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Bad news from the world's Covid 19 safe haven.

I got an email from my sister in New Zealand and Corona-virus is back. The whole country is gong into some degree of lock-down. Listed as community transmission.

Worldometers is saying that they were getting 2 - 3 cases per day for a few days about a week ago. They're serious about controlling this!

"Should a guest be unable to provide a physician's exemption, they will be denied travel until clearance is produced."

The last time I was in Manitoba I saw a guy riding without a helmet. My cousin explained if a doctor gives you a letter saying you can't wear a lid you're good to go lidless. I'm guessing there is a doctor that is easy to convince and he gets all the business.

Masks could be the same.

I am a socialist at heart but not willing to die for someone else's problem.

If I got on a plane and saw someone else NOT wearing a mask do I get a full refund if I immediately got off?

What would be the reaction of the airline if half of the others got off?

What if after airborne someone takes their mask off? Can they be placed on a no-fly list?

Why does one person's disability mean others have to be exposed to health risks?
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"Should a guest be unable to provide a physician's exemption, they will be denied travel until clearance is produced."

The last time I was in Manitoba I saw a guy riding without a helmet. My cousin explained if a doctor gives you a letter saying you can't wear a lid you're good to go lidless. I'm guessing there is a doctor that is easy to convince and he gets all the business.

Masks could be the same.
Doctor Nick.

If someone's arms are paralyzed and they can't remove the mask if they're choking on it, then they have a good case.
Shouldn't be out and about at this time, though.
Face covering, it's not a mask, you can wear a scarf you can wear a veil, you could wear a halloween costume and it still qualifies.

Claustrophobia is a fear of confined spaces and the treatment is to put the person in confined spaces, can these people that can't handle anything touching their face wear glasses? <- wtf phobia is that called? I think you're making **** up, show me where these people were diagnosed with this issue prior to face coverings being mandated and I might buy it.

I dated a girl with fears related to scarves. I thought I was being romantic, helping her with her coat and scarf. The coat went OK but she had a look of fear when I tried to place the scarf. I turned out that her alcoholic father had tried to strangle her once. Masks didn't bother her. She was an O.R. nurse.

I don't see maskaphobia listed nor scarfaphobia.

I suffer from attitudiphonia and assholiphobia and can't be responsible for my actions.

Some people have thinkaphobia, the fear of thinking.

The sum of all fears so far

AchluophobiaFear of darkness
AcrophobiaFear of heights
AerophobiaFear of flying
AlgophobiaFear of pain
AlektorophobiaFear of chickens
AgoraphobiaFear of public spaces or crowds
AichmophobiaFear of needles or pointed objects
AmaxophobiaFear of riding in a car
AndrophobiaFear of men
AnginophobiaFear of angina or choking
AnthophobiaFear of flowers
AnthropophobiaFear of people or society
AphenphosmphobiaFear of being touched
ArachnophobiaFear of spiders
ArithmophobiaFear of numbers
AstraphobiaFear of thunder and lightning
AtaxophobiaFear of disorder or untidiness
AtelophobiaFear of imperfection
AtychiphobiaFear of failure
AutophobiaFear of being alone
BacteriophobiaFear of bacteria
BarophobiaFear of gravity
BathmophobiaFear of stairs or steep slopes
BatrachophobiaFear of amphibians
BelonephobiaFear of pins and needles
BibliophobiaFear of books
BotanophobiaFear of plants
CacophobiaFear of ugliness
CatagelophobiaFear of being ridiculed
CatoptrophobiaFear of mirrors
ChionophobiaFear of snow
ChromophobiaFear of colors
ChronomentrophobiaFear of clocks
ClaustrophobiaFear of confined spaces
CoulrophobiaFear of clowns
CyberphobiaFear of computers
CynophobiaFear of dogs
DendrophobiaFear of trees
DentophobiaFear of dentists
DomatophobiaFear of houses
DystychiphobiaFear of accidents
EcophobiaFear of the home
ElurophobiaFear of cats
EntomophobiaFear of insects
EphebiphobiaFear of teenagers
EquinophobiaFear of horses
F, G
GamophobiaFear of marriage
GenuphobiaFear of knees
GlossophobiaFear of speaking in public
GynophobiaFear of women
HeliophobiaFear of the sun
HemophobiaFear of blood
HerpetophobiaFear of reptiles
HydrophobiaFear of water
HypochondriaFear of illness
IatrophobiaFear of doctors
InsectophobiaFear of insects
KoinoniphobiaFear of rooms full of people
LeukophobiaFear of the color white
LilapsophobiaFear of tornadoes and hurricanes
LockiophobiaFear of childbirth
MageirocophobiaFear of cooking
MegalophobiaFear of large things
MelanophobiaFear of the color black
MicrophobiaFear of small things
MysophobiaFear of dirt and germs
NecrophobiaFear of death or dead things
NoctiphobiaFear of the night
NosocomephobiaFear of hospitals
NyctophobiaFear of the dark
ObesophobiaFear of gaining weight
OctophobiaFear of the figure 8
OmbrophobiaFear of rain
OphidiophobiaFear of snakes
OrnithophobiaFear of birds
PapyrophobiaFear of paper
PathophobiaFear of disease
PedophobiaFear of children
PhilophobiaFear of love
PhobophobiaFear of phobias
PodophobiaFear of feet
PogonophobiaFear of beards
PorphyrophobiaFear of the color purple
PteridophobiaFear of ferns
PteromerhanophobiaFear of flying
PyrophobiaFear of fire
SamhainophobiaFear of Halloween
ScolionophobiaFear of school
SelenophobiaFear of the moon
SociophobiaFear of social evaluation
SomniphobiaFear of sleep
TachophobiaFear of speed
TechnophobiaFear of technology
TonitrophobiaFear of thunder
TrypanophobiaFear of needles or injections
VenustraphobiaFear of beautiful women
VerminophobiaFear of germs
WiccaphobiaFear of witches and witchcraft
XenophobiaFear of strangers or foreigners
ZoophobiaFear of animals
The last time I was in Manitoba I saw a guy riding without a helmet. My cousin explained if a doctor gives you a letter saying you can't wear a lid you're good to go lidless. I'm guessing there is a doctor that is easy to convince and he gets all the business.

I haven't been to Manitoba recently. What's the percentage of riders wearing helmets? I'm thinking it's pretty high, even though people could get a doctor's-note exemption from that sketchy doctor.

In Ontario, now, you don't even need a doctor's note ... just a turban. The percentage of riders wearing helmets is still very high. Technically, you need to have a certain religious background ... but the police aren't allowed to ask that question.

The other thing is that if a particular doctor gets a reputation for writing mask-exemption notes, there is a fair chance that they would end up getting investigated. My profession is different, but you don't want to end up being investigated by the licensing authority. I won't do things analogous to writing doctor's notes (and yes, I've been asked if I would). It takes years for the investigation to figure out situations like that - by that time, the pandemic will be over. I still would not want my name associated with a mess like that.
I dated a girl with fears related to scarves. I thought I was being romantic, helping her with her coat and scarf. The coat went OK but she had a look of fear when I tried to place the scarf. I turned out that her alcoholic father had tried to strangle her once. Masks didn't bother her. She was an O.R. nurse.

I don't see maskaphobia listed nor scarfaphobia.

I suffer from attitudiphonia and assholiphobia and can't be responsible for my actions.

The sum of all fears so far

AchluophobiaFear of darkness
AcrophobiaFear of heights
AerophobiaFear of flying
AlgophobiaFear of pain
AlektorophobiaFear of chickens
AgoraphobiaFear of public spaces or crowds
AichmophobiaFear of needles or pointed objects
AmaxophobiaFear of riding in a car
AndrophobiaFear of men
AnginophobiaFear of angina or choking
AnthophobiaFear of flowers
AnthropophobiaFear of people or society
AphenphosmphobiaFear of being touched
ArachnophobiaFear of spiders
ArithmophobiaFear of numbers
AstraphobiaFear of thunder and lightning
AtaxophobiaFear of disorder or untidiness
AtelophobiaFear of imperfection
AtychiphobiaFear of failure
AutophobiaFear of being alone
BacteriophobiaFear of bacteria
BarophobiaFear of gravity
BathmophobiaFear of stairs or steep slopes
BatrachophobiaFear of amphibians
BelonephobiaFear of pins and needles
BibliophobiaFear of books
BotanophobiaFear of plants
CacophobiaFear of ugliness
CatagelophobiaFear of being ridiculed
CatoptrophobiaFear of mirrors
ChionophobiaFear of snow
ChromophobiaFear of colors
ChronomentrophobiaFear of clocks
ClaustrophobiaFear of confined spaces
CoulrophobiaFear of clowns
CyberphobiaFear of computers
CynophobiaFear of dogs
DendrophobiaFear of trees
DentophobiaFear of dentists
DomatophobiaFear of houses
DystychiphobiaFear of accidents
EcophobiaFear of the home
ElurophobiaFear of cats
EntomophobiaFear of insects
EphebiphobiaFear of teenagers
EquinophobiaFear of horses
F, G
GamophobiaFear of marriage
GenuphobiaFear of knees
GlossophobiaFear of speaking in public
GynophobiaFear of women
HeliophobiaFear of the sun
HemophobiaFear of blood
HerpetophobiaFear of reptiles
HydrophobiaFear of water
HypochondriaFear of illness
IatrophobiaFear of doctors
InsectophobiaFear of insects
KoinoniphobiaFear of rooms full of people
LeukophobiaFear of the color white
LilapsophobiaFear of tornadoes and hurricanes
LockiophobiaFear of childbirth
MageirocophobiaFear of cooking
MegalophobiaFear of large things
MelanophobiaFear of the color black
MicrophobiaFear of small things
MysophobiaFear of dirt and germs
NecrophobiaFear of death or dead things
NoctiphobiaFear of the night
NosocomephobiaFear of hospitals
NyctophobiaFear of the dark
ObesophobiaFear of gaining weight
OctophobiaFear of the figure 8
OmbrophobiaFear of rain
OphidiophobiaFear of snakes
OrnithophobiaFear of birds
PapyrophobiaFear of paper
PathophobiaFear of disease
PedophobiaFear of children
PhilophobiaFear of love
PhobophobiaFear of phobias
PodophobiaFear of feet
PogonophobiaFear of beards
PorphyrophobiaFear of the color purple
PteridophobiaFear of ferns
PteromerhanophobiaFear of flying
PyrophobiaFear of fire
SamhainophobiaFear of Halloween
ScolionophobiaFear of school
SelenophobiaFear of the moon
SociophobiaFear of social evaluation
SomniphobiaFear of sleep
TachophobiaFear of speed
TechnophobiaFear of technology
TonitrophobiaFear of thunder
TrypanophobiaFear of needles or injections
VenustraphobiaFear of beautiful women
VerminophobiaFear of germs
WiccaphobiaFear of witches and witchcraft
XenophobiaFear of strangers or foreigners
ZoophobiaFear of animals

Fear of the colour purple? Really? That's a thing? Shouldn't that just go under generic mental health issues? As least much of the list is rooted in things that could be considered dangerous.
Wandering back to the topic at hand ... I just checked Ontario's case numbers, they just hit the website.

Yesterday may have been a spike over 100 cases, but today went the other direction ... just 33 cases. Keep at it, we are generally going in the right direction.
Kablammo. Here comes the leading edge of the economic fallout. Vaughan just whacked 1100 out of ~1750 staff. I'm not sure why the trigger was pulled now. It would seem to me that they should either have pulled the trigger many months ago or ridden it out at this point. I think many municipalities were continuing to hope for a golden gift from above to cover all of their expenses (including full pay for all employees that did no work for six months) and are coming to the realization that they have screwed themselves by forgetting that incoming money is not unlimited.

I haven't been to Manitoba recently. What's the percentage of riders wearing helmets? I'm thinking it's pretty high, even though people could get a doctor's-note exemption from that sketchy doctor.

In Ontario, now, you don't even need a doctor's note ... just a turban. The percentage of riders wearing helmets is still very high. Technically, you need to have a certain religious background ... but the police aren't allowed to ask that question.

The other thing is that if a particular doctor gets a reputation for writing mask-exemption notes, there is a fair chance that they would end up getting investigated. My profession is different, but you don't want to end up being investigated by the licensing authority. I won't do things analogous to writing doctor's notes (and yes, I've been asked if I would). It takes years for the investigation to figure out situations like that - by that time, the pandemic will be over. I still would not want my name associated with a mess like that.

I haven't been to MB in 5-6 years and this years plans are dead. I only saw one lidless rider so it's not a helmetademic.

The physical risk of the lid is to the rider unlike the mask which theoretically protects the community.

Perjury is nasty.
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Put a sock in it. As in all other things, it's not the loud self-righteous people on either side that are suffering. Work on your sympathy feels.
It's got nothing to do with political correctness. Like someone said above, it's much like handicapped stickers. There's always going to be a very small number who need them, and a much larger number who want them. We need to separate the wheat from the chaff.

From the CDC" Cloth face coverings should not be placed on young children younger than two years of age, anyone who has trouble breathing, or is unconscious, incapacitated or otherwise unable to remove the cover without assistance," the CDC notes in its FAQ about masks. In these cases, a mask could actually do more harm than good.
The Only People Who Shouldn't Wear Face Masks, Per the CDC

“has trouble breathing” = highest risk category for complications due to COVID Russian roulette anyway if you go out. Surgeons must routinely pass out due to hypoxia during those 6h surgeries if they prevent breathing properly. I can only imagine how incredibly difficult it must be for the 20mins you need to wear one in a grocery store. What about a face shield in that case?

Unconscious....not sure about you but I find it hard to enter a grocery store when unconscious.

Unable to remove the cover without assistance....I’m thinking you’re very likely to have assistance with you in that case since you most likely couldn’t put it on unassisted anyway. What about a face shield in that case?

Costco sells face shields for $20. Reusable. Washable. Any manufactured excuses as to why those can’t be worn?
Positive after arriving. How did they get on the plane?

If the airlines want passengers coming back they need to up their game.

Eight flights arriving in Toronto from international destinations since the start of August have had people on board with COVID-19.

According to the federal government, the flights landed in Toronto between Aug. 1 and Aug. 4. They all had passengers who tested positive for COVID-19 after arriving in Canada.

The international flights include:

  • Air Transat flight TS831 from Punta Cana to Toronto on Aug. 1
  • Pakistan International Airlines flight PK797 from Lahore to Toronto on Aug. 2
  • Etihad Airways flight EY141 from Abu Dhabi to Toronto on Aug. 2
  • Air Canada flight AC992 from Mexico City to Toronto on Aug. 2
  • United Airlines flight UA3488 from Newark to Toronto on Aug. 3
  • Air Canada flight AC7682 from Chicago to Toronto on Aug. 4
  • Air Canada flight AC849 from London to Toronto on Aug. 4
  • Air Canada flight AC879 from Switzerland to Toronto on Aug. 4
“has trouble breathing” = highest risk category for complications due to COVID Russian roulette anyway if you go out. Surgeons must routinely pass out due to hypoxia during those 6h surgeries if they prevent breathing properly. I can only imagine how incredibly difficult it must be for the 20mins you need to wear one in a grocery store. What about a face shield in that case?

Unconscious....not sure about you but I find it hard to enter a grocery store when unconscious.

Unable to remove the cover without assistance....I’m thinking you’re very likely to have assistance with you in that case since you most likely couldn’t put it on unassisted anyway. What about a face shield in that case?

Costco sells face shields for $20. Reusable. Washable. Any manufactured excuses as to why those can’t be worn?
Face shield doesnt comply with the by-law in some municipalities. Also doesnt comply with public health mask guidelines (at least two layers of cloth iirc). Probably better than nothing and I agree that for the very very very few that cannot wear a mask and must be inside with others maybe that's as good as it gets. You could use a positive pressure shield which could be better but those are expensive.

There are the extremists that wash, disinfect, distance, mask-up, glove-up and more power to you but I'm not a club member.

There are the moderates that take it seriously and follow protocols. Kudos.

There are the ones that follow protocols only because it is politically correct. Thanks for the effort.

There are the self righteous unmasked guardians of freedom oblivious to the rights of others. No insult is sufficient.

There are the critical mass wannabes that use mob numbers to make themselves feel like they're a member of some group (Obviously not Mensa). Sheep to the slaughter.
Kablammo. Here comes the leading edge of the economic fallout. Vaughan just whacked 1100 out of ~1750 staff. I'm not sure why the trigger was pulled now. It would seem to me that they should either have pulled the trigger many months ago or ridden it out at this point. I think many municipalities were continuing to hope for a golden gift from above to cover all of their expenses (including full pay for all employees that did no work for six months) and are coming to the realization that they have screwed themselves by forgetting that incoming money is not unlimited.

so here’s the thing....

I get playing devils advocate in a discussion but sometimes that doesn’t help. This is one of those times. Whether you believe that coronavirus is dangerous/not dangerous/conspiracy etc the effects are real. People are dying, people are losing livelihoods, families are being pushed into extraordinarily stressful situations. An entire generation faces an uphill struggle the likes of which we couldn’t imagine only a few months ago.

Why the **** wouldn’t you do anything to try to get past this as fast as possible? If you’re still obfuscating then you’re actively trying to delay the date where we get back to normal. People that do this make me quite angry.

Wear a ******* mask/ face shield. Wash your ******* hands. Stay away from people. I want to get back to normal.
Several of those flights are 6h or thanks.

I've cancelled the already-postponed-once trip to Spain that was to start at the end of August.

IMTBike is giving me a credit for a future bike rental with no expiry date. Kudos.

B&B Hotel Jerez is giving me a credit that I have to use before 31 Dec 2021 despite me having originally made a non-refundable non-changeable reservation (because it was cheaper). I can work with that. Kudos there, too.

Getting a flight credit from Air France may take a while; they did send me a notification that they had received the request.

One hotel to go; their website is being cranky. To be honest, given that I've gotten credits from everywhere else, I'm not that worried about it at the moment.

Hopefully 2021 will be a better year.
Why the **** wouldn’t you do anything to try to get past this as fast as possible? If you’re still obfuscating then you’re actively trying to delay the date where we get back to normal. People that do this make me quite angry.

Wear a ******* mask/ face shield. Wash your ******* hands. Stay away from people. I want to get back to normal.

I dated a girl with fears related to scarves. I thought I was being romantic, helping her with her coat and scarf. The coat went OK but she had a look of fear when I tried to place the scarf. I turned out that her alcoholic father had tried to strangle her once. Masks didn't bother her. She was an O.R. nurse.

I don't see maskaphobia listed nor scarfaphobia.

I suffer from attitudiphonia and assholiphobia and can't be responsible for my actions.

Some people have thinkaphobia, the fear of thinking.

The sum of all fears so far

AchluophobiaFear of darkness
AcrophobiaFear of heights
AerophobiaFear of flying
AlgophobiaFear of pain
AlektorophobiaFear of chickens
AgoraphobiaFear of public spaces or crowds
AichmophobiaFear of needles or pointed objects
AmaxophobiaFear of riding in a car
AndrophobiaFear of men
AnginophobiaFear of angina or choking
AnthophobiaFear of flowers
AnthropophobiaFear of people or society
AphenphosmphobiaFear of being touched
ArachnophobiaFear of spiders
ArithmophobiaFear of numbers
AstraphobiaFear of thunder and lightning
AtaxophobiaFear of disorder or untidiness
AtelophobiaFear of imperfection
AtychiphobiaFear of failure
AutophobiaFear of being alone
BacteriophobiaFear of bacteria
BarophobiaFear of gravity
BathmophobiaFear of stairs or steep slopes
BatrachophobiaFear of amphibians
BelonephobiaFear of pins and needles
BibliophobiaFear of books
BotanophobiaFear of plants
CacophobiaFear of ugliness
CatagelophobiaFear of being ridiculed
CatoptrophobiaFear of mirrors
ChionophobiaFear of snow
ChromophobiaFear of colors
ChronomentrophobiaFear of clocks
ClaustrophobiaFear of confined spaces
CoulrophobiaFear of clowns
CyberphobiaFear of computers
CynophobiaFear of dogs
DendrophobiaFear of trees
DentophobiaFear of dentists
DomatophobiaFear of houses
DystychiphobiaFear of accidents
EcophobiaFear of the home
ElurophobiaFear of cats
EntomophobiaFear of insects
EphebiphobiaFear of teenagers
EquinophobiaFear of horses
F, G
GamophobiaFear of marriage
GenuphobiaFear of knees
GlossophobiaFear of speaking in public
GynophobiaFear of women
HeliophobiaFear of the sun
HemophobiaFear of blood
HerpetophobiaFear of reptiles
HydrophobiaFear of water
HypochondriaFear of illness
IatrophobiaFear of doctors
InsectophobiaFear of insects
KoinoniphobiaFear of rooms full of people
LeukophobiaFear of the color white
LilapsophobiaFear of tornadoes and hurricanes
LockiophobiaFear of childbirth
MageirocophobiaFear of cooking
MegalophobiaFear of large things
MelanophobiaFear of the color black
MicrophobiaFear of small things
MysophobiaFear of dirt and germs
NecrophobiaFear of death or dead things
NoctiphobiaFear of the night
NosocomephobiaFear of hospitals
NyctophobiaFear of the dark
ObesophobiaFear of gaining weight
OctophobiaFear of the figure 8
OmbrophobiaFear of rain
OphidiophobiaFear of snakes
OrnithophobiaFear of birds
PapyrophobiaFear of paper
PathophobiaFear of disease
PedophobiaFear of children
PhilophobiaFear of love
PhobophobiaFear of phobias
PodophobiaFear of feet
PogonophobiaFear of beards
PorphyrophobiaFear of the color purple
PteridophobiaFear of ferns
PteromerhanophobiaFear of flying
PyrophobiaFear of fire
SamhainophobiaFear of Halloween
ScolionophobiaFear of school
SelenophobiaFear of the moon
SociophobiaFear of social evaluation
SomniphobiaFear of sleep
TachophobiaFear of speed
TechnophobiaFear of technology
TonitrophobiaFear of thunder
TrypanophobiaFear of needles or injections
VenustraphobiaFear of beautiful women
VerminophobiaFear of germs
WiccaphobiaFear of witches and witchcraft
XenophobiaFear of strangers or foreigners
ZoophobiaFear of animals

I remember reading ages ago that Humans have only 2 instinctive fears, and those are Heights and Getting eaten by a larger animal. Everything else on that list is learned/conditioned. Also LMAO at Fear of phobias.
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