Charging voltage

1) I thought so. will double check
2) Hmm. Rubber manifold looks good and so did the carb diaphram. Can I check the manifold with ether /quick start?
Finally Success. Just before ordering the new rectifier from OMP as suggested by Robbo I thought I would do one more test and switch the leads. I went with my gut feeling that the red lead should go to battery and switched it for the green below it.
Was getting 6.3-4V with a little revs (off idle) and 6.5-6V with more. Saw a peak of 6.7V (battery was 6.1V prior to kicking it over)
From what TK4 and others have said from this anemic charging system the above rates as a pass.
So far my E gaskets are keeping things much quieter.
You're back in the game. 6.7v should come on around 2200-2500RPM, it should peak at about 7.5V at 5000RPM.

The system is anemic by today's standards but adequate for a classic bike -- doubtful you'll be doing much night touring.

I mentioned before that you can go 12v on that stator by swapping out a 12v regulator, battery and bulbs. I typically do that with older bikes as 12v low power options as a lot easier to find (bulbs, USB charger). Simply swapping the headlamp and signal bulbs for 6v LEDs will make your bike as bright as a late model.
Best advice I can give you is make sure the ignition/timing is spot on before you move on to the carb(s) on any old bike. Otherwise you are running in circles.

Don’t forget valve adjustment too.

Also you need optimal air and fuel flow.

Stock clean/newish air filter?
Good fuel flow from the tank? Disassembled and checked/cleaned the fuel tap?
Clean tank?

When you disassembled and cleaned the carb, did you check the size and condition of all the brass too?

Also, carb float height can be quite finicky on the smaller cc bikes. I had a frustrating battle with the floats on a ‘74 CB200. Took all my time and patience to get them right. It had a huge impact on how the bike ran.

When you get it right, it shouldn’t be smoking like in your video above.

It’s a cool bike you have there .

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Thanks all.
Yes I am kicking myself for not checking the jet sizes especially after assembly I find a PO baggie with used carb parts (looks like he put a rebuild kit in - did that include different sized jets????
Smoking has calmed somewhat now that there is some kind of e gasket but still some from the pipe.
6.7V looked like about the peak short of a bit more maybe at WOT.
I've downloaded what I think is the correct manual and promised myself I would run through all the steps in the tune section. Cam chain tension, valves, ignition timing, etc. I'm great at promises it's my follow thru that needs work...

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