Comments re fallen riders

One of the reasons that I don't post in fallen riders. Too many people with emotional opinions there.
+ Why we crash + Moved to General and stickied.
100,000 miles of riding on interstates in the US Midwest or Florida is no experience riding in the mountains. I got my license in 1988 but I would be a noob on a motocross track, and an olde creaky overweight one at that.
Experience its relative to what and where you ride. Motorcycling is a diverse sport, I'd argue an old fart that has 100K miles running interstates in Florida is experienced at what he does, perhaps a novice in other areas. He's probably seen most of the conditions and circumstances that a highwayman will see and true, he may not be an expert in the canyons of California. Conversely, the lonely canyon carver from Malibu CA may not know the perils of riding at 80MPH on crowded interstates in blistering heat/humidity, loaded with tourists, tired truckers and geriatric snowbirds.

I think that's what might make a forum like that interesting. I have lots of road experience on all size bikes, lots of dirt on small dirt bikes, I'd consider myself a novice ADV rider. I'd certainly pay attention to lessons learned in an ADV discussion.

We all learn from mistakes. As I get older and wiser, my preference has changed to learning from other peoples mistakes rather than my own.
There are lots....and lots ...of riders out there who have been riding for years,thousands of kilometres....who are still crappy riders.
True, I've ridden with plenty of them. That said, many experienced riders, whether skilled or not, learn how to keep themselves safe. I've met plenty of skilled riders who lack experience and judgement -- ones who can carve a canyon with the best but do not forsee and preparing for danger. Watch this video Shirley Ave Kitchener -- I can't vouch for this rider's skills but I can say he was unable to process, prepare and react to the potential danger of a left turn mishap.
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