cleaning/polishing rims


Well-known member
so the rims on my bike look pretty darn dirty so I tried doing them by hand first washing then tried to polish them to pull some dirt and such off didn't seem to work, seem the previous owner has neglected the rims to the point where they have the "tarnished" look to them.... now does anyone have any tips for getting the rims back to the clean bright shine they should have ?
start with simple green and toothbrush. If fail then wd40. Keep both off your tires - have lots of rag on hand and dip the brush then scrub. Shines so fine.
so the rims on my bike look pretty darn dirty so I tried doing them by hand first washing then tried to polish them to pull some dirt and such off didn't seem to work, seem the previous owner has neglected the rims to the point where they have the "tarnished" look to them.... now does anyone have any tips for getting the rims back to the clean bright shine they should have ?

This would be the easy way:

Use the red label jug for wheels. Blue label jug for the rest of the bike.
(most local bike shops sell S100)
Gels (PS1S, S100) that cling would be the safest and most efficient manner--short of that, a wheel acid like Meguiars Wheel Brightener work well on steel (no aluminum).
Hmmm, I tried putting and using super clean but it did nothing. It pulled the grim off but it almost like a need a high speed polisher to pull the pale tarnished look off the rear rim is terrible tho

Yea iam pretty sure my rims are aluminum, but not sure idd have to look at the factory specs
I use WD40 on my rims. Works like a charm.
If the grime is gone now, try rubbing with WD40 on a clean rag. You'll be surprised.

Hmmm, I tried putting and using super clean but it did nothing. It pulled the grim off but it almost like a need a high speed polisher to pull the pale tarnished look off the rear rim is terrible tho

Yea iam pretty sure my rims are aluminum, but not sure idd have to look at the factory specs
WTF? Dude we don't need "thinkers"! We cannot deviate from public opinion that we are all knuckle draggin' primates that like to test natural selection.
If the owner let brake dust sit on the aluminum, it will have corroded the metal and ruined the finish. Nothing from a can will fix this, they need to be refinished.
yep theyre aluminum checked em before work here with a magnet. so hopefully this weekend I can try some wd40... worst case scenario they don't come like I want em to, I will just see about getting them powedercoated in black to match the bike over winter
+1 wd40
Spray the rim with wd40 and let it sit for a while then clean with a shop towel. I recently cleaned mine using the said method and works amazing.
nope clear coat still on the rim can tell by looking at it, otherwise it would have the oxidation look to it and it looks normal just "pale/dull" looking
I got one of my old cars back from the shop with mint looking wheels. I asked what they used because they had tons of caked on crap. They told me to go to Canadian Tire and find the most flaming pink wheel cleaner I could find and that was the one to use. I bought some but haven't tried it yet. I believe it was this stuff:

I usually just use Pledge.

Wheel cleaners are typically caustic soda, they eat everything except metal. They work well, but don't leave it on too long.
so the rims on my bike look pretty darn dirty so I tried doing them by hand first washing then tried to polish them to pull some dirt and such off didn't seem to work, seem the previous owner has neglected the rims to the point where they have the "tarnished" look to them.... now does anyone have any tips for getting the rims back to the clean bright shine they should have ?
Sandblast them and re powder code them
Them they will look like new
Plus you can do any color you like

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