Cop crashes bike into 4 year old girl then shoots and kills her father

That guy(cop) deserved a beating weather or not he was defending himself or not but i bet that the father would have laid a harder beating for what happened to his daughter and yes i can say the father went right at the cop and did not stop to see his child down so he was definatly going for a attempt to injure the cop.
The father had intent

Just since he was a cop his first resort is to pull out the gun and fire away when he figured his life was in danger anytime your in a fight your life is in danger especially when your getting your *** kicked you panic. well a nicely timed center mass shot stopped that threat did'nt it.

I would not doubt for one minute in my mind that father would have killed that guy question would be would have he gone that far which would have been 2nd degree murder maybe even manslaughter with a good lawyer.

But one bullet quickly done its job.

You have to be kidding... It was not even the cop's fault the accident occurred, yet he deserves a beating? The 4 year old ran out into the street without looking and got hit, big surprise.

Don't even try to say that it was avoidable as long as the cop followed everything on your perfect check list "How to Avoid a Pedestrian Who Runs Out in Front of You: Vol. 1", you don't react to a situation like that calmly and well thought out. Maybe it was possible to avoid hitting the kid, but it never would have happened if the kid didn't run into traffic.

The father went apeshit and (along with the 18 year old) started pummelling the officer, who was not at fault and probably already hurt from the crash. So what does someone with a gun do when they are being beaten severely by 2 people at the same time, while already disadvantaged and hurt from falling off a motorcycle at 40-60km/h? You guessed it, shoot them in self defence.

Oh and don't try to say the officer should have shot him in the leg, that is probably the dumbest thing to try in close quarters with a firearm... Very likely to miss the small moving target, wont subdue the target (like it would in a movie), easy to get the gun turned on you by the attacker, and would not be taught in firearm training. You go for the chest because it provides the largest target, most stopping power (aside from the head), and is still survivable. Unfortunately the man died but like the 4 year old could have avoided causing the accident, the man could have avoided being killed if he didn't immediately start attacking someone for no justifiable reason...
I think I'll echo what a lot of people said, the cop escalated the fight too quickly. Usually showing a weapon will stop people in their tracks. Firing a warning shot will make 90% of the world **** their pants with the other 10% being hardened Taliban soldiers who are either too high or fear no man. Don't know the details but I feel that it may have been possible for the cop to not shoot the father.

Yes, fire a warning shot. This way an innocent bystander can get hit with a stray bullet. Do people like you even have the capacity to critically think?
油井緋色;1879776 said:
I think the cop was a pussy. Straight up.

I thought cops were trained in CQC (or is that military only?). If he had enough time to reach for his gun, why didn't he put his training to use? ****ing pussy.

I can only hope that one day you can experience the joy of a seperated shoulder. Maybe then you'll realize how irrelevant any kind of combat trainimg would be in this situation.
Man, a lot of good troll posts here. Let the rest of us know how you peacefully resolved a situation while getting curb-stomped by two adult males after getting injured and disoriented yourself.

I mean, he didn't have to fire the gun while getting pounded. He could have just recovery rolled and done one of them JCVD spinning split kicks and KO both assailants at once. It's what I would have done, at least.
Man, a lot of good troll posts here. Let the rest of us know how you peacefully resolved a situation while getting curb-stomped by two adult males after getting injured and disoriented yourself.

I mean, he didn't have to fire the gun while getting pounded. He could have just recovery rolled and done one of them JCVD spinning split kicks and KO both assailants at once. It's what I would have done, at least.

I punch them and rip out their spines, Mortal Combat stylez.. Life's just like video games..
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