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I was laughing my ass off at costco. They talk about cancelling gatherings of more than 250 people. I would be absolutely shocked if Costco wasn't approaching their fire code limit (back of the envelope ~3500 people). Employees that have been there for 25 years have never seen so many people in the store.
Yeah I heard from a friend at one that the line was to the back of the store.
If a line up ever has any more than 3 people in it, I'm gone. No exceptions.
Getting crazy now. Wife was saying that there were cops at one of the Costco’s to prevent mayhem.
And apparently someone pulled a gun in Loblaws downtown in a fight....
we intentionally went to a rural store yesterday to do actual grocery shopping, no issues

My wife got some staples and options for a few meals today...only moderately insane she said.

A trip to a little rural store in buttfuck somewhere may be in order this weekend. If not to actually hopefully find some damned toilet paper, but also to just remove ourselves from the stupidity that is about 50% of the population right now.

Sometimes I just want to live somewhere like this with no stupid people.

On another note...I had to laugh today. Some facilities are now instituting forms and questionnaires before admitting you to certain larger plants and factories....because, you know...nobody would EVER lie on a piece of paper the rent-a-cop security guard hands you at the gate.

Anyhow, one place I went to today was all about the paperwork. Wanted all sorts of personal info (most of which I refused to provide...sorry, you do NOT need my DL# or my personal cellphone number) and had a big form with all sorts of checkboxes about travel history, any symptoms you may be experiencing, if you've been sick, blah blah blah. So freakin worried about things. Then....they hand me a selection of filthy specialty PPE they require for said facility (all of which is unnecessary overkill compared to the PPE I normally wear as part of my work day) and send me into the facility.

They're so worried about disease transmission but insist on their "special" PPE that hasn't probably been cleaned since 1984. And which really could be done away with honestly in the short term.

It's like this everywhere. So much kneejerk going on without much thought to the actual bigger picture that it's almost laughable.
On another note...I had to laugh today. Some facilities are now instituting forms and questionnaires before admitting you to certain larger plants and factories....because, you know...nobody would EVER lie on a piece of paper the rent-a-cop security guard hands you at the gate.

Anyhow, one place I went to today was all about the paperwork. Wanted all sorts of personal info (most of which I refused to provide...sorry, you do NOT need my DL# or my personal cellphone number) and had a big form with all sorts of checkboxes about travel history, any symptoms you may be experiencing, if you've been sick, blah blah blah. So freakin worried about things. Then....they hand me a selection of filthy specialty PPE they require for said facility (all of which is unnecessary overkill compared to the PPE I normally wear as part of my work day) and send me into the facility.

They're so worried about disease transmission but insist on their "special" PPE that hasn't probably been cleaned since 1984. And which really could be done away with honestly in the short term.

It's like this everywhere. So much kneejerk going on without much thought to the actual bigger picture that it's almost laughable.
Mine is currently doing the same. Not surprised.
Not that it matters.

You do know that is 2 different fiction books. Not the same book as represented.
It sort of matters. Getting a date right is only remotely interesting if you are also correct about something harder to blindly guess.

NYT guy reporting

NYT guy reporting
I've got two or three boxes of gloves in the garage that occasionally get used for mechanicing. Probably three or four tubes of lysol wipes too as I bought them but found them not great to use so they got relegated to baby wipes for dirty equipment.

Anybody else see the article about the enterprising wanker in BC that bought $70K worth of Lysol wipes (clearing out most costcos in BC) and sold them on Amazon to clear $30K. I blame costco for letting that stupidity happen. Not only did they let him clear out an entire store, he needs a Costco account, if should be pretty easy to see that he is going from store to store doing the same thing.
This stuff is just getting crazy.

Due to an unprecedented spike in order volume and inquiries, our lead times on shipping, along with the time it takes us to respond to your questions has increased. The current estimated lead time is eight to ten weeks specifically on the HAZ-SUIT

Well at least someone is making money over this. Are normal people actually buying Haz-mat suits or is this government stupidity and excess at its finest and they are filling warehouses full of things that will never be used?

Not sure if the reviews are fake or just racist. This thing is basically a glorified garbage bag. The mask is sold separately.
"Perfect coronavirus protection
Wore this on the plane in my last work trip. Some asian kids were coughing at me but I felt 100% safe. It's been 14 days and I don't feel sick so it looks like this does the trick."
I aint never letting anyone tell me motorcycles are dangerous, could die any moment corona, cancer, heart problems, might as well live while alive

Warning Graphic:
I aint never letting anyone tell me motorcycles are dangerous, could die any moment corona, cancer, heart problems, might as well live while alive

Warning Graphic:
They are disinfecting streets with a handheld weed sprayer? That seems like a useless make work project. Probably takes more years of life off the poor guy with the wand than it saves.
I bought a bidet seat off Amazon for $40. Plenty left. I’m not lining up with pikeys hoarding the pooh paper. Also there’s plenty of bog roll here in Costa Rica ..maybe I should bring some back duty free.
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