Couple of things for you to do.
Take a look at your bike for possible paint transfer, was there any damage at scene
If so, can it be traced to the suspect car (broken lights etc., they are # coded).
Depending on what you want to do, phone the police and report with the suspect info.
Just make sure you follow up with officer if they are looking into it.
Another option, if it is an area where the suspect vehicle would park on a regular basis,
go back and find it yourself. Approach the driver, tell them you have a witness and ask what they
would like to do before you go to Police and have them charged....
Last time my truck was hit I measured damage height, drove around the large parking
lot I was in, located the vehicle (...conveniently parked well away now), I sat and
and waited about 40 mins. , driver showed up.....I approached them and advised it was on the lot cameras
(which were actually not working). The original DENIAL turned to tears and my truck fixed with no
no deductible.....