Convicted of no insurance

Could you elaborate on that? Let's say my buddy borrows my bike and crashes it due to his fault. I guess my insurance does not pay me since I was not the rider? What if he crashes due to somebody else' negligence? Still insurance does not pay me because I was not riding it?
Insurance follows the vehicle, not the driver.

We have no fault insurance in Ontario, your insurer will always cover the costs then go after whoever else to recoup the expenses.
As Evoex stated YOUR insurer will pay to repair your bike and then go after your buddy for their costs. If it is your buddy's fault, (say single vehicle collision), the YOU would be out of pocket for the deductible. If the other person is deemed at fault, (your buddy gets rear ended, NO deductible is payable.

In first situation, (your buddy is at fault), YOU, Should you be looking for a new insurer, be rated with an at fault CLAIM.

Worse case scenario, your buddy loses control, mounts the curb and hits a gaggle of people waiting for a bus. You carry $2 million in liability, BUT the claims total $10 million... guess who is on the hook for the remaining $8 million. No one EVER lends out their vehicle thinking my buddy is a dick head, and rides/drives like one, but I'll give him the keys anyway, afterall, he WILL be careful with MY

Now in your scenario, of riding an uninsured bike, (even if for the purposes of helping a buddy out). You were to crash it. Your insurer isn't going to pay your buddy, for his bike, nor will they cover, ANY medical claims by you or anyone you hit. Then of course the ramifications of the law also kick in. It is YOU who would catch the operate motor vehicle no valid insurance. Should your insurer dicover that conviction you get dropped by them and it ios off to the facility market you go.

Could you elaborate on that? Let's say my buddy borrows my bike and crashes it due to his fault. I guess my insurance does not pay me since I was not the rider? What if he crashes due to somebody else' negligence? Still insurance does not pay me because I was not riding it?
Insurance and green plate is required on any property you dont own personally unless it is a sanctioned event or course. The chance of getting caught are minimal but is is still possible and would net you a second no insurance fine.

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don't count on NOT being caught.. I have have OPP check for insurance etc on Ontario trails MORE in 1 year than street riding over the past 10 years.
I once loaned a bike to my brother, not realizing he had no ethical problems with letting his buddies use it like a carnival ride. I got it back damaged along with a BS story. The truth came out through a slip of the tongue years later. Fortunately the car the buddy hit wasn't damaged (Rear ender) but if instead buddy hit and crippled a pedestrian I could still be shelling out.

If I said buddy was never given permission to ride the bike he could have be hit with some "without permission" charge but I don't know if that would stick or if it would have gotten me off the hook. It's a moot point decades later.

Ride your own ride and ride your own bike. Doing favours only gets you in trouble.

The courts tend to look after the victim but assign blame in percentages. Assuming an uninsured million dollar injury settlement the rider might be 40 % responsible, the owner 40% responsible and the victim who was jaywalking 20% responsible. The jay walking victim forfeits rights to $200K. the rider and owner each cough up $400K each.
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