Chauvin going to jail?

how do you explain the Jews not going down the same negative path then?
enslaved , persecuted , exterminated for thousands of years .
And how do you explain how violent , backwards and poor black run African countries are? Those people were not sent over to America to be enslaved in fact those peoples ancestors captured and sold the people who were sent over to America.
The slavery argument is a poor excuse for what is happening today,

To add to @ChrisCBR's points, Jews, Japanese, and Chinese share a similar paradigm where they believe in suffering for meaning. So the more suffering life gives, the greater the reward.

Western culture is pretty pussy compared to the above, and I know far more Africans with Western mentalities than David Goggins' insane paradigm (which matches the above.)

EDIT: Oh, also, Europeans never ****** with the Chinese, Jews, or Japanese like the way they did Africans. Look up what Europeans (British specifically I think) did to Africa when they drew random lines as a way to divide territories.
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To add to @ChrisCBR's points, Jews, Japanese, and Chinese share a similar paradigm where they believe in suffering for meaning. So the more suffering life gives, the greater the reward.

Western culture is pretty pussy compared to the above, and I know far more Africans with Western mentalities than David Goggins' insane paradigm (which matches the above.)

EDIT: Oh, also, Europeans never ****** with the Chinese, Jews, or Japanese like the way they did Africans. Look up what Europeans (British specifically I think) did to Africa when they drew random lines as a way to divide territories.
The Europeans never ****** with the Jews? Have you heard of the holocaust?
The Europeans never ****** with the Jews? Have you heard of the holocaust?

Germany. That was a single war. And I said "the way they did Africans."

History is far longer. Come on man, English isn't even my first language lol
Holocaust, lets not miss what the Brits did with China , maybe the Boxer revolution ? Hong Kong , the missionaries actually paid by the Philip Morris tobacco company to get as many Chinese hooked on smokes as possible ( worked really well) . Opium trade .....

The Africans are as responsible for what happened to Africa as anyone else
Germany. That was a single war. And I said "the way they did Africans."

History is far longer. Come on man, English isn't even my first language lol
true the black African Egyptians enslaved the Jews too
Holocaust, lets not miss what the Brits did with China , maybe the Boxer revolution ? Hong Kong , the missionaries actually paid by the Philip Morris tobacco company to get as many Chinese hooked on smokes as possible ( worked really well) . Opium trade .....

The Africans are as responsible for what happened to Africa as anyone else

This kinda puts more blame on the British tbh lol Maybe if they didn't have so much white supremacy shoved up their ass, we could have another race as the scapegoat instead.

I don't know enough about history to actually hold an argument here, so excuse me while I talk **** <_<
The Africans are as responsible for what happened to Africa as anyone else
A continent rich with natural resources, ideal climate for agriculture. Yet they squander the teachings of colonialism and have gone backwards. Huge government corruption. In one hundred years not much will change and people will still blame others...
Compare that to the Japanese. No natural resources, small island in which only 25% is habitable, yet the Japanese produce more patents per capita than any other country on earth, strong economy, low crime etc is a pretty biased site. Consider this from their site:

If this was all about “racism” then what about the fact that since George Floyd died…

375 “white” Americans have been killed by police—24 of them were described as unarmed

193 “black” Americans have been killed by police—11 of them were described as unarmed

I don’t know about you, but I’m having a hard time finding the so-called “systematic police racism” in the facts and truth of the matter here.

Doesn't bother to mention about 75% of americans are white while only about 14% are black.

If that's how they pick and choose their facts I don't need any more links thanks.
Same way the left picks and chooses their "facts" when they state:
"White people kill more people and collect more welfare than black people in the US"

When in actuality from 1970 to 2005 blacks committed homicide at a rate 700% that of whites
A continent rich with natural resources, ideal climate for agriculture. Yet they squander the teachings of colonialism and have gone backwards. Huge government corruption. In one hundred years not much will change and people will still blame others...
Compare that to the Japanese. No natural resources, small island in which only 25% is habitable, yet the Japanese produce more patents per capita than any other country on earth, strong economy, low crime etc

We need more info on African history tbh for a fair comparison imo.

I know Japanese and Chinese history on an okay level thanks to childhood stories, Dynasty Warrior/Sengoku Basara/Samurai Warrior games, and fact checking on Google after lol

Japan, China, and African seem to share a commonality in that there was a ton of "in-fighting." Neither Japan or China would've, imo, become the juggernauts they are today without the intraracial slaughter that occurred 500-2000 years ago. Japan, post said slaughter, became some ridiculously homogenated machine. I'm sure many of you have read stories of non-Japanese soldiers not wanting to fight Japanese soldiers; even if the Japanese were losing, they would rather die by the sword than admit defeat (kamikaze pilots are legends for a reason, despite being on the "losing side.")

Africa, however, never stopped slaughtering itself. Why? When did the conflict start? Why hasn't it stopped? Was there interference from other countries? What were the effects?

I'm pulling this out of my ass but lets say the English decided to give opiates to the Japanese during the Sengoku era or the Chinese during the 三国时代 (Three Kingdoms) era. What effect on the 100+ year wars would that have caused?
A continent rich with natural resources, ideal climate for agriculture. Yet they squander the teachings of colonialism and have gone backwards. Huge government corruption. In one hundred years not much will change and people will still blame others...
Compare that to the Japanese. No natural resources, small island in which only 25% is habitable, yet the Japanese produce more patents per capita than any other country on earth, strong economy, low crime etc

It costs a lot of money to invade and take over a continent like Africa. England had to fight the other European countries. To justify the expense they had to loot the place. Gold and diamonds but also grow exportable, saleable crops like coffee. The peasants had to pay taxes and to do that they grew crops for sale instead of things to feed themselves.

Superpowers don't invade to help. The ultimate "I'm from the government and here to help you."
Kamikaze pilots are only legends in movies and in Japan , the rest of the world just saw suicide bombers , just like the current middle eastern variety.

And why did they bother wearing helmets ?? could have saved that $1.99
Depleted uranium for added penetration? In all seriousness, it was probably a mental benefit for the helmet. Gets you in the right mood and makes you feel protected. Similar to motorbikes where for many riders, the more gear they wear, the more risks they take.
Kamikaze pilots are only legends in movies and in Japan , the rest of the world just saw suicide bombers , just like the current middle eastern variety.

And why did they bother wearing helmets ?? could have saved that $1.99

They were literally in my grade 10 history class described as "we don't want to fight these things" due to horror lol

I'm 99% sure if you saw a suicide bomber running towards you, you would feel the exact same way. The battle is already won then. Seems ******* legendary to me! Same with the "middle eastern" variety.
In a move that should have been expected by everyone, he wants a new trial for a whole list of reasons.

is one of the reasons “because he got caught”?
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