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In a years time I suspect he may not feel it was all worth it.
My suspicion is it was already done. This has been a crap year for retail/restaurants. I suspect he realized it was over and was trying a last push (maybe to attempt a save but more likely as publicity so when he opens something in the future he will have noteriety).
I can't wait until the weeks ahead when the stories of people who ended up on TV and in the newspapers being violent crazies losing their jobs start trickling out.

Because their freedom to protest is protected. Their freedom from the potential consequences, not so much.

Social media is a great tool for letting these whacadoodles organize. It's also a great tool for spreading the results of their gatherings far and wide. Eventually someone, somewhere is going to see it, and next thing you know there's a "The actions and views of and so does not reflect the values of our company and accordingly we have terminated his/her employment" letter.

As for the GoFundMe for the guy who owned the restaurant, well yeah, the lawyers will take most of it. What's left, assuming he actually gets it (and it doesn't disappear into some strangers pockets) will maybe cover some of the fines and expenses related to him effectively losing his business at this point, as it's evident he's done. In a years time I suspect he may not feel it was all worth it.

Hes a trust fund kid, those schmucks just lost 100k
he will have noteriety

Amongst a small minority of the population with a high ******* quotient, and likely low education/low income quotient as well. IE, probably not the best most reliable or affluent customers.

For the rest of society, this guy now presents as an enormous *******. And many, myself included, wouldn't set foot in any restaurant his name is even remotely attached to.

He's destroyed his own business. And if there's one thing that will burn long term memories into peoples minds and will shape future decisions on who (and who not) to do business with, it's the antimask movement.

What's so ironic is that being asked to wear a mask during a pandemic is the biggest "oppression" these people have ever experienced. Oh woe is them....mah freedumz.
Amongst a small minority of the population with a high ******* quotient, and likely low education/low income quotient as well. IE, probably not the best most reliable or affluent customers.
How can you spew this crap, what makes you think these people are not educated? You seem to think education gets you a bigger paycheck
Amongst a small minority of the population with a high ******* quotient, and likely low education/low income quotient as well. IE, probably not the best most reliable or affluent customers.

For the rest of society, this guy now presents as an enormous *******. And many, myself included, wouldn't set foot in any restaurant his name is even remotely attached to.

He's destroyed his own business. And if there's one thing that will burn long term memories into peoples minds and will shape future decisions on who (and who not) to do business with, it's the antimask movement.

What's so ironic is that being asked to wear a mask during a pandemic is the biggest "oppression" these people have ever experienced. Oh woe is them....mah freedumz.
I'm with you. I will avoid giving him money at any point in the future. At best he is a selfish ass. Like I said before, if he had tried a reasonable protest (patio, takeout with random tables in the parking lot etc), I may have been on his side. He intentionally chose to take the riskiest, hardest to deal with path to stick it the man and I have no problem if his suffering for his choice lasts well into the future.
I'm with you. I will avoid giving him money at any point in the future. At best he is a selfish ass. Like I said before, if he had tried a reasonable protest (patio, takeout with random tables in the parking lot etc), I may have been on his side. He intentionally chose to take the riskiest, hardest to deal with path to stick it the man and I have no problem if his suffering for his choice lasts well into the future.
Same, learned he has another place in leaside close to my parent's place, I'll spend elsewhere.
How can you spew this crap, what makes you think these people are not educated? You seem to think education gets you a bigger paycheck

Go back and read what you just wrote.

Here, I’ll spell it out for you:

- Educated people have a better understanding and appreciation for science and are far less likely to be involved in anti-science, anti-public health, and anti their-own-damaged-good nonsense. This is demonstrable. The crazies at these protests are clearly lacking such critical thinking skills to make the same decisions.

- And, uh, yeah, an education generally does “get you a bigger paycheque”. Are you for real? Sheesh. There a certain level of irony in this.
The protest is always against the rules - that's not even in the question.

How do you know these are far & alt right? I don't see colors, or any form of organization -- that's not typical of the right, they get called to action and are organized. This looks more like one of those 'screw your landlords' protests we saw earlier this year, idle folks who have nothing better to do that get their face on a Toronto Sun picture.

more anti vaxxers(in calgary), if only there were some way of deducing their political leanings:

well the one thing is, the more anti vaxxers there are the more of a chance the people wanting the vaccine will have it available to them
29 charged in a mississauga house party
do you get a criminal record after getting charged or does that happen after conviction?

29 charged in a mississauga house party
do you get a criminal record after getting charged or does that happen after conviction?

Why is it ALWAYS Mississagua? WTF is in the water over there?
Same, learned he has another place in leaside close to my parent's place, I'll spend elsewhere.
Yeah same owner of the BBQ place and the pizza place (right next door), I guess the name is fitting "Conspiracy Pizza"
Too bad the BBQ was pretty good.

It's unfortunate he chose to protest in this fashion, it really doesn't help, whatever message was there is lost. But to be honest small business's are getting the shaft, and big box stores are just raking it in. The gov can't figure out where the spread of the virus is happening, so why should larger stores be more essential then smaller stores. I am not try to elude to any conspiracy, but allowances should be more levelled.
Yeah same owner of the BBQ place and the pizza place (right next door), I guess the name is fitting "Conspiracy Pizza"
Too bad the BBQ was pretty good.

It's unfortunate he chose to protest in this fashion, it really doesn't help, whatever message was there is lost. But to be honest small business's are getting the shaft, and big box stores are just raking it in. The gov can't figure out where the spread of the virus is happening, so why should larger stores be more essential then smaller stores. I am not try to elude to any conspiracy, but allowances should be more levelled.
What's happening at Walmart?

I was talking to an uncle in Manitoba and Walmart is open but only the grocery section. Is it the same here or can you access other goods as well?

Canadian Tire, are sporting goods essential?

Home Depot, Do we need new kitchens?

The spread stats aren't being made obvious. What about construction, one of the economy hot spots?

And for heaven's sake make masks mandatory on public transit. It is pure stupidity to do otherwise.

While we are being told to avoid contact it would also be a good idea to make some suggestions of what to do while locked down. I know it isn't easy but a bit of long range thinking would help.

In the short term, cash to small businesses is good but how about assisting them long term into the 21st century on line shopping.
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Interesting study. As a pilot project, they tested 433 asymptomatic staff and students at Thorncliffe Park PS. 19 out of 433 tested positive.

Could schools be used as a microcosm of widespread community testing to identify infection rates in each neighbourhood? The article implies no, but they have a huge logic error.
"The virus positivity rate at the school is around four per cent but the community rate is four times that at 16 per cent.
Crane added that Toronto Public Health does not believe the school needs to close at this time because compared to the rest of the Thorncliffe Park community, the rate of positivity within the school is significantly lower."
You can't compare the positivity rate of people that were symptomatic and/or know they were exposed to the rate from random sample testing.

Since I know I got exposed to a positive case last monday (both wearing masks, in a large room, stayed ~6' apart) and my wife works in a hospital I got another brain poke on Saturday. Damn is the system ever working well now. Make an appointment online (time slots starting five minutes after booking), show up at booked time, poked and out of there in less than five minutes. They said 48 to 72 hours for results but they were available the next day. As expected, negative but it was safer to check and minimize risk to vulnerable patients.
29 charged in a mississauga house party
do you get a criminal record after getting charged or does that happen after conviction?

you'll have an arrest record, which only matters to police.

criminal record is after conviction.
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