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No it doesn't. (And I daresay, what the government actually provides to us is waaaaayyy better and more thorough than that. And more accurate. And not misleading. And updated every day.)

Here is what you get if you navigate on to find that exact page: Epidemiological summary of COVID-19 cases in Canada -

Of course the link in that original graphic is in jpg format, so who is going to double-check it by typing it out manually.
5 students at Western with Covid from community spread it seems.
Did you see the party video from Trent? Higher education will quickly become a cesspool if the drunk morons keep this up.

Link to news report with a video clip. Source account is private so I can't link to original.
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Did you see the party video from Trent? Higher education will quickly become a cesspool if the drunk morons keep this up.

Hate to sound like a party pooper but it is the younger generation that risks ruining what we have achieved in Canada. Certain situations are fantastic spreader events. Let’s bring a whole bunch of strangers together from across Canada, make them travel, put them in close proximity to each other indoors disobeying most precautionary protocols and then let them mingle with more like minded strangers over a prolonged period of time.

In my town the rumblings I’ve heard from residents are close to the “take to the streets with pitchforks“ level at times. To be fair, I don’t really blame them for their reactions.

The (minority of idiots) students need to smarten up or the “us and them” games that students and locals always partake in are going to reach dangerous levels.
Hate to sound like a party pooper but it is the younger generation that risks ruining what we have achieved in Canada. Certain situations are fantastic spreader events. Let’s bring a whole bunch of strangers together from across Canada, make them travel, put them in close proximity to each other indoors disobeying most precautionary protocols and then let them mingle with more like minded strangers over a prolonged period of time.

In my town the rumblings I’ve heard from residents are close to the “take to the streets with pitchforks“ level at times. To be fair, I don’t really blame them for their reactions.

The (minority of idiots) students need to smarten up or the “us and them” games that students and locals always partake in are going to reach dangerous levels.

There is often the "I'll take my chances" bit, ignoring the spread factor.

I have a SIL in the USA that wants to fly up for a couple of non essential sentimental reasons. She will have to quarantine when she gets here but not going back. You don't have to shower when you go from the swimming pool to the septic tank.

How does she get to the quarantine facility / hotel?

Where does she eat?

Having nothing to do for 14 days who wants to spend 14 days on the phone with her listening to her whine?

She wants to visit a friend that is compromised to the max, stage 4. Does the friend want to see her?

I don't want to see her on a good day.

She isn't the younger generation, just important in her own eyes. Self importance affects all ages. I see seniors griping about masks and all the "other nonsense". Yeah masks are uncomfortable but not as much as a plastic tube rammed down your throat.
Whats the story with Montreal and the big no mask protest the other day? is Quebec going to ruin it for the rest of Canada like Victoria ruined it for the rest of Australia?
:LOL: The boomer view:
University students are younger and less mature now then they were when we went to school and from what I hear many seem to think they are there for some kind of "experience" not just to become educated. They don't really want to train and achieve a diploma on-line, because that does not include the drunk party orgy experience their parents paid the big bucks for. They just don't care! and Queens is even a medical training facility attached to a hospital, if Queens medical students can't figure it out :/ wtf are they going to school for again?
313 cases in Ontario today. 675 in past 72 hours. Not looking good. Majority are in Peel, TO and Ottawa and under 40 years old.
:LOL: The boomer view:
University students are younger and less mature now then they were when we went to school and from what I hear many seem to think they are there for some kind of "experience" not just to become educated. They don't really want to train and achieve a diploma on-line, because that does not include the drunk party orgy experience their parents paid the big bucks for. They just don't care! and Queens is even a medical training facility attached to a hospital, if Queens medical students can't figure it out :/ wtf are they going to school for again?

Can more or less guarantee it's not the med students. They are one of the only group of students where all their classes are in classrooms and they can't be off campus. These guys are so driven and cutthroat that they'd never endanger their education by potentially getting everything shut down again.
So, how do you stop the younger folk from having private parties, which seem to be the source of a lot of this?

I can only think of things that would be viewed as draconian and highly un-democratic ...
Can more or less guarantee it's not the med students. They are one of the only group of students where all their classes are in classrooms and they can't be off campus. These guys are so driven and cutthroat that they'd never endanger their education by potentially getting everything shut down again.

Like these med students?

McMaster just whacked physical attendance for the rest of the school year. They probably want people to go home so they don't have parties ending up on the news.

That's probably the final nail for many restaurants and bars in the area. If they are renting, it is probably cheaper to close to preserve capital and consider a restart once this mess is over.

" McMaster’s classes for the entire winter term will be online. With few exceptions, students will not need to be on campus to take their courses. "
Is there a solution for the dumb? Quotes from link below
“We know of a big family gathering where there was very little mask wearing and too much close contact,” de Villa said.
Our case investigators were told by those involved ‘we’re family. we didn’t think we could get this disease from each other "

" there were also reports over the weekend of a busy restaurant where a performer was moving from table to table un-masked and people had to speak loudly to be heard. "

There obviously needs to be a humongous hammer for commercial establishments that do whatever they want regardless of public health protocols (closed for minimum of 14 days for a violation?). As for the large family gatherings? I don't know how to deal with that. The court of public opinion would have a lot of things to say in both directions if you hit every person with a $1000 fine

We had to go to a meeting today and stopped enroute at a Timmies for takeout coffees.

The stupid order / pick up arrangement at this particular one didn't encourage distancing especially when a lot of people are as dense as rocks.

A bunch of people were milling around and some who knew each other were totally ignoring distancing. Maybe they were of the same bubble but it didn't look it. Some people think you can have a Monday bubble, Tuesday bubble, Wednesday bubble, school bubble, work bubble, sports bubble, cottage bubble etc. That's not a bubble. It's foam.

McDonalds has the same stupid order and wait around arrangement. You don't know who is in the order line and who is waiting to pick up. People wander around like Roomba vacuum cleaners.
McMaster just whacked physical attendance for the rest of the school year. They probably want people to go home so they don't have parties ending up on the news.

That's probably the final nail for many restaurants and bars in the area. If they are renting, it is probably cheaper to close to preserve capital and consider a restart once this mess is over.

" McMaster’s classes for the entire winter term will be online. With few exceptions, students will not need to be on campus to take their courses. "

well ****..that doesn’t bode well.

edit: our winter term was decided months ago, it may be that they are just late deciding
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