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Sorry to hear about that...
Sister was in the hospital for about 7 months after initial diagnosis.
Some graft vs. host syndrome (hardened fat nodules under her skin making it feel like she's got a small pea every square inch or so), but otherwise good.

Couple other things coming up now, so I may end up being a spare parts bin for her. ;)

My cousin's daughter went to the doctor because she had itchy skin. Didn't quite make it to the next Christmas.
My cousin's daughter went to the doctor because she had itchy skin. Didn't quite make it to the next Christmas.
Ugh. My wife switched from LTC to Oncology. She is not sure it was a great choice. So many people her age (or younger) with little kids with similar stories. Much tougher on her than LTC where everybody died, but at least the vast majority had lived long lives.
Ugh. My wife switched from LTC to Oncology. She is not sure it was a great choice. So many people her age (or younger) with little kids with similar stories. Much tougher on her than LTC where everybody died, but at least the vast majority had lived long lives.
It actually made me very sad to see people younger than me in the cancer ward during my treatment and medical appointments.

Youths, kids and everything in between was heartbreaking.

Doctor told me he sees late teen males with cancer and it’s very difficult to treat them and keep their spirits up, especially as they worry they won’t be able to start families later on in life.
What is the percentage in isolating every healthy specimen, that does nothing to thwart the virus.

Problem remains that we still can't see the bug, it's too damn small.

If everyone was on board we have the technology to track where everyone's been and in contact with. That's just as good as seeing the "bug". But noooo, a considerable chunk of population has been behaving like inconsiderate brats, so we get nanny state treatment.

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What the? How does this happen? Did the call centre just pull the "you are essential workers so show up and shut up and we don't have the time or money to reconfigure the workspace"? I understand that it is a hard job to push to remote work, but I would hope that they implemented protective measures within the physical space to minimize risk.

A COVID-19 outbreak has been declared at the city call centre that dispatches paramedics to 911 calls.

Toronto Paramedics Services spokesperson Dineen Robinson says that 10 staff members at Toronto's Central Ambulance Communications Centre are now in quarantine and another 22 are in self-isolation in accordance with Toronto Public Health guidelines.
Well had the brain poke today. Rapid testing which was negative.

I'd consider the feeling of the swab all the way back there pretty weird. Round 2 on Thursday.
Press conference now about current counts and modelling for Ontario. I will update bullet list occasionally. I had a phone call and missed a large portion of the press conference.
  • UK variant is present and active in Ontario.
  • All PHU's exceed threshold for positivity
  • Highest % positivity ~ age 4 to 17. GG-that may be because they only get the brain poke if they have a lot of symptoms, i highly suspect more adults get proactive tests.
  • LTC - infections in staff and residents ~ equal
  • up to 2639 deaths by Feb 14/21 as worst-case. Trending towards that worst-case scenario
  • tons of people ignoring restrictions
  • with 5% growth, 20,000 cases per day by mid feb. with 7% growth, 40,000 cases per day by mid feb. some days have been 7% growth.
  • Covid will likely become the leading daily cause of death. Currently behind cancer and heart disease.
  • Significant number of cases associated with workplaces. (no quantification)
  • Hope to have LTC in Toronto/Peel/York/Windsor vaccinated by Jan 21 and remainder by end of Jan.
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Douggie press conference starting five minutes ago (theoretically). Will update this post.

Bumped to 13:30. Probably adding ski hills to the list again.

Porn/elevator music now playing. Douggie should be strutting in soon. I wonder if he will be wearing a fur coat.

  • Effective immediately, state of emergency for at least 28 days
  • Thursday stay at home order issued (GG-hopefully details later on in meeting).
  • Schools in hotspots closed until feb 10
  • Health care system at verge of collapse
  • 8 new cases of UK strain today (GG- afaik only a small subset of tests are checked for strain)
  • >30% of Ontarians are ignoring current guidelines
  • Everyone must stay home. Enforcement will occur.
  • Big box stores get more enforcement and inspection blitz
  • Trying to delay UK variant spread as it causes a nightmare
  • Suspending enforcement of residential evictions (GG - they really need to focus on a viable plan here, allowing enforcement orders without satisfaction just punts the problem and makes it worse. After an eviction order is granted there is a very high probability the tenant does not pay another sent and may damage the property in anger)
  • CE Stay at home order, all workplaces required to be work@home to extent possible (GG-damn that's a gaping hole), all non-essential construction closed (GG- isn't that nothing?), all non-essential retail closed, outdoor gathering limited to 5, masks in public even outdoor if you are closer than 2m
  • Sylvia Jones (SGO) - we are concerned blah blah blah
  • Douggie, Toronto streets at ~85% of pre-covid traffic now so obviously people are out and about
  • Q - should these have been implemented earlier? DF - we have more enforcement, 30% of people are ignoring guidelines (GG-that's not an answer)
  • SJ - Bylaw enforcement officers are empowered to issue tickets and disperse crowds now (GG- whoopdy(*&(ingdo)
  • GF - we need to get to april/may/june to get past this. (GG-setting things up for a lockdown to april)
I didn't hear anything about daycares, presumably shut because all non-essential outings are banned but since most of the workforce is "essential" (according to the gov't definition), what happens to the kids?

According to this website, daycare operation is unchanged.

  • Child care centres for non-school aged children will remain open
  • Child care remains suspended for school-aged children in areas where in-person learning is on hold, with the exception of emergency centres for the children of essential workers
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Douggie will not go far enough, that's for sure. He keeps nibbling around the edges doing stupid stuff that makes no difference and can't/won't be enforced. Unless he locks the Province down completely, as they did in Australia, we will have a major healthcare crisis by Feb. The time for little tweaks passed back in October/November.
State of Emergency, schools closed but no word on daycare.
Additional enforcement.
Blitz of big box stores.
Douggie will not go far enough, that's for sure. He keeps nibbling around the edges doing stupid stuff that makes no difference and can't/won't be enforced. Unless he locks the Province down completely, as they did in Australia, we will have a major healthcare crisis by Feb. The time for little tweaks passed back in October/November.
So there was a lot of talking but it seems that very little actually changes. The 30% that were ignoring past guidelines can easily continue ignoring the new guidelines with little chance of repercussions.
Doesn't seem to be overly different from where we are now with exceptions:

1. school closure extension in hotspots until Feb 10
2. non-essential stores (which are?) shortened hours
3. what classifies as non-essential construction
4. additional enforcement / penalties for rule breakers

Outside of that I didn't see much bite in the maybe I missed it.
Doesn't seem to be overly different from where we are now with exceptions:

1. school closure extension in hotspots until Feb 10
2. non-essential stores (which are?) shortened hours
3. what classifies as non-essential construction
4. additional enforcement / penalties for rule breakers

Outside of that I didn't see much bite in the maybe I missed it.
Stay at home order. Essential business only.
Doesn't seem to be overly different from where we are now with exceptions:

1. school closure extension in hotspots until Feb 10
2. non-essential stores (which are?) shortened hours
3. what classifies as non-essential construction
4. additional enforcement / penalties for rule breakers

Outside of that I didn't see much bite in the maybe I missed it.
News sites seem to be working with more than was said at the press conference. Presumably their should be a document that shows details (or lack thereof).

For non-essential construction, I saw below grade but excluding survey. That won't hold up. If you dug a four storey deep hole, you can't wait a month before putting something in it.

Here's the official press release with some details for those that want to look at uninterpreted restrictions.
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Which was almost everything in the past. He used words with no real physical meaning.
Not really. We were encouraged to stay put. Now we are being told to do so. This means you can be stopped, questioned and fined.

Feel free to correct me, im in a meeting so haven't kept track of everything.
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