Thanks OP for setting this up! I love jerk chicken and I can't believe I missed this thread! Missed the Wednesday gathering yesterday, but I'll make a trip up this evening.
WHOA WHOA WHOA 1st off Btown is Bradford not Brampton!
Ya I headed to KC, What ramps did you hit?
Ummmmm, where? Anyone from the GTA knows Btown is Brampton, Brad-Ford..(is that how you pronounce it) would be referred to as either; Hicksville or Tim-buk-three (since its further than timbuktu)
Some of us hit the lawrence ramps.....which was not easy with my dark tinted visor and passenger on the back. I might as well of been duck walking around the corners. lol
mmmm...good jerk chicken...and pleasure to meet some of you...and i had no idea KC was such a spot, it's like fast and furious there, every parking lot had something going on...i was given the twyn rivers tour after the lawrence ramps and KC...good eats though, i was stuffed...enjoy my nuts...
That storm killed last night!