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So I still don't get this lockdown in Toronto, and why small business are being punished. I went to Canadian Tire today. No line ups, no store quotas etc, or anyone monitoring that quota if there is one. Just in and out like it was in the summer. ?‍♂️
Are there line ups at any other stores?

Funny side note, I met this guy as we were waiting for customer service. He had a photo of his mouth (and whatever would be covering your face) printed on the mask he was wearing.. was the oddest thing. He was very committed to improving the look of it with another strange.
Essential workers under 60 is almost everybody except for retail/restaurant. Do we really want the last people vaccinated those that interact with many maskless people daily? The definition of essential throughout this whole mess has been embarassing.
At my bank you've got 70k people nationwide that are deemed non-essential(out of maybe 83k employees), and we've got 4 other big banks. That's a lot of people for just one industry. I think non-essential under 60 is probably the biggest category of them all. And it's the third from the bottom. Followed by under 20 years old that represents about 20% of the population.
At my bank you've got 70k people nationwide that are deemed non-essential(out of maybe 83k employees), and we've got 4 other big banks. That's a lot of people for just one industry. I think non-essential under 60 is probably the biggest category of them all. And it's the third from the bottom. Followed by under 20 years old that represents about 20% of the population.
That's higher than I expected. Thanks. I just shake my head at the 20 page list of "essential" jobs that included almost everybody. I guess it was up to individual employers where they wanted to place the line for some jobs as there were huge grey areas that could suck in almost every employee if desired.
So I still don't get this lockdown in Toronto, and why small business are being punished. I went to Canadian Tire today. No line ups, no store quotas etc, or anyone monitoring that quota if there is one. Just in and out like it was in the summer. ?‍♂️
Are there line ups at any other stores?

Funny side note, I met this guy as we were waiting for customer service. He had a photo of his mouth (and whatever would be covering your face) printed on the mask he was wearing.. was the oddest thing. He was very committed to improving the look of it with another strange.
yeah i wait at walmart anytime i go right after work. it's not nearly as bad as it was in the spring though.

there is a security guard there tracking people in and out.
I wonder if the anti-maskers are going to try and walk around without masks and claim they got the shot...

Reality is we're still going to be wearing masks in indoor venues probably through to next fall, maybe next winter as well depending on how many people end up getting vaccinated and how close to herd immunity we do (or do not) get.

But crazies gonna be crazy, no matter what.
I wonder how long it'll take for fake vaccination papers take to show up in Ontario once the real ones are rolled out to those that actually got vaccinated. It'll be a whole economy like fake IDs.

I thought about that a few days ago. Good lord I hope there's some level of anti-counterfeit in the document...or better yet, it should be online somehow with a connection to a central registry with a barcode or something that businesses can quickly scan and validate somehow. Any fake BS copies don't scan properly and the piece of paper isn't worth jack ****.

But knowing our shortsighted governments it'll be some stupid wallet sized piece of paper that anyone can run off copies of in their living room using an inkjet.
Was in Costco mid-day Wed. and it was packed. People shoulder to shoulder everywhere in the store. The width of their isles alone would not permit proper social distancing if you had to get past someone. There was no "in store" controls on who went where. A complete free-for-all. I had never felt as exposed to the virus as I did there yesterday. Won't be going back any time soon. Feel sorry for those working there. They can't escape the madness! That situation just can't be nearly as safe as shopping in a small retail location!
Was in Costco mid-day Wed. and it was packed. People shoulder to shoulder everywhere in the store. The width of their isles alone would not permit proper social distancing if you had to get past someone. There was no "in store" controls on who went where. A complete free-for-all. I had never felt as exposed to the virus as I did there yesterday. Won't be going back any time soon. Feel sorry for those working there. They can't escape the madness! That situation just can't be nearly as safe as shopping in a small retail location!
Instead of limiting entry they have employees walk around with a shopping cart that holds a sign that says stay 6 feet apart :cautious:
Where do I queue? How long will it take?
So fast? Aren't you afraid?

Read this
Reality is we're still going to be wearing masks in indoor venues probably through to next fall, maybe next winter as well depending on how many people end up getting vaccinated and how close to herd immunity we do (or do not) get.

But crazies gonna be crazy, no matter what.

I thought about that a few days ago. Good lord I hope there's some level of anti-counterfeit in the document...or better yet, it should be online somehow with a connection to a central registry with a barcode or something that businesses can quickly scan and validate somehow. Any fake BS copies don't scan properly and the piece of paper isn't worth jack ****.

But knowing our shortsighted governments it'll be some stupid wallet sized piece of paper that anyone can run off copies of in their living room using an inkjet.
Should be encoded in a QR image on your health card or DL.
I am hoping that the vaccination record will be electronic, linkable to your passport, with a paper card with a unique QR code so that the validity can be checked. Situations demanding high security (international travel) tied to the electronic record via passport. Medium security tied to the electronic record via the QR code. Low security (cinema, restaurants) just the paper without validation. This shouldn't have been floated by the politicians, they should have just done it. Hopefully the politicians and the politically correct crowd don't screw it up.
I am hoping that the vaccination record will be electronic, linkable to your passport, with a paper card with a unique QR code so that the validity can be checked. Situations demanding high security (international travel) tied to the electronic record via passport. Medium security tied to the electronic record via the QR code. Low security (cinema, restaurants) just the paper without validation. This shouldn't have been floated by the politicians, they should have just done it. Hopefully the politicians and the politically correct crowd don't screw it up.

A link between vaccination and passport has way too many moving parts - requires co-ordination with different branches of the government and inter-governmental co-operation.

Ain't happening.
A link between vaccination and passport has way too many moving parts - requires co-ordination with different branches of the government and inter-governmental co-operation.

Ain't happening.
Well you could go with the dumber version where you give your passport number when getting the second shot and they type it in. Now you don't need cooperation, you have a single vaccination database and scanning your paper qr popups your passport number (no name or anything so it wouldn't be very useful if stolen). Obviously issues longer term with replacement passports but would start things off without too much effort (as long as you didn't lose the old passport, no real issues longterm either).
Re the passport link. Australia already makes you get an ETA tied to your passport; I'm sure this will be another condition. Other countries including the EU have been moving towards requiring an ETA even before the pandemic hit. This is just another thing they will want to check in order to get the ETA.
Well you could go with the dumber version where you give your passport number when getting the second shot and they type it in. Now you don't need cooperation, you have a single vaccination database and scanning your paper qr popups your passport number (no name or anything so it wouldn't be very useful if stolen). Obviously issues longer term with replacement passports but would start things off without too much effort (as long as you didn't lose the old passport, no real issues longterm either).

International travel requires both ends to have access to the vaccination database. Just because Canada has a VaxDB, doesn't mean other countries will or care about it.

The standard for vaccinations for international travel has always been a Yellow Book with stamps. I don't see this changing just for COVID-19.
@Brian P what is ETA on your passport?

Electronic Travel Authority.

When you want to travel to a country that requires a visa, typically you apply beforehand at the embassy and send in your passport as well. If you're approved for entry, they will stamp your passport or paste a sticker inside with that approval. When you arrive at that country's border, you show them the stamp/sticker and they let you in.

ETA replaces the stamp or sticker with a computer entry in that country's database, so when you enter, the border officials can see that approval electronically.
ETA replaces the stamp or sticker with a computer entry in that country's database, so when you enter, the border officials can see that approval electronically.

seems more cash grab than anything. A few cousins didn’t know about it until they were on their way to Warsaw and texted me to say they’re excited to come to our wedding.
I just casually asked ‘any issues with your ETA?’
‘what’s an ETA?’
Cue a flurry of phone activity en route to the airport. Last one came in as they were waiting in line to get on the plane.
I think it’s like $8-10CAD to get into Canada.

unfortunately an acquaintance missed his brothers funeral because he didn’t know about it and couldn’t get on the plane out of Heathrow. Showed up a day later.
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