Cosco fight - parking lot rumble - Mississauga

Yup! Pathetic people.
I think she made it worse by opening the rear door of his car... where his child was seated.

I was wondering that. I thought I heard the other lady say something about her daughter. You can see the little girl at the end.

It's interesting at the end they are pouring water on his cuts and attending to him but ignore the other two.

It looked like the lady with stripes at the start got them to go into their cars and move on but then the video seems to jump to fight later.
Almost as if the video is reversed.

hmm reality show in the brewing, parking lot brawls
Why would the woman in red open the door of the "opponents" car? What was she trying to accomplish? But yeah, getting into an argument and then getting close to their kid would escalate things pretty fast.
People don't always make great decisions under stress. Even worse if you point out their shortcomings. The parking situation is all but forgotten at that point.
Lady in red would have been lady in blood red if she opened my car door to get near my kid. I don't usually make good decisions when dealing with idiots.
L'il guy would have been punted across the parking lot if he'd taken a swing at my wife. I like to park as far away from all the nutbars as possible though, so it's not likely that anyone's gonna steal my spot.
Sorry, if was married to the nutter in red that would open a strangers car door where a kid is sitting, I'd let the Lil guy whack her a few times. Then buy him a $2.50 coke and hotdog combo.
Sorry, if was married to the nutter in red that would open a strangers car door where a kid is sitting, I'd let the Lil guy whack her a few times. Then buy him a $2.50 coke and hotdog combo.
And if you were married to the nutty little guy, you'd sit back and watch my wife punt him around the parking lot, I know. She can buy her own hot dog.
Sorry, if was married to the nutter in red that would open a strangers car door where a kid is sitting, I'd let the Lil guy whack her a few times. Then buy him a $2.50 coke and hotdog combo.

Sent from my custom purple Joe Bass mobile device using Tapatalk
I just felt that things were a little one sided. It took two sets of nutters to set that nice example for the one set's kid.
More than likely the one's in the spot, were the poachers, and not those waiting for it to open up.
I just felt that things were a little one sided. It took two sets of nutters to set that nice example for the one set's kid.
More than likely the one's in the spot, were the poachers, and not those waiting for it to open up.

Regardless if the ones in the spot are the "poachers", in what world would it be okay to assert themselves to intentionally gain access to someone else's kid when the whole conflict was between adults?
It takes 2 seconds to seriously injure or kill a kid in a vulnerable position. I'm sure people would immediately get defensive if someone were to casually walk up to their door and open it - now if someone charged at your kid's door and opened it aggressively.... Fists will definitely be flying.
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Sorry, if was married to the nutter in red that would open a strangers car door where a kid is sitting, I'd let the Lil guy whack her a few times. Then buy him a $2.50 coke and hotdog combo.

The part in bold was funny. You found a way to say have a coke and a smile and stfu.
Sorry, if was married to the nutter in red that would open a strangers car door where a kid is sitting, I'd let the Lil guy whack her a few times. Then buy him a $2.50 coke and hotdog combo.

I usually grab a poutine and a coke+hotdog combo.
The part in bold was funny. You found a way to say have a coke and a smile and stfu.
I didn't know that it was still ok to reference Eddie referencing Richard in response to Bill.
But, if it makes the people laugh and you're getting paid....
I usually grab a poutine and a coke+hotdog combo.
They don't have Coke anymore. Switched to Pepsi. You make about as many references to eating as I do. But I eat my hotdogs sideways ?.

Not sure if I mentioned this yet, but this scenario seems much better suited to a WalMart parking lot. Amirite??

Sent from my custom purple Joe Bass mobile device using Tapatalk
You sure it's not tree-fiddy?
Oh, I'm sure. Been the same price since 1985. Don't know much about bikes, but junk food? I'm the mofo.

Sent from my custom purple Joe Bass mobile device using Tapatalk
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