Century Initiative in Canada.

Thank feminists for their contribution to upside down social engineering. What man in his right mind would chance marriage/kids/slavery now? Roll the dice much?

A man would. Boys won't. And that's the problem... boys aren't becoming men these days. They can't even figure themselves out, let alone how to build a family.
A man would. Boys won't. And that's the problem... boys aren't becoming men these days. They can't even figure themselves out, let alone how to build a family.

Ah...the good old "man up". Becoming mature and wise and responsible all of a sudden makes marriage a great idea? It might if the woman you marry is your equal especially in terms of accountability and ethics. Sadly the western woman has been mindfcuked. If you find a good one then that's awesome. That only leaves the not insignificant matter of a three way contract with the government and it's henchmen. If marriage and kids was such a great idea more people would avail themselves of it. People always want the good stuff. Proof is in the puddin'.
Ah...the good old "man up". Becoming mature and wise and responsible all of a sudden makes marriage a great idea? It might if the woman you marry is your equal especially in terms of accountability and ethics. Sadly the western woman has been mindfcuked. If you find a good one then that's awesome. That only leaves the not insignificant matter of a three way contract with the government and it's henchmen. If marriage and kids was such a great idea more people would avail themselves of it. People always want the good stuff. Proof is in the puddin'.
When you're more concerned about your shoe collection and buying new skinny jeans, you're still a boy. The reasons you outlined aren't related. Sure, a few men have picked up on the contractual issues surrounding marriage, but the boys haven't even reached a level where they think about that stuff.
ummm, Quebec has pretty cheap daycare (they are doing exactly this) and the NDP (and to a lesser extent Liberals) have tried as a policy point (federal and provincial)--full day kindergarten was supposed to help but it made it worse (typical ON Libs). Usually they are met with huge cries from the right about money and taxes of course. Why if I have no kids should my taxes go to....because those other people's kids will be paying for your care through their taxes when you are old, drooling and pooping in your pants... In short QC has it, everywhere else does not because of the perceived costs (insert short sighted rightwing tears).

Even lefty Harper had that $60 per month per kid ($100 under 6) subsidy. In the end WAY too small to make a dent in the actual costs, really was a waste of taxpayers money. It was also one of those better for stay at home moms than working moms things. More women in the work force (choosing to work and have kids) is the third way to help alleviate the impact of the constrictive population pyramid, at least in the short term--they should not be discouraged by policy. Solution, subsidize daycare for two working parents (or single parents), not for stay at home parents that do not need it.

Another problem here, is the wrong people are having kids. Well educated, working adults with high paying jobs tend to have less children. Poorly educated lazy house on wheels crowd tend to have more. Problem is, people (children) tend not to move from the second group to the first (could be nature or nurture???) in large numbers. So we have additional challenges from a tax base perspective.

There was in the past also things like baby bonuses, etc.

On another note... one seldom talked about benefit of immigration is education cost. Assuming the "points" system and not out and out refugees (although this does apply there as well). Many come here with university degrees paid, or at least secondary school. That is a huge tax burden relief for us. Secondary is paid outright and university is usually at least half paid for by the tax payer. Say 100K to 180K per Canadian young adult spent on education by the taxpayer, how much does it cost to import one? Not saying this should be the motivation but it all adds to the cost benefit analysis.

thanks for the details
you have some valid points there

pffft oh well, what else can we blow a billion on...study on grasshoppers?
When you're more concerned about your shoe collection and buying new skinny jeans, you're still a boy. The reasons you outlined aren't related. Sure, a few men have picked up on the contractual issues surrounding marriage, but the boys haven't even reached a level where they think about that stuff.

Well we can debate what constitutes a boy but I'm not even arguing boys should get married. I'm saying marriage even for the men among men is risky business. That's just a fact. Can it work? Of course. And because this is all of a sudden about you, please, I wish you nothing but the best. I don't think we need to continue this diversion.
Well we can debate what constitutes a boy but I'm not even arguing boys should get married. I'm saying marriage even for the men among men is risky business. That's just a fact. Can it work? Of course. And because this is all of a sudden about you, please, I wish you nothing but the best. I don't think we need to continue this diversion.

The discussion fits neatly into the thread, why is it a diversion?

Im saying I don't believe the issue of fewer marriages and fewer parents is due to MGTOW, its that boys aren't even reaching manhood. They're afraid of commitment , they're selfish and obsessed with material BS and posting photos of their dinners to instagram. Im saying that with all the hardships and challenges, it takes a confident man to make the conscious decision to have children. It's not an easy or convenient choice.
The discussion fits neatly into the thread, why is it a diversion?

Im saying I don't believe the issue of fewer marriages and fewer parents is due to MGTOW, its that boys aren't even reaching manhood. They're afraid of commitment , they're selfish and obsessed with material BS and posting photos of their dinners to instagram. Im saying that with all the hardships and challenges, it takes a confident man to make the conscious decision to have children. It's not an easy or convenient choice.

Let's expand a bit by what you guys are mentioning.
I think Mimico posted that in Canada custody goes to the female 80% of the time according to stats can.

So, if 80% of the boys are being raised by women...uhm then why are women complaining that men are bad when they are the ones in CONTROL of the boys hmmm
Can't find a good man today, men are soft and all the other derogatory views of men being pushed...uhm YOUR son that you got 80% of the time...hmmm
Oh right, blame the father, deadbeat, whatever bad names BUT she is the one that CHOSE to get pregnant by the "deadbeat"...hmmm whose fault is that for making a bad decision, oh right he forced her to get pregnant and keep the baby.
All of sudden what seems to be a spike with gay and trans kids...hmmm where is this stemming from...being surrounded by to much estrogen?
Oh look a funnel cloud over there, could it be a tornado in the making or is that a hurricane spinning over there.
I think Mimico posted that in Canada custody goes to the female 80% of the time according to stats can.

So, if 80% of the boys are being raised by women...

LOL that's not quite what the stat means, dude

Aside from that, maybe its the education system or something, I don't know. This trend towards coddling and safespaces and other BS is alarming.
The discussion fits neatly into the thread, why is it a diversion?

Im saying I don't believe the issue of fewer marriages and fewer parents is due to MGTOW, its that boys aren't even reaching manhood. They're afraid of commitment , they're selfish and obsessed with material BS and posting photos of their dinners to instagram. Im saying that with all the hardships and challenges, it takes a confident man to make the conscious decision to have children. It's not an easy or convenient choice.

MGTOW, as we know it, is fairly new but red pill awareness has been spreading for some time. We can look to Japan today if you want to see the future of male/female relationships coming to North America. Many reasons. I wish it wasn't so but it is. Maning up in the sacrificial sense only makes sense if it's appreciated. And then just barely. Ask any blown to bits veteran.
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LOL that's not quite what the stat means, dude

Aside from that, maybe its the education system or something, I don't know. This trend towards coddling and safespaces and other BS is alarming.

Stats? Men commit suicide 4 x women. After divorce 16 x women. Women initiate divorce 75%-80% compared to men(cheaper to keep her). How many relationships does the average person have before marriage? Technically those are all failed relationships. Forget who's to blame, those are just bad numbers.
MGTOW, as we know it is fairly new, but red pill awareness is spreading. We can look to Japan today if you want to see the future of male/female relationships coming to North America. Many reasons. I wish it wasn't so but it is. Maning up in the sacrificial sense only makes sense if it's appreciated. And then just barely. Ask any blown to bits veteran.

Interesting you brought up Japan, I just read this article a few days ago https://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/oct/20/young-people-japan-stopped-having-sex and I think whats happening there is a good example of what I'm saying about boys becoming men. A myriad other factors (mostly unique to their specific culture) are also to blame. Not sure we're headed that way.
Stats? Men commit suicide 4 x women. After divorce 16 x women. Women initiate divorce 75%-80% compared to men(cheaper to keep her). How many relationships does the average person have before marriage? Technically those are all failed relationships. Forget who's to blame, those are just bad numbers.

Men get **** done. Women just whine and cry about it ;)
Men get **** done. Women just whine and cry about it ;)

One theory I heard is that women can't love men the way men love women. Two different kinds of love. You know the kind of love you have for your child? A man can have that for a woman. That's why he sacrifices and can be manipulated. A woman can have that same love for the child but not for the man. Her love is more related to what he can do for her and the child, if they have one. Once they get divorced he still provides a function to her thru alimony and child support but she doesn't need him around.
LOL that's not quite what the stat means, dude

Aside from that, maybe its the education system or something, I don't know. This trend towards coddling and safespaces and other BS is alarming.

If the majority of custody goes to the women then by extension they are the major influence on the kids/boys...so when these boys turn out and grow up to be the bane of their complaints then let's rewind the tape to see how we got here.

Women enjoy, thrive, and create conflict by nature....men get into conflict over major things and it's pretty clear when that conflict occurs who did what to whom...where as women just launch micro attacks on each other all day long. Guys don't do that.

As one of my females friends pointed out, women in a group is okay but women alone, they will attack each other...it's the way it is.

Give someone power without responsibility and they go nuts, give someone power that can't handle it...they go nuts.

Guys need to start tossing these types of women back into the pool and leave them there.
Focus on the the decent women and let the others destroy each other.

Real women are respected by real men...it just works that way.

What I don't get is how the mothers of boys are so vapid.
Do they not see how their own women clan members have skewed the system to FRACK their sons.
The enemy of mothers with sons is OTHER women. When a woman can walk an accuse your son of rape and whamo he is screwed e.g. Duke University
It's not other men hurting your son, it's your own women klan members hurting your son.

Think about that one.
Stats? Men commit suicide 4 x women. After divorce 16 x women. Women initiate divorce 75%-80% compared to men(cheaper to keep her). How many relationships does the average person have before marriage? Technically those are all failed relationships. Forget who's to blame, those are just bad numbers.

And the dumb *** men/athletes that wear pink in September (NFL) for breast cancer awareness yet nobody is wearing blue in November for prostate cancer which 50% of those NFL players will suffer from. Duh! Women are not wearing blue and supporting your cause.

Funny thing is, more women die from heart disease (sad, lonely, broken hearts...I kid I kid) than breast cancer.
Interesting you brought up Japan, I just read this article a few days ago https://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/oct/20/young-people-japan-stopped-having-sex and I think whats happening there is a good example of what I'm saying about boys becoming men. A myriad other factors (mostly unique to their specific culture) are also to blame. Not sure we're headed that way.

Wow with the Japan thing.
-D- looking for cheap flights to Japan.

So let's see women are now competing with this problem, gay guys, and transwomen:lmao:

Men don't need women, just go online for free porn or a few clicks and have an escort arrive in an hour for sex.
Done and done, path of least effort. Girl Power!
Guessing mmmnaked works in real estate. The industry that benefits most from tens of millions of people trying to cram into a limited space. Well guess what bro, eventually wall st 2008, is coming to bay street. And that a is fast approaching, so you better tuck some of those shillings under a mattress somewhere. Housing credit is not sustainable with whats happening to the market in the horseshoe right now. I'd wager that no new GTA mortgage will ever have a zero balance, without a much larger one being issued in it's place on the same property. And that's a problem, a big one. Banks are already issuing mortgages people can't afford, and that's easy to see. Just looked at realtor.ca, the cheapest detached freehold in Toronto is $500k, which means $50k down and the mortgage at Tangerine's current 5 year fixed rate works out to a $2050 monthly payment assuming a 25yr ammortization. To be considered affordable, housing costs should account for no more than a third of NET income, which puts the required gross into 6 figures just for the mortgage alone. Exactly how many 6 figure jobs do you think there are in metro Toronto? Better yet, how may of those jobs are left after you account for commuters? Easy answer, not enough. Oh and btw, the op topic made no mention of importing highly educated proffessionals from places like Dubai. It's about bringing enough 3rd world refugees to overthrow install a pro islam government and institute sharia law. But hey atleast then we can fix the childcare issue by having the mothers where they fucing belong, there is a reason they have dairy producing tits and we don't.
Guessing mmmnaked works in real estate. The industry that benefits most from tens of millions of people trying to cram into a limited space. Well guess what bro, eventually wall st 2008, is coming to bay street. And that a is fast approaching, so you better tuck some of those shillings under a mattress somewhere. Housing credit is not sustainable with whats happening to the market in the horseshoe right now. I'd wager that no new GTA mortgage will ever have a zero balance, without a much larger one being issued in it's place on the same property. And that's a problem, a big one. Banks are already issuing mortgages people can't afford, and that's easy to see. Just looked at realtor.ca, the cheapest detached freehold in Toronto is $500k, which means $50k down and the mortgage at Tangerine's current 5 year fixed rate works out to a $2050 monthly payment assuming a 25yr ammortization. To be considered affordable, housing costs should account for no more than a third of NET income, which puts the required gross into 6 figures just for the mortgage alone. Exactly how many 6 figure jobs do you think there are in metro Toronto? Better yet, how may of those jobs are left after you account for commuters? Easy answer, not enough. Oh and btw, the op topic made no mention of importing highly educated proffessionals from places like Dubai. It's about bringing enough 3rd world refugees to overthrow install a pro islam government and institute sharia law. But hey atleast then we can fix the childcare issue by having the mothers where they fucing belong, there is a reason they have dairy producing tits and we don't.

If you think only realtors benefit from this market, I've got a bridge to sell you. A crash would destroy our economy, there are so many industries and jobs tied to the housing market that it'd be a tough one to recover from. Im aware of how unaffordable it is, we only have ourselves to blame. The lenders are simply giving us what we're asking for.

There are a TON of six figure jobs in Toronto, not to mention couples with dual incomes. Obviously people CAN afford it, because this stuff sells. I don't doubt that many of these folks are stretching it either, but that's their gamble on a speculation. Such goes the market.
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