Single file, would there be room for cars to pass cyclists safely without going into the other lane? If not, the problem isn't their riding formation.There is one road in particular where I live that (imo) the cyclists are horrendous. Group of 30+, 2 wide. For about 6-7kms there are hills. So I get why groups train there. However they piss off traffic as no one can pass due to the blind Hills. So everyone is stuck going their speed, and on the uphill parts they can't maintain posted road speed.
Brian P, great post
Almost all of us break rules any time we go anywhere. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.I'm all 3 and I just don't like cyclists. On my bicycle, I always follow the same rules as I do in my car and motorcycle - I never ride as if I'm entitled. It's nothing personal, cyclists are just normal people until they start pedaling.
Garbage trucks and tractor drivers stop at stop signs, stay right, ride on sidewalks, don't pass left turning cars on the on the right at intersections. So do most car and motorcycle drivers. I can't say that for cyclists, I see all those infractions several times each day.
My ask is that cyclist share the road and follow the most basic rules. Stop at red lights and stop signs. Ride single file. Do not pass other vehicles on the right at or near intersections.
Or don't cast any stones. It's not the deliberate rulebreakers who cause harm out there, it's the careless, inattentive ones. Unless you count an offense to your entitlement as a driver as 'harm', but I don't.