Carabana 2012

I'm glad I'm 2500km away from all that ********
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uhm Vancouver is at least 5000 kms away from Toronto. I know because I rode that many kms lol.
Veld festival's going on the same weekend...anyone going?

If any of you guys end up going to Caribana, my good buddy's setting up shop to make island style snow cones (snow cones with condensed milk on top)...they taste amazing. Look for a sign that says "Cool Hand Jake's"
This forum is unique in that there appears to be a segment of the internet population here who lead fairly sheltered lives, who will complain at a the drop of a pin that some individual is hindering their perfect internet experience - think of it like a prison of sorts where if you look at an inmate in an odd manner, they'll be playing a game of "Hide the Salami" with your orifices...i.e. unwanted moderator attention.

Of course, to get banned requires (I believe) multiple infractions (but I could be wrong).

Indeed.. who hasn't heard of ethug.txt?

For the record my home IP still banned despite an apology thread and an email to the admin.. :/

Kinda dumb since I can still use my account from elsewhere..

As far as the thread I will not be attending caribana, I have not ever and I don't plan on it. Not into the jiggabootie
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