yea its sad because gotta lie about age on dating sites cause all the ones my age look like grandmas...
man i look 15 years younger than i am and act 10 years younger that i look. so wtffff
Wait, I'm happily married and don't know what I'm talking about. Yes dear, I'm turning off the computer now. I'll be right there!!!!
The age thing is the major factor why strip joints never go out of business. I know a lot of married males who go to massage and strip joints often. Once a woman gets married and is over 35...bye bye hotness (you'll have the one rare female who stays hot untill her late 40's).
I work in the King and Bay finance area. I see alot of women who try to stay young but fail. Their age really shows when they wear business suits which is a huge turn off. When you do see a young chick, she is just out of school. They'll be hot for about a year and half before they start looking older.
The funiest things i've seen are 25-29 year olds with 2-3 kids looking for guys younger than 35 like seriously???? That's a pretty big ready made family.
Unless that puss is shooting out 10 lbs gold bars after every thrust no dude gonna want that for anything serious.
Too much thought process kills spontaneity. Knowing what you want and being unapologetic = full win.
Too much talk not enough action.
DamnitSomeone needs to dig up that old Freestyle thread for a classic example of what a cougar is.
I actually like this current one shows the boobs off nicely.I liked your bra avatar better.
Was trying to stay out of this thread LOL