“We don’t want to give panhandlers a bad name by people thinking that they’re cops”
Leave it to the gov and cops to morph the law into something stupid and easy to cash grab.
I am all for nailing texters and phone callers who are driving down the road.
A car standing in line at a red light, in rush hour, who will move 20ft a minute, THATS the people you are targeting??!?!?!
Again, just like with speeding, they ****ed it all up.
Instead of catching speeders in the dangerous area, where actual speeding would cause issues, they usually park themselves in speed transit parts on clear open roads to catch the "bad" speeders. Ex: Gardiner exit onto Parklawn where it goes from 100 down to 50, and yes the road is exactly the same, no cross streets, no food traffic.
A few months ago I watched as someone was stopped at a red light, obviously texting on their phone. Someone honked their horn in the area and the texter reacted by stepping on the gas, thinking someone was telling them the light was green, I presume. The light was in fact still red and the pedestrian in the crosswalk in front of the car got knocked to the ground when the car hit him.
That changed my outlook on texting at a red light.
ROFL...come on...now you sound like the nanny staters who use an outlier exception to prove their point.
I accidentally hit my horn standing at a left turn red light with a car infront of me....you know what the idiot did? He thought i was honking at him and proceeded to go through the red and make his left turn.
Truth is, texting and driving IS dangerous, dont dilute and ridicule the law by going after the lowest of the low fruit.
No one remembers a few months back Toronto Cops riding the red rocket, watching for people on their cellphones?
You have a clear view being on a street car, and they would just get off and issue you a ticket right there.
Leave it to the gov and cops to morph the law into something stupid and easy to cash grab.
I am all for nailing texters and phone callers who are driving down the road.
A car standing in line at a red light, in rush hour, who will move 20ft a minute, THATS the people you are targeting??!?!?!
Again, just like with speeding, they ****ed it all up.
wtf ? is this Dukes Of Hazzard, with Roscoe and Boss Hogg ?
is this the updated version of the Speed Trap ?
again, this is just a major cash grab, I would personally rather see Police cleaning up the streets by enforcing littering, and panhandling, and bums sleeping in the parks, and dealers and hookers on the corners.
i still say theres no difference between talking to a passenger, or singing to the radio, and talking on a phone.
I'd be willing to bet that most people that would text at a red would also do it on the move.
You mention talking to a passenger, singing to the radio, and talking on a phone. What about texting while driving? I've seen a girl sit through a green whole light rotation cause she was texting - she ended up "running the yellow" on a relatively long light. Of course this is in Woodbridge. Not to mention my post 2 above yours of me almost getting rear ended by a guy sitting at a red light behind me...
There is a huge difference. Many people don't follow the rule of thumb of keeping 2 seconds behind the vehicle in front of them and when they text they usually take their eyes off the road to look at their phone a few seconds at a time. How far can you travel at 100km/h in 3 secs?
A few months back in May
i didnt mention texting, becasue obviously texting while driving is dangerous.
i didnt mention texting, becasue obviously texting while driving is dangerous.