It's very typical. York Region already had my prints on file but as part of my citizenship application the government wanted them again. I had them done at Richmond Hill nick only to be told months later to get them done electronically. The places they told me to go were all private practices. Your prints will get sent to Toronto Police or, more likely, the RCMP for a proper background check.
I think it's a sneaky way of infringing on our civil liberties but I had no choice. Not sure if i can request the fingerprint record be destroyed or not.
Actually, I was told that the prints went to RCMP in Ottawa. Then they will contact the Toronto Police.
Estimated process time: 6-8 months.
I also applied for destruction of my prints. Estimated time on that one is also 6-8 months.
You can apply online for the destruction, as long as you were not convicted of criminal. In my case, I was found 'not guilty' at the pre-trial.
I asked them why do I have to give my finger prints for a clearance letter, and they told me some BS reason. It was changed to this recently.