Chain Lube or Chain Wax? - [Sport Bikes]

on an oring chain you dont need that stuff. use it if u must but please keep it away from the track,especially a racing event. where do you think it goes when it warms up and "flings off" ???? right into the visor of the guy behind you. just keep it clean. wd-40 thats it.
I used to use the Dupont stuff, everyone was preaching. Than my chain developed tight spots (who knows whether this was the actual root cause), I thought, a bit too early in its life. So after I did chain/sprockets swap I started to use motor oil. I actually work it into the chain with a used tooth brush, wipe-off access. As Brian P has said, it is definitely messier, but nothing dramatic and usually just first ride right after.

Now I say, wax is for candles ... LOL
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