- restrict future purchases to legal MDUs of 6 or more units, no single family homes or condos
- allow municipalities to levy vacancy taxes on empty units and short term rentals of up to $100/day
2) Release crown lands for development as economic incentive outside the major metros. The crown owns 87% of all the lands in Ontario.
- - Pickering Airport site is 7300 hectares (about 1/10the the size of Toronto, about the same size as Ajax.) This could home 400,000 residential units at 50/hectare.
3) Strengthen CapX exemption rules on primary residence. Occupancy minimum 1 year with proof of occupancy requirement. No more families flipping multiple houses each year tax free.
4) Set time limits on granting plans of subdivision and building permits.
5) Bring back the flowthru tax program to support MURBs.
And a lot mire.