Career changes

What do you really want to do if you quit / retire? Do you want to sell bikes to a bunch of posers, tire kickers, wannabees? I'm four older than you and self employed trying to wind down but worked three Saturdays in December to keep up. I love working and feeling alive and part of the working world.
If I went to work for HD or Wally I would have a nervous break down or go postal. I can't stand retail crap cheapskate, self centred #@&%*%$#^s. And I can make more in a day doing my thing than Home Depot would pay me in a week.
What skills / assets / attitudes do you have to work with?
What kind of player are you? Would you want to make $2500, fifty cents at a time, selling burgers or the occasional $2500 commission on a big machine? Base hits or a home run?
Pardon the occupational pun but try thinking outside the box. :)
I hear there's a lot of money in blackmail ;-)
Lol.The company had to deal with the SIU back in 2010 after an employee was involved in a bunch of drug related charges.He and a couple of others were found with prescrips from other employees.Google Ryan Acron.He's still alive believe it or not.He was shot 5 times by an officer.

What do you really want to do if you quit / retire? Do you want to sell bikes to a bunch of posers, tire kickers, wannabees? I'm four older than you and self employed trying to wind down but worked three Saturdays in December to keep up. I love working and feeling alive and part of the working world.
If I went to work for HD or Wally I would have a nervous break down or go postal. I can't stand retail crap cheapskate, self centred #@&%*%$#^s. And I can make more in a day doing my thing than Home Depot would pay me in a week.
What skills / assets / attitudes do you have to work with?
What kind of player are you? Would you want to make $2500, fifty cents at a time, selling burgers or the occasional $2500 commission on a big machine? Base hits or a home run?
Pardon the occupational pun but try thinking outside the box. :)
Not sure what i want to do.No mortgage or credit debt.Just need a job to keep busy and provide "pin" money for trackdays and some travel.I admit i am spoiled.Worked 14 years in a union shop for really good money till the 80's recession hit.The company i work for now was awesome till the brothers that owned it,sold it to a holding company that are trying to squeeze every penny out of it.Enough whining.
I wouldn't mind selling bikes actually.I like yakking to people even if they are posers.My goal in life is not to have a nobel prize or statue in my honour.As long as someone says "he was a good person" when i leave,that's good enough for me.
I grew up being told that math is key to a good life, and any job bellow an engineer(excluding civil) is a failure. What a load of crap.

I'd love to do something that has to do with mountains. Ski patrol, ranger, or field research would really suit me. Right now in sticking to my apprenticeship, but as soon as I am done i'm headed to BC where I will pursue something that truly suits me.

invictus43 you moved to BC right?

Nah..I wish. :-) I always got pushed into engineering because of my math marks and the potential to make money. I mean, yeah, the money is ok and the job is easy (I'm a fan of blue-collar workers!), but I don't want to do it forever. If I can get to the point where I can make a lot less money and enjoy life more, I'll do that. Kelowna or I'm good with that.
Thanks for all the input here guys.If nothing else,i am getting some inspiration to at least do some searching.I feel like such a whiner.But i have had it really easy for too long.
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