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Was at the dentist's office.
They are having a hard time getting masks at their usual supplier.
I wonder why?

How many of them are fully up to date on their vaccinations?
Because there's one thing I've noticed is that the more batshit crazy some people are about communicable diseases, the least likely they are to actually be vaccinated against the preventable ones.
Read this book, it's hilarious.
Chronicles of a cruise ship crew member
I've never been sick on a cruise either, but I know some that have.
3 weeks from now I'll be on a cruise. I'm not concerned in the least. I'm far more worried about getting noro on a ship than anything else, but thats easy to avoid by simply not being a pig, washing your hands, and keeping them out of your mouth.

Globably, there's 200,000 deaths annually from Noro, nearly 2 million from Tuberculosis (yep, still to this day even though there's a vaccine), 60K or so every year from the flu (Yep, also a vaccine that's generally more effective than not, and can and does generally lessen symptoms for those who may still get it regardless), etc etc etc.

But you don't hear about any of those because that's all normalized now and the media doesn't care much. But some new sickness with a catchy name, OMG EVERYONE PANIC!
The main difference is cronoviruses spread like California wildfires. When a highly contagious disease starts spreading through masses, a low mortality rate makes a big pile of dead bodies.
June will be cruise ship trip 14 for us. I see people wiping them down ALL day and night, handwashing is everywhere, they empty the boat and the restaurants are off limits for several hours while everything is cleaned. Everybody loves an "epidemic" story so we hear all the buzz. Airplanes to get you onto any holiday are a bit scary, people sleeping and drooling, sock feet on the furniture, even if they got sick on holiday , they are getting ON that plane home.
But you cant live in a bubble if you want to LIVE. I'll travel to safer locations, avoid known zones and vaccinate when available.
This cornovirus is fast spreading, a ligitimate epidemic in Asia, but a mask you bought at CTC wont be of much help. Common sense, not so common.
.... A few of my buddies are in full swing panic mode and we actually had choice words where I told them they're panicking over nothing, and they called me ignorant and to be more careful when I travel. ...
Get one of these and wear coveralls and rubber gloves for the next time you see them, then refuse to take it off until they leave :

took a rather long airport shuttle ride yesterday
ancient old bus, filthy, and packed full of people

it's interesting how you become conditioned to observe for things
it seemed like there was a lot more coughing going on than normal

planes don't bother me that much
air circulation is better on them than public buildings - filtered
and facilities are close by to wash your hands as often as you like
whiskey tango who fly with their screaming spawn is the worst part

my pet peeve - maybe fixation, is debit terminals
was never a fan of tap to pay
but if it allows me to avoid touching those disgusting things
I'll accept the risk
Can you imagine somebody actually feeling threatened by a guy wearing a gas mask after he has made it through Texas airport security :/ oh the horror off it all :LOL:
Can you imagine somebody actually feeling threatened by a guy wearing a gas mask after he has made it through Texas airport security :/ oh the horror off it all :LOL:

A mask as pictured might ward off the bugs but wearing one walking into a liquor store in Texas would get you shot.

So, if you were stranded in one of the quarantined cities and they sent a Max 8 to get you out...............................
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my pet peeve - maybe fixation, is debit terminals
was never a fan of tap to pay
but if it allows me to avoid touching those disgusting things
I'll accept the risk

I won't enable tap to pay on cards. Too easy for someone else to use/abuse and surreptitious readers to skim info from. Cash or NFC.
The main difference is cronoviruses spread like California wildfires. When a highly contagious disease starts spreading through masses, a low mortality rate makes a big pile of dead bodies.

Elderly or immunocompromised are the highest mortality rate. Although when I get out bed in the morning I feel like a 90 year old, I am not yet in my "elderly" years, and despite all my other health problems, my immune system seems to be working overdrive, so I'm cool.

June will be cruise ship trip 14 for us. I see people wiping them down ALL day and night, handwashing is everywhere, they empty the boat and the restaurants are off limits for several hours while everything is cleaned.

Exactly. Like I said earlier in this thread, the level of sanitation on a cruise ship is off the charts. It's only people who have never been on one or just blindly believe the sensationalistic stuff they read online who don't understand or appreciate this.

But you cant live in a bubble if you want to LIVE.

Exactly. I live by the mantra "Don't let the fear of what could happen make nothing happen". Since we're all here on a motorcycle forum and presumably all ride motorcycles, we're statistically far more likely to die in a MC wreck than we are to get sick to the point of death on a vacation. But we accept that risk because we enjoy riding. Some of us are not willing to live in a bubble in the rest of our lives, however.

planes don't bother me that much
air circulation is better on them than public buildings - filtered

Depends on the age of the aircraft (older ones don't have the level of HEPA filtration the new ones do), and also depends a lot on the maintenance of such systems. The key thing to keep in mind is that although the air is good, the surfaces, not so much - planes are turned over so quickly that unless there's a reason to do a deep sanitization (IE, someone was sick with something serious enough to take the plane out of service for a full sanitization), chances are nothing happened between flights except for picking up trash left on the floor. So someones snot rocket unvaccinated special snowflake crotch goblin who sneezed endlessly all over the seat your now sitting in on the entire flight previous to yours has probably left you some presents behind. Just keep your hands away from your face for the flight however and you'll be just fine.
I won't enable tap to pay on cards. Too easy for someone else to use/abuse and surreptitious readers to skim info from. Cash or NFC.

I resisted tap for a long time
those things you mentioned are a risk
but in the event of fraud the bank eats the loss

still an inconvenience though as they kill the card
this is a bad deal if you're travelling
one reason why I have a few cards to use
I won't enable tap to pay on cards. Too easy for someone else to use/abuse and surreptitious readers to skim info from. Cash or NFC.

You're far more likely to get your card skimmed in physical use than EVER through NFC. Although the chips are extremely secure and unable to be cloned, your card still has a legacy magstripe on the back so that it'll work in places across the world where chip and pin is still in it's infancy, like, ironically, the USA. That magstripe is the big weakness and is EASILY skimmed in places where your card is fully inserted into the machine, such as pretty much all gas pumps and such. THAT data is useful to theives as they can clone the card and then use it elsewhere in the world where magstripe is still common, or online.

Fun fact: All tap transactions are 100% guaranteed against fraud if you lose your card, and tap generally is exhausted anyways at around $100 before you'll be prompted to insert your card and do a chip and pin transaction to verify you're the legitimate card owner before it resets again. You can call your bank and have this limit increased or decreased based on your wishes.

In the end, tap is actually FAR more secure contrary to popular belief. The malarky about people walking past you in a store and "skimming" your bank card data sight unseen is just that - pure bunk. Can they get SOME data? Perhaps. But not enough to actually make the data valid to do anything with or even be personally identifiable, which carries zero value to thieves. And they have to get within inches of your wallet to do it.
those things you mentioned are a risk

Walking out your door is a risk. Unless you want to wear nitrile gloves and change them every time you touch something, you're going to be at some level of exposure risk. I was only commenting on cards being compromised.
I should have been more clear on NFC. Phone or watch. Can't use them without some part of my anatomy present. Often wear different watches, but I always have my phone with me.

Fun fact: All tap transactions are 100% guaranteed against fraud if you lose your card, and tap generally is exhausted anyways at around $100 before you'll be prompted to insert your card and do a chip and pin transaction to verify you're the legitimate card owner before it resets again.

Yes. I have no desire to deal with cancelling this, waiting for reimbursement/new card nonsense. And the people who steal cards know about the $100 limit and go from store to store staying under the threshold till the flags go up and the cards get suspended. How long that takes? I know I can go from store to store to store to store on a Saturday afternoon and never has there been any issue with multiple CC or debit payments.
Walking out your door is a risk. Unless you want to wear nitrile gloves and change them every time you touch something, you're going to be at some level of exposure risk. I was only commenting on cards being compromised.

as was I, and you know that
it's futile to try and troll a troll
move on to another target
I should have been more clear on NFC. Phone or watch. Can't use them without some part of my anatomy present. Often wear different watches, but I always have my phone with me.

Yes. I have no desire to deal with cancelling this, waiting for reimbursement/new card nonsense. And the people who steal cards know about the $100 limit and go from store to store staying under the threshold till the flags go up and the cards get suspended. How long that takes? I know I can go from store to store to store to store on a Saturday afternoon and never has there been any issue with multiple CC or debit payments.
Flash (tapping your card) is more secure than swipe or chip and pin for most users. Pull out your phone ant turn on video, see how easy it is to film a card and pin use next time you are in a lineup. Fraudsters don’t target tap, too much work for too little return. They target the people with tap disabled (easy to find as they are often wearing tinfoil hats).
There may be nothing filthier in the world than cash , paper money is the worst . Strippers tuck your 20 in the g string and then the bar tender hands it back in change to a guy that just had his hand in Bambi’s cooch and he buys groceries on the way home after rubbing one out, thinking about Bambi’s mom. I’ll tap thanks

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There may be nothing filthier in the world than cash , paper money is the worst . Strippers tuck your 20 in the g string and then the bar tender hands it back in change to a guy that just had his hand in Bambi’s cooch and he buys groceries on the way home after rubbing one out, thinking about Bambi’s mom. I’ll tap thanks

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So i guess it’s safer to just TAP Bambi?
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