clown country

When our interest ect almost always mirrors the us how much influence do you think our leadership really has on it.

Sent from the future
Minor but some. Choosing to print billions to dump into economy in a time of severely restricted supply by definition has to make inflation worse. Could we still be at 1%? No way. Could we be much lower than 5%? Easy.
I have no idea if the headline is true (I am guessing not) however, the underlying premise very much is. CPI vastly underaccounts for housing expenses and I believe that is intentional. If the CPI basket were updated to better represent expenses for the average Canadian, their 2-3% target may be completely unachievable as carbon tax alone gets close to that and mortgage interest blows that out of the water on it's own.

Shelter is 28% of basket. That includes rent/mortgage, property tax, insurance, maintenance and utilities. Aside from people with paid off mortgages, I doubt you will find many in Canada below that number and most are well above.

A friend has about $6000 a month in pension income and RRIF. He's fairly comfortable in his $2M four bedroom home that is paid off. He can even afford to keep his paid off cottage and boat.

If he moves into an apartment or has a financial loss he's still OK but the money reservoir will be draining and his kids will see their inheritance melt away.

A trades person making $100K and secretary wife making $50K has an accommodation allowance of $3500 a month. Throw in a kid and saving for a down payment is swimming upstream. Need two cars because you live in the burbs? Sorry.
There’s a lot to be said for having at least one person from every main strata of society in your cabinet to advocate for that population. Politicians these days are just so out of touch with the everyday person.

Unfortunately in Canada that might also mean one homeless person in a cabinet position too.
I know a person that wrote speeches for various MPs and even a few PMs. She never goes to McDonald's as it's beneath her as are Ontario wines. Sixty percent of Canadians DO eat at McDonald's so she's out of touch with the people that get to hear the speeches. Let them eat cake.

Down south: The wife of Bernie Madoff was, while living with a well to do family member, complaining that she was down to her last million dollars. I don't think anyone started a Go-Fund-Me.

When someone making $300K+ a year, plus perks tells me I have to understand I want to get violent.
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Do you remember the late-1980s inflation and interest rate spike followed by the 1991-1992 recession?

I sure do ... that's when I graduated and went out in the workforce.

Do you remember who was in power at the time?

Hint: It was the second Conservative majority in a row.

I'm with Jampy00 on this. It pretty much doesn't make a difference who's in power, short of someone doing something stupid and catastrophic, which fortunately we haven't seen.
Take a piece of sheet metal, clamp it in a vice and start bending it back and forth. Eventually it will fatigue and break.

It doesn't matter who's name is on the vice and who's bending it back and forth.

I really want to know why the metal is being bent and who benefits from a broken part.

The person barking out the commands is just a puppet following orders. Who is giving him orders?
I guess building an economy entirely on housing wasnt such a good idea, who knew

Another issue that BOC conveniently skirts is that every time you add a civil service job, you reduce the country's overall productivity. We have expanded govt's immensely in the last 10 years -- 40% federally by the end of 2023.

JT has expanded the civil service by more than 40%, there are now 9 federal employees for every 1000 people in Canada. Since his father, every PM has managed to reduce headcounts and increase productivity during their reign -- Mulroney by 10%, Jean Chretien by 9.7%, Stephen Harper by 6.3% and Paul Martin by 1.0% until the Justin Trudeau government came along -- they increased it by 25.3%, (or 40% if you include FTEs that are paid as consultants).
Another issue that BOC conveniently skirts is that every time you add a civil service job, you reduce the country's overall productivity. We have expanded govt's immensely in the last 10 years -- 40% federally by the end of 2023.

JT has expanded the civil service by more than 40%, there are now 9 federal employees for every 1000 people in Canada. Since his father, every PM has managed to reduce headcounts and increase productivity during their reign -- Mulroney by 10%, Jean Chretien by 9.7%, Stephen Harper by 6.3% and Paul Martin by 1.0% until the Justin Trudeau government came along -- they increased it by 25.3%, (or 40% if you include FTEs that are paid as consultants).
and they get more days off, the latest being the Day of Truth and Reconciliation. Reward the perps but not the victims,

"Hey Jones, You screwed up the last order and we have to scrap the parts. You get a raise and take tomorrow off with pay to celebrate" Would that fly in the private sector?
and they get more days off, the latest being the Day of Truth and Reconciliation. Reward the perps but not the victims,

"Hey Jones, You screwed up the last order and we have to scrap the parts. You get a raise and take tomorrow off with pay to celebrate" Would that fly in the private sector?
Small to medium businesses no, large multi billion dollar corporations far too often. They do clean house with layoffs now and again but they are mostly headcount/numbers and rarely targeted except for the worst offenders (that are known), people that work the system go for decades.
When you hire hundreds of people that dumb, you have an issue with your hiring process.
It was stupid to do but I know more than a few people who did it either on the take or mistakenly. Then a high-school friend that is a financial advisor was encouraging people to do it, invest in a safe investment, and pay back the principal with a sincere mea culpa...

But I guess if they blew it all on hookers and blow they have bigger issues.
One day at work I was bored (about 9 years ago), so I made a list of every PM we've had since 1900, the party they were associated with, and how much they changed the debt, taking into consideration how much they increased GDP (omitted WW1 and WW2 peiods). If you raised debt by 10% and GDP by 15%, that's an investment in my opinion. To my surprise, historically speaking, the federal Liberals have a better track record with money than the Conservatives. That is until you get to Pierre Trudeau. He single handedly destroyed not only the Liberal reputation, but Canada's finances as well. Justin is the worst thing to happen to Canada since his step father Pierre.

Pierre went on a spending spree like a drunk sailor in a bar, then handed the bill to Mulroney. F him, if there's a statue of a historical person that should be removed it's his.

One aspect of specifically the Canadian mentality that I can not understand is how they defend Canada no matter what's going on. The whole 'if you don't like it then leave' mentality. It's a decent country, but that doesn't mean it can't be improved on. Even though, there seems to be a lot of people choosing to leave recently.
One aspect of specifically the Canadian mentality that I can not understand is how they defend Canada no matter what's going on. The whole 'if you don't like it then leave' mentality. It's a decent country, but that doesn't mean it can't be improved on. Even though, there seems to be a lot of people choosing to leave recently.
That might be more of an attitude towards immigration and/or immigrants?
Some minor headcount reduction...

And they are the ones checking our tax returns ? I am less than confident. In 2022 I had TWO 'adjustments' to my 2021 return - no reasons given, just pay them more $$$. I guess I could have appealed, but how long would that have taken ?
Small to medium businesses no, large multi billion dollar corporations far too often. They do clean house with layoffs now and again but they are mostly headcount/numbers and rarely targeted except for the worst offenders (that are known), people that work the system go for decades.
It’s becoming increasingly difficult to turf poor performing employees. Big companies do it differently now, preferring to use periodic reductions in force (RIF or layoffs) as the rules make these easier.

Govts don’t do RIFs, they create new rolls for low performing people to fill.
It’s becoming increasingly difficult to turf poor performing employees. Big companies do it differently now, preferring to use periodic reductions in force (RIF or layoffs) as the rules make these easier.

Govts don’t do RIFs, they create new rolls for low performing people to fill.
If you get gassed now and no reason given you are entitled to 24 months severance unless you want to hire a lawyer.
A lot of companies would rather keep you on the payroll, dead end you until you quit - it's cheaper.
It was stupid to do but I know more than a few people who did it either on the take or mistakenly. Then a high-school friend that is a financial advisor was encouraging people to do it, invest in a safe investment, and pay back the principal with a sincere mea culpa...

But I guess if they blew it all on hookers and blow they have bigger issues.
when I was a banker, I’d see CERB fraud all day long. Seniors, incarcerated people, people living abroad, teens with no work history…. Free money can make a cheat out of many people.

As people started figuring out applications were not vetted it got worse.

I could write a book on what I saw.
I’m hearing stories of families of 4 , all collecting CERB living in the same house . I’m not sure which may have cost more , letting the tap run or trying to have the govt police it somehow.

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