I guess if it's not in cnn it's not real news,, and certainly can't be true
"If i was educated, I'd be a damn fool"
"If i was educated, I'd be a damn fool"
Here is the BBC reporting the 3rd building crashed 20 minutes before it crashed on live TV... But don't take my word on it look it up on YouTube and you will see the live feed. it's conclusive evidence there is no one that can deny it
yet no one says or does nothing about it.
No one questions it...
Because the general public is like you... They refuse to believe reality because it will just complicate your life
How does the British broadcasting agency report a building has fallen down in live TV. 20 minutes before it's falling down?
I guess they're just giving us the real news eh?
"If i was educated, I'd be a damn fool"
So let me get this straight. A government conspiracy to fly 4 planes into 4 targets and the government primitively tells the media of their plans to what? Just to add to the possible number of co-conspiritors? Seems logical its not like in the preceding news segments they had been reporting the collapse of multiple surrounding buildings and the fire dept had been warning that the entire 47 floor structure was engulfed and live new events like this are confusing as heck.
whats next Chemtrails?
You have no idea bro.. Your reality is what they tell you reality is...think real long about that...
250noob for one minute forget what makes sense to you forget the idea "are you telling me they would"
Don't think anything or assume anything g because most people are good human beings and their general goodness prevents them from seeing reality and the existence of evil.
Look at fact.
1) a building g collapsed
2) the building was reported as collapsed 20 minutes before it collapsed on live TV. The reporter who reported it was talking with the building still standing I the background.
So the possible conclusions are
1) she made an error in saying the building collapsed
2) some one messed up and forwarded a pre written news release to the bbc eay in error when the the twin towers fell
The problem.. Most of the world is good and they would not think about these kind of evil acts so they always take theimpossible can't believe won't happen no one would do that approach.
But if you take the human connection out of everything and just look at it you can see the fault in everything
You can go to the John F. Kennedy assassination to distillate they say he was struck by one bullet
It's been scientifically proven that is impossible for him to be hit by one bullet
Everyone there it says they heard multiple shots
But yet the Pentagon releases the news to the mainstream media repeats what they say and it becomes reality
Point is the media is not reporting the news they are in fact making the news they are making the reality
This has become such an accepted norm people will read this and say why are we even talking about this
"If i was educated, I'd be a damn fool"
So the possible conclusions are
1) she made an error in saying the building collapsed
2) some one messed up and forwarded a pre written news release to the bbc eay in error when the the twin towers fell
So the possible conclusions are
1) she made an error in saying the building collapsed
2) some one messed up and forwarded a pre written news release to the bbc eay in error when the the twin towers fell
You can go to the John F. Kennedy assassination to distillate they say he was struck by one bullet
It's been scientifically proven that is impossible for him to be hit by one bullet
Everyone there it says they heard multiple shots
While all that may be true (I certainly believe it) it still doesn't add up to the conspiracies you are espousing.Why is it so hard to believe that rich and powerful men will do anything to gain and keep world power.. They are only human beings.. Human beings shoot and kill people for $100 at a gas station, you think they won't for world domination? How do you think they got to where they are?
Why is it so hard to believe that rich and powerful men will do anything to gain and keep world power.. They are only human beings.. Human beings shoot and kill people for $100 at a gas station, you think they won't for world domination? How do you think they got to where they are?
Ignoring that now we have to add even more people into the this conspiracy. I could level the same accusation your way. You blindly belive what ever comes across your what in a nicely packages internet meme.Everything you say is what main stream media tells you. You have no idea how much you are being fooled. They are all in the same racket.
Oh hell yes. I really kept my China IL love a secret because when you explain that show to people they just give you a blank stare.Most people are good most of the time.
To quote Baby cakes "mostly i just do neutral things
..........So the possible conclusions are
1) she made an error in saying the building collapsed
2) some one messed up and forwarded a pre written news release to the bbc eay in error when the the twin towers fell
You obviously know nothing about tv camera work. That is a woman in London (or wherever they are for the BBC) standing in front of a recorded feed from NY. Does it say 'Live from NYC'? No, it just says LIVE, which she was.
Just finished watching this documentary 'Merchants of Doubt', highly recommend it.
You sound like Dana skully from the x files.
Always a "what if"
Let me know the next time some one shoots some one, the bullet goes through him and hits 2 more and all the witnesses in the crime scene report multiple shots.
The chances are as improbable as 2 buildings free falling to the ground after burning for 2 hours...
Hmm what a coincidence an improbable theory on two improbable events both from the same source.
"If i was educated, I'd be a damn fool"